The first Ukranians arrived into the Green Glens on Wednesday evening, and the RTÉ news covered their arrival. Pascal Sheehy interviewed some of the Ukrainians, as were Community Council members Noel Buckley and Margaret Bourke. The RTÉ coverage can be seen in the article: ‘Now, I feel safe’: Ukrainians fleeing war arrive in Ireland
Tag: RTÉ Television
Sunny Skies
Sunny skies, but still cool tomorrow. Interesting to see we get mentioned on the TV two days in a row. You’d nearly thing it was the Eurovision time of the year …
Cheap Irish Houses
There’s a new upcoming property series on RTÉ series will feature Irish Instagram sensation Maggie Molloy of @cheapirishhouse, who is taking her property hunting skills to the next level by helping singles/couples/families who may be struggling to get on the property ladder.
Maggie has Millstreet connections, and she shot her promo video (above) for RTÉ around Tullig and Mushera, so maybe the scenic views of our locality may have helped in RTÉ taking on the project!
For now RTÉ are looking for people from all over Ireland to apply and take on the challenge. If you’re interested in taking part, GO HERE for details. [read more …] “Cheap Irish Houses”
Tea Brack with William
Ballydaly man William O’Regan was on RTÉ TV yesterday on the Today with Maura and Daithi, where he was making a tea brack, from a recipe he got from his mother.
Watch William baking on the RTÉ Player (from about 55:00 to 1:02:00 in the programme). The recipe is below:
Breeda O’Leary’s Superb Appearance on RTÉ’s “Today with Maura & Dáithí” This Friday Afternoon
Sincere congratulations to Breeda O’Leary of West End, Millstreet who appeared in a superb feature on this Friday’s “Today with Maura & Dáithí” on RTÉ1 television. Accompanied by daughter, Julie and grand-daughter Neila (who also appeared on the excellent programme) Breeda was interviewed by Dáithí and came across as a true natural on television. Breeda recalled in a moving interview how she first met her late husband Neily and we saw some splendid family photographs during the chat. Then the magnificent makeover was coordinated by a highly professional Team revealing the outstanding success at the end of the Show. We thank Breeda for the two images below which were recorded after the Show. The programme may be viewed on the RTÉ Player (Breeda appears at the very start and the very end of the programme). Click on the images below to enlarge. (S.R.) [RTÉ Player] [read more …] “Breeda O’Leary’s Superb Appearance on RTÉ’s “Today with Maura & Dáithí” This Friday Afternoon”
Millstreet Vintage Club on RTÉ’s “Nationwide” Tonight at 7pm
Update: if you missed it, you can see the programme on the RTE Player here

And we feature further images from the very impressive vintage scenes in Millstreet. [read more …] “Millstreet Vintage Club on RTÉ’s “Nationwide” Tonight at 7pm”
On the Edge
Vogue Williams – On The Edge last night on RTÉ1, investigated if Ireland’s drugs legislation has served to harm rather than help our drug users? Nicole Ryan featured at the start and the end of the programme, telling about her brother Alex’s death, and the launch of her campaign.
Watch the programme on the RTÉ Player.
Nicole on Claire Byrne Live
In the aftermath of the sentencing for the death of Alex Ryan, Alex’s sister Nicole was interviewed on the Claire Byrne Live Show on RTÉ1 last night, talking about the effects of drugs on families and those left behind, their prevelance in society, how it can happen to anyone. and what we can do to prevent it happening again.
Watch the interview here.
Recalling 11/11/’11 when Our President was Inaugurated at Dublin Castle
It’s five years to the day that President Michael D. Higgins was inaugurated as President of Ireland on 11/11/’11. It was also a day on which Michael Cashman sent me a text in the afternoon to indicate that he had just seen a few of us on the 1pm News being interviewed outside Dublin Castle Gates in the pouring rain (!) by RTÉ’s Ann Marie Smith. Amazingly the piece was repeated on all the News Bulletins throughout that day! And we have our own personal video coverage of the arrival of the President with all the entourage on that historic day….some of which is yet to be shown on LTV2 Millstreet. (S.R.)
RTÉ / TG4 at Millstreet Museum this Morning

Seán’s interview can be seen on the TG4 Player here, from 6:43 in the Nuacht.
Below are two screen-grabs of the short interview in Millstreet Museum as it appeared on TG4:
On the TV and Radio this weekend
A number of Millstreet people appeared on national TV and Radio this weekend:
First up was Eoin McCaul on the TV3 Toy Show, where he gave a superb performance of an Adele song.
Watch Eoin on the TV3 Player (from 37:50 to 40:30)
Next up were the Millstreet Toddler group who won the RTÉ and Irish Rail “Journeys on Us” competition on the Countrywide programme. They hosted Brenda O’Donoghue for an afternoon when the recording was done.
Listen to them on the RTÉ Radio Player (from 18:20)
Last Night it was the turn of Joanne O’Riordan who was appeared on the Ray D’Arcy Show and spoke to ray about her recent award and how life is progressing
Watch Joanne on the RTÉ Player (from 1:03:00)
Also on the Ray D’Arcy Show was Katie Healy, girlfriend of Kilcorney man David Nolan who was shot in the massachre in the Bataclan Theatre in Paris last weekend
Watch Katie on the RTÉ Player (from the start)
On Monday evening Áine Collins TD was speaking on the Claire Byrne Live Show on RTÉ One TV, about gender quotas for the upcoming election.
Watch her on the RTÉ Player (from 33:40)
More photos below: [read more …] “On the TV and Radio this weekend”
Aileen, Matt and Mary with Miriam on RTÉ 1 Saturday Night

Shutterbug Finalists
Congratulations to two local boys, Jack O’ Riordan aged 6 from Boherbue NS and Adam Keane aged 9 from Lismire NS, who are through to the finals on RTE’s bug-finding series Shutterbugs!
Jack and Adam produced a video reel for the final over the weekend at Duarriglewoods, Brookpark Kilcorney and Millstreet Country Park. Earthworms, Ants and Red Deers was their challenge which they completed and recorded findings at Millstreet Country Park’s lab with Philip Cremin their tour guide on the day.
Producer from RTE Ciara Baker congratulated the boys on their fantastic production.
The Shutterbugs page with videos is located at
Sherkin North Shore to Feature on RTÉ 1 Television on Sun. 1st Feb. 2015 at 8.30pm

Pampered for the Day
Congratulations to Mary Buckley who appeared on the Today Show on RTÉ ONE yesterday. Nominated by her daughter Annmarie to as the make-over candidate for the day, where professionals worked to give her new hair, make-up and style for the day. She came across really well, and the pampering was of course very well deserved.
See the programme on the RTÉ Player. [read more …] “Pampered for the Day”
Preparing Cows for a Dairy Show
This evening Ear to the Ground (RTÉ ONE) had a feature from Millstreet: “Darragh McCullough explores the National Dairy Show in Millstreet, Co Cork, where he meets the Murphys who stay up all night to keep their cows and calves clean for the parade ring.”
It’s an interesting look at what goes on behind the scenes at a dairy show – from leading them, feeding them, keeping them clean, washing, clipping, and blowdrying them, and even hair extensions. See the show on the RTÉ Player (from 15:54 to the end of the programme).
Below are a few more images from the programme: [read more …] “Preparing Cows for a Dairy Show”
Joanne on the Today Show
Joanne O’Riordan was on the Today Show on RTÉ One TV today with Dáithí O Sé and Maura Derrane.
You can see the show on the RTÉ Player.
Joanne is in the studio for all the show, but her interview is from 31:55 to 39:30.
[read more …] “Joanne on the Today Show”
Stephen O’Riordan on the RTE News last Night
Stephen O’Riordan who made the film “The Forgotten Maggies”, has taken it a step further and yesterday was spokesperson for the victims as they seek compensation for their years in the Magdalen laundries. There is an article in today’s Irish Independant on the topic, and there was an item on the RTE News last night which you can see if you click on the still image above (the article starts at 10:15 in the clip).
Richie O'Connor on the 9pm News

He said: “It’s making 18-20 cents. My side of the country in Duhallow, West Duhallow in particular it’s costing 27 cents per litre to produce it”
You can see the clip on the RTE website here, just move the video forward to 11 minutes. [video only available in Ireland]
Plastic Kerrymen
When the Cork teams are playing
your heart would fill with pride
what a shame to be a plastic
and support the other side
From dear old Ballydaly
back to the county bounds
a strange little creature
in some places can be found
So, if you can’t support your own county
we don’t need you anymore
go ahead and pack your bags
and buzz off to Rathmore
They’ll send you to Killorglin
a lovely town of note
you’ll be very welcome
they always need a GOAT!
by Jerry Lehane
Transcript recited by Chloe Collins on RTE last Saturday night. Of course there’s lots of them Plastics appearing out since the match last Sunday. “C” reg cars with their kerry flags out the window. To be avoided
Up for the Match

Wonderfully colourful preparations at Presentation N.S., Millstreet for next Sunday’s All Ireland Football Final between Cork and Kerry in Croke Park. RTÉ came to film a sequence for “Up for the Match” (Saturday 9:30pm on RTÉ1 ) while Cork and Kerry newspaper photographers visited the school on Wednesday, 16th Sept. 2009. Meanwhile Seán Murphy and Margaret Pierce got to hold the real Sam Maguire Cup in Dunmanway last Friday night at the opening of the Sam Maguire Annual Festival. (Seán Radley for )
Lots of more photos below
[read more …] “Up for the Match”