Presentation Day 2018 in Millstreet

A wonderful annual Millstreet tradition on Presentation Day (21st Nov. 2018) was superbly upheld today when the children from Presentation N.S. splendidly enhanced the liturgy of the 10:00 a.m. Mass with their truly exquisite singing and music.  This was followed by the placement of a special wreath in the Cemetery of the Presentation Sisters near the Church Grounds where a special hymn in honour of Nano Nagle who founded the Presention Sisters Order was sung by the 34 sixth class pupils.   Staff members from Millstreet Community School and Sr. Eileen of the Presentation Order also attended the annual celebration. Here we share some 23 images from the annual occasion.  Click on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Presentation Day 2018 in Millstreet”

Remembering Our Faithful Departed

Parish Secretary, Sharon Lane has created a very special feature in front of the main altar of St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet for this Saturday Evening’s Mass of Remembrance.  We also share images of the November Garden Sacred Space 2018 in the Church.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Remembering Our Faithful Departed”

November Mass of Remembrance Tonight at 6:30 in Church

The dedicated Team involved in the design, the arrangement and the overall maintenance of the special Sacred Space – The November Garden of Remembrance 2018 (more images of which we shall upload later today) – include Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Sharon Lane (Parish Secretary), Declan Crowley of Milltech Print Design Co., Cork and Julie Brady, Sacristan.  The annual feature is greatly admired and is a source of very real consolation to many.

The Annual Mass for all those who died within the past year will be celebrated tonight – Saturday, 10th Nov. 2018 at 6:30pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.   All are invited to this special Mass of Remembrance.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Special Sacred Space for Papal Visit 2018 at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet

A magnificent Sacred Space has been created at St. Patrick’s Church to especially mark the upcoming Papal Visit to Ireland by Pope Francis.   Coordinated by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. and Parish Secretary, Sharon Lane the wonderful feature is further enhanced by the work of Millstreet Men’s Shed (crafting the very beautiful tree), the photography of Fr. James McSweeney (superb image of the Cross on Clara Mountain) and the splendid art design of Declan Crowley of Milltech.  The overall theme is World Meeting of Families 21 – 26 August 2018. Here we share a selection of images illustrating the Sacred Space and also showing further Papal features within the Sanctuary.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Special Sacred Space for Papal Visit 2018 at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet”

Calendar 2018 Cheque Presented to Millstreet Parish Church Choir

A substantial cheque from the sales of the superb Millstreet Calendar 2018 was this morning (27th May 2018) presented to Millstreet Church Choir after 11:30 Mass in St. Patrick’s Church. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
From left: Marie Twomey (Organiser Supreme of the Annual Millstreet Calendar); Jane Daly (Organist and Conductor of Millstreet Parish Choir) accepting the cheque from Noel Buckley (Chairman, Millstreet Community Council); Margaret Bourke (Officer, Millstreet Community Council).

Annual Divine Mercy Novena Begins on Good Friday

We thank Gobnait for reminding us that the annual Divine Mercy Novena begins after the Good Friday ceremony on 30th March 2018 and continues to be recited daily at 3pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet until Divine Mercy Sunday.  (S.R.)

First Friday Mass Presently Available on Church TV

Celebrant Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. is presently (from 7:30pm) saying First Friday Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.   While many could not attend due to weather conditions it is possible to tune into Church TV (Channel 53 UHF) to receive live transmission.  (S.R.)

Christmas Concert in Millstreet Church

Millstreet Community Hospital are looking to renovate their palliative care room in the hospital and are in need of your help. If you can come to our concert on the 8th of December it would be greatly appreciated.Tickets are available at Millstreet Hospital and from local outlets.
[read more …] “Christmas Concert in Millstreet Church”

International First Holy Communion 2017 in Millstreet

Recently at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet two ladies from Malawi in Africa having been dedicatedly prepared by Sr. Rosemary Barter of Drishane House, Killarney Road – received their First Holy Communion during a mid-week Mass concelebrated by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. and Fr. Paddy O’Byrne.  Following the special ceremony the congregation congratulated the two Communicants and their families.  Later refreshments were enjoyed at “Nibbles” in West End.  Click on the images to enlarge.   We thank Mike Riordan for providing us with the names of the families. (S.R.)

Prudence Milonde and Bertha Musa are the two ladies who received their First Holy Communion. Their husbands are Frank Ndema and Chimango Manondo respectively. Their children are Ashley and Terence.  They are all from Malawi, Africa.

Saints on Church Windows in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet – Seeking Information

We have recently been asked by a number of people a query regarding two of our beautiful windows in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.  Below we illustrate both windows.  The first one has the SC indication and SD in the lower image on the same window.   We welcome your suggestions re the identity of these Saints.    The second window is the very large one behind where the Choir used to sing in the Church Gallery.   Who is the Saint praying to the Lord?  We would be very grateful of any assistance in these queries.  Please use our Comment facility here or email millstreetmuseum …. Saints in most of the magnificent stained glass windows have been identified but these two windows are still the subject of research regarding the identity of the Saints depicted on the windows. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)


The answer was provided in a later post, but is included below for clarity:

“What a truly wonderful response we’re received regarding our query just posted on our website last night!  And we are so very grateful to Jerry Sheehan of Los Angeles, California, USA who has identified the Saints on both windows of St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.  The letters SC and SD provide an important clue – the “S” on all the windows symbolises the word “Saint”.  Jerry now reveals that the Saint on the large window at the back of the Choir Gallery is Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.  And the Saint on the other window is Saint Charles Borremo while the Saint depicted in the smaller frame of the same window is Saint Dominic.  Thanks a million, Jerry, for so very promptly contacting our Millstreet Museum email address with such highly significant information.  (S.R.)” [1]




Reach Out Cancer Support Annual Mass this Friday at 7:30 pm

“ROCS Reach Out Cancer Support Millstreet will hold their annual Mass this Friday 16th Dec at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.   All are welcome but in particular anyone who has been touched in any way directly or indirectly by cancer.   Please join us for a cuppa in Parish Centre afterwards.”  This message has been kindly shared by Mairéad Daly to whom we express our sincere thanks.  (S.R.)

Mass of Remembrance Tonight at 6:30 in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet

The magnificent November Garden remembers 30 people who have gone to their Eternal Reward over the past year. A special Mass of Remembrance takes place on Sat. 26th Nov. at 6:30pm. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
The magnificent November Garden remembers 31 people who have gone to their Eternal Reward over the past year. A special Mass of Remembrance takes place on Sat. 26th Nov. at 6:30pm. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)



The very beautiful annual feature is coordinated by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Sharon Lane, Declan Crowley of Milltech Printing and Julie Brady.
The very beautiful annual feature is coordinated by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Sharon Lane, Declan Crowley of Milltech Printing and Julie Brady.

4november-garden-in-st-patricks-church-2016-1000And we share some further images below of this very special feature in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. [read more …] “Mass of Remembrance Tonight at 6:30 in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet”

Neighbours Meet After Saturday Evening Mass

Murphy's Terrace, Millstreet is the setting with which all these neighbours are linked. The Burke (Bourke) brothers meet with Dennehy Family members who were visiting Millstreet on Saturday and who had climbed Clara Mountain earlier in the day.  (S.R.)
Murphy’s Terrace, Millstreet is the setting with which all these neighbours are linked. The Burke (Bourke) brothers – Tommy & Brendan meet with Dennehy Family members who were visiting Millstreet on Saturday and who had climbed Clara Mountain earlier in the day. (S.R.)

School Pals Meet on Bloomsday 2016

After 10.00 a.m Mass on Thursday (16/6/'16 - Bloom's Day) celebrated by Fr. Paddy O'Byrne - three ladies who had been in the same class at Presentation N.S., Millstreet met to recall happy memories.  From left - Bridget King, Eily Buckley and Sr. Mary Moynihan (presently at home on holidays from the Mercy Order, Rockhampton, North Queensland, Australia.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
After 10.00 a.m Mass on Thursday (16/6/’16 – Bloomsday) celebrated by Fr. Paddy O’Byrne – three ladies who had been in the same class at Presentation N.S., Millstreet met to recall happy memories. From left – Bridget King, Eily Buckley and Sr. Mary Moynihan (presently at home on holidays from the Mercy Order, Rockhampton, North Queensland, Australia). Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Bicycle in the Porch

1909 St.Patrick's Church Millstreet - Bicycle in the Doorway 02In this photo a bicycle rests in the front porch of St.Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. It is a zoomed-in image from one of the William Lawrence photos which was taken about 1910.

We don’t think anyone noticed the bicycle previously. Thanks to Mary for pointing it out.

Another interesting detail which can be seen in the full photo (again when you zoom in) are the rosary beads hanging on the railings and gates on the left and right of the entrance from the street.

The full photo can be seen on the NLI website here.

The grave in front of the door was that of Canon Griffin who died on 22nd February 1899. It was relocated to the right as you enter the church yard when the church was rebuilt in the early 1930s. [read more …] “Bicycle in the Porch”

Fr. Liam Dunne SVD Shares the Divine Word Missionaries Message This Weekend at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet

1Fr. Liam Dunne SVD preaches in Millstreet Feb. 2016 -600
Fr. Liam Dunne SVD of the Divine Word Missionary Order sharing religious literature following his splendid preaching at Masses this weekend in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. He shared such thoughts in his circulars as: “A beautiful appearance will last a few decades but a beautiful personality lasts a lifetime.” Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Fr. Liam pictured with Fr. Ray Kennedy, the Singing Priest - in Medjugorje,
Fr. Liam pictured with Fr. Ray Kelly, the Singing Priest – in Medjugorje.

Framed Pictorial History of Church Launched for Christmas 2015

At St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet after 10.00 a.m. Mass on Monday, 21st Dec. 2015 which was attended by the Pupils and Teachers of Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet B.N.S.
At St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet after 10.00 a.m. Mass on Monday, 21st Dec. 2015 which was attended by the Pupils and Teachers of Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet B.N.S., Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. introduced the children (some of whom are pictured above with their Teacher – Ms. Norma Buckley) to a magnificent framed feature illustrating the history of the Church.   This had been presented by Dan Duggan (on right of Canon John) and has now been put in position by Dan at the entrance of the Church.   Included in our photograph also is Michael O’Rahilly.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

3Pictorial Church History by Dan Duggan 2015 -600 4Pictorial Church History by Dan Duggan 2015 -600 2Pictorial Church History by Dan Duggan 2015 -600Dan & Canon John shared a fascinating account of the history of the Church and the children listened with great interest.   In the framed feature one may view the pre-1930s Church with its galleries on both sides including two sets of stairs.  This can then be compared to photographs of the modern Church.   Photographer supreme, Justin Black of “Justborn Photography” assisted Dan in the creation of [read more …] “Framed Pictorial History of Church Launched for Christmas 2015”

November Garden 2015 in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet

Throughout November 2015 the very impressive November Garden has been in place at St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet remembering the forty-one people who have died in Millstreet Parish during the past year.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Throughout November 2015 the very impressive November Garden has been in place at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet remembering the forty-one people who have died in Millstreet Parish during the past year. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

2015 11 06 261-6002015 11 06 259-6002015 11 06 260-600The dedicated Team involved in the design, the arrangement and the overall maintenance include Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Sharon Lane, Declan Crowley of Milltech Print Design Co., Cork and Julie Brady.  The annual feature is greatly admired and is a source of very real consolation to [read more …] “November Garden 2015 in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet”

Reach Out Cancer Support Group’s Annual Mass on Fri. 30th Oct. at 7.30pm

Millstreet R.O.C.S. (Reach Out Cancer Support) Group will hold its annual Mass on Friday, 30th October 2015 at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.   Everyone is very welcome but in particular those who have been touched directly or indirectly in any way by Cancer.  Please join us in the Parish Centre after Mass for a cuppa.    We thank Mairéad Daly, Chairperson R.O.C.S. for this important notice.  (S.R.)

Annual Mass Celebrating Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet 2015

On Wednesday evening, 10th June 2015 the annual Mass to celebrate Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet Parish was held in St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet preceded by adoration for one hour in the Church.  Millstreet Community Singers truly enhanced the ceremony which was followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre.   Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
On Wednesday evening, 10th June 2015 the annual Mass to celebrate Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet Parish was held in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet preceded by adoration for one hour in the Church. Millstreet Community Singers truly enhanced the ceremony which was followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

6Annual Mass celebrating Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet -8005Annual Mass celebrating Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet -8001Annual Mass celebrating Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet -8003Annual Mass celebrating Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet -800Here we share further images of Millstreet Community Singers attending the [read more …] “Annual Mass Celebrating Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet 2015”

Maintenance Rather than Checking Out the “Golden Eagles”!

The impressive scene outside St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet this Wednesday morning (8th April 2015) with Martin Leader's Hoist in place - not to check out the "Golden Eagles" location as people humorously surmised - but rather the continuation of Church maintenance near the bell tower.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
The impressive scene outside St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet this Wednesday morning (8th April 2015) with Martin Leader’s Hoist in place – not to check out the “Golden Eagles” location as people humorously surmised – but rather the continuation of Church maintenance near the bell tower. Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

4Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -8001Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -8007Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -800The work is being carried out in brilliant sunshine as we enjoy such great Easter Week weather.  Some more images [read more …] “Maintenance Rather than Checking Out the “Golden Eagles”!”

Easter Ceremonies 1916 in Millstreet

Easter 2015 is just gone, but here’s a look back at the Easter Ceremonies in Millstreet 99 years ago, and how different it was:

1916-04 Report on Easter Ceremonies in MillstreetThe impressive ceremonies connected with Holy Week were carried out with the customary solemnity in St.Patrick’s Parish Church, Millstreet. On Holy Thursday High Mass was celebrated at 10 o’clock, the celebrant being the Rev M. F. Scanlan, C.C.; deacon, the Rev. J. J. O’Sullivan, C.C, and the sub-deacon, Very Rev. J. Canon Casey, P.P., V.F. After Mass the Blessed Sacratment was taken from the High Altar to the Alter of Repose. The children of the Presentation Convent Schools, tastefully dressed, and the members of the Children of Mary Society, preceded by cross-bearcer and neolytes (sp?) . inarched in processional order round the Church. The Altar of Repose, where the Sacred Heart rested in a bank of flowers, and lit up by innumerable tapers, formed a beautiful spectacle, and was visited all day by a constant stream of devoted worshippers. On Good Friday Mass of the Pre-sanctified was celebrated by the Very Rev. J. Canon Casey, P.P., V.F., and tho Blessed Sacrament was taken back to the High Altar in processional order, as on Holy Thursday. All through theo day the Church was visited by worshippers, whose demeanour was most edifying. The glorious Feast of the Resurrection was celebrated with all the joy and splendour befitting the great occasion. At nine o’clock Mass, an eloquent sermon on the [read more …] “Easter Ceremonies 1916 in Millstreet”