Quiz Night – Surgeon Noonan

Two local girls, Jennifer Lenihan and Gemma O’Regan, both 4th year medical students in UCC are hosting a pub quiz this Friday February 2nd in the Bush Bar.

Gemma and Jennifer are heading to Africa this summer to volunteer in hospitals in Malawi and Zambia as part of Surgeon Noonan, a charity run by UCC medical students. Each year, UCC medical students volunteer in rural hospitals in Sub-Saharan African hospitals. Gemma and Jennifer will fund the travel and other costs themselves. All the money raised through this fundraiser will go towards purchasing medical equipment and supplies, which the girls and their classmates will carry with them to the hospitals.

The UCC students raise approximately €150,000 each year. In recent years, this money has been used to fund hospital renovations and medical supplies, with one hospital even purchasing an ambulance last year.

All and any support will be greatly appreciated for this fantastic cause!