Noreen Lucas (née Duggan),
Lisnaboy, Cullen
& Lausanne, Switzerland
Acknowledgement and 1st Anniversary
20th November 2019
The family of the late Noreen Lucas , née Duggan , of Lisnaboy, Cullen and Lausanne, Switzerland wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on the death of Noreen.
We are deeply grateful to our extended family, friends and neighbours, for their support, kindness and generosity. Thanks to those who attended Noreen’s Memorial Mass in Cullen, those who telephoned and to those who sent mass cards, sympathy cards and many lovely letters. Our sincere thanks to Canon John Fitzgerald who celebrated Noreen’s Mass and to Joan and Sharon for their invaluable help. As it would not be possible to thank everybody individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our gratitude and appreciation to all. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.