Yoga Fundraiser New Town Park Playground

Millstreet  Town Park Committee would like to sincerely thank Irina Popova of Infinite  Arts who is generously giving her time with this initiative contributing to the funding of the proposed new  Playground – see  Irina’s post below for details.   Please support this great community spirit.

If you’re not of the Yoga persuasion and  wish to make a financial contribution for  a new playground in our Town Park you may:

  1. lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2D
  2. lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account
  3. send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

If you wish to confirm your contribution  or hold your own fundraiser we would be delighted to hear from you at  <>

Plans for the new Children’s Playground:
[read more …] “Yoga Fundraiser New Town Park Playground”

NEW Infinite Chi Kung & Tai Chi – 3 week course

CHI KUNG and TAI CHI can be defined as a way of using posture, gentle movement, breathing techniques and visualisation to circulate, purify, and gather the chi or life energy.

CHI KUNG ( or Qi Gong) literally means “chi work” or “working with chi”. Chi Kung is known in ancient China as “the method to repel illness and prolong life”

Practising TAI CHI regularly can improve coordination, relieve stress, promote overall wellbeing and peace of mind and strengthen immune system.

Wednesdays June 26th, July 3rd & 10th 6.30-7.45pm
Millstreet Parish Centre

Each class will consist of gentle Warm Up,  “Golden Sun” Infinite Chi Kung & Infinite TaiChi moves. Suitable for all. Cost : 30€

[read more …] “NEW Infinite Chi Kung & Tai Chi – 3 week course”

Infinite TAI CHI, CHI KUNG & Meditation

Infinite TAI CHI, CHI KUNG & Meditation
Hosted by Irina Infinite Arts

Infinite CHI KUNG is a powerful practice to get in touch, cultivate and preserve the Chi or Life Energy.

During this course you will learn & practice:
* Infinite CHI KUNG – cultivate Radiant Chi
* Infinite TAI CHI – alignment, balance, focus
* Infinite MEDITATION – peace and joy

8:15pm – 9:15pm in Millstreet Parish Centre on
Tuesdays May 15th, May 22nd, June 5th, June 12th
4 weeks – €40
Contact: 0857180291 / <email> / Facebook

Tai Chi / Yoga classes in Millstreet

Energise Your Body & Calm Your Mind with Infinite Tai Chi and Yoga.

“This gentle form of exercise can prevent or ease many ills of aging and could bbe the perfect activity for the rest of your life.” Harvard Medical School

Canon O’Donovan Centre, Millstreet Town
ASHTANGA YOGA Beginners & Continuation
On Wednesdays 6.30 -7.45 pm
From 30th April
Cost: €70 for 6 weeks course
Infinite TAI CHI & Rejuvenation Exercises
On Wednesdays 7.45 – 9.00 pm
From 30th April
Cost: €70 per 6 weeks course
Boherbue Parish Hall
On Thursdays 6.00 -7.30 pm
From 1st May
Cost: €50 per 4 weeks
Infinite TAI CHI & Rejuvenation Exercises
On Thursdays 7.30 – 9.00 pm
From 1st May
Cost: €50 per 4 weeks

Contact Irina at 085-7180291 /  email: <email>