Tubrid Holy Well Rhododendron Features in Prestigious Garden Magazine

A purple and red Rhododendron which is beautifully located on the Grounds of Tubrid |Holy Well has featured as a prize-winning photograph in the May 2015 issue of "The Irish Garden".  We thank James O'Sullivan for alerting us to this very interesting feature.  Pictured from left beside the very special Rhododendron - John O'Sullivan, Rathduane, James O'Sullivan and Pat O'Keeffe from Garryvoe.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
A purple and red Rhododendron which is beautifully located on the Grounds of Tubrid Holy Well has featured as a prize-winning photograph in the May 2015 issue of “The Irish Garden”. We thank James O’Sullivan for alerting us to this very interesting feature. Pictured on Friday, 19th June 2015 – from left beside the very special Rhododendron – John Anthony O’Sullivan, Rathduane, James O’Sullivan, Claraghatlea and Pat O’Keeffe from Garryvoe. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

2Tubrid Holy Well 19th June 2015 -8001Tubrid Holy Well 19th June 2015 -800Tubrid Holy Well is wonderfully enhanced by the landscaping surrounding the Well adding further to the exquisite ambience of [read more …] “Tubrid Holy Well Rhododendron Features in Prestigious Garden Magazine”

Mass at Turbid Holy Well on Tuesday at 8pm with Fr. Kevin Mulcahy

The Annual Mass  at Tubrid Holy Well for those about to begin examinations will be celebrated by Fr. Kevin Mulcahy on this Tuesday 2nd June 2015 at 8.00p.m. All are very welcome.  Below are three images from Friday evening’s Annual May Mass at Tubrid (29th May). (S.R.)3Mass at Tubrid  on Fri. 29th May 2015 -8001Mass at Tubrid  on Fri. 29th May 2015 -800 2Mass at Tubrid  on Fri. 29th May 2015 -800

Tubrid Holy Well

Today is the start of 2015-04-28 Tubrid Holy Well - photo montageMay, the month known as the month of Mary. As is traditional, many people from near and far join in with their families and friends to come to Tubrid Well to pray the Rosary.

This morning (May 1st) there will be a Rosary and May Day Celebration hosted by our Active Retired Group. The Holy Rosary will be recited there every evening at 8pm this month, and all are welcome.

If you can’t make it to Tubrid, you could visit the new Tubrid Holy Well page. There are lots of nice photos, but it’s always better if you can go to the well and pray there in the tranquil surroundings.

The Rounds: In the month of May each year people [read more …] “Tubrid Holy Well”

Fr. Paddy O’Byrne Celebrates Mass at Tubrid on Thursday Evening

Blessed with superb weather Fr. Paddy O'Byrne celebrated Mass on this Thursday evening, 19th June 2014 on the occasion of the 54th anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood.  Fr. Paddy very especially remembered his late brother, Bernie, recently deceased during the Mass.   Bernie and the O'Byrne Family regard Tubrid Holy Well as one of the most tranquil and beautiful setting one could experience.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Blessed with superb weather Fr. Paddy O’Byrne celebrated Mass on this Thursday evening, 19th June 2014 on the occasion of the 54th anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood. Fr. Paddy very especially remembered his late brother, Bernie, recently deceased during the Mass. Bernie used to and the O’Byrne Family always regard Tubrid Holy Well as one of the most tranquil and beautiful settings one could experience. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

2Fr. Paddy's Mass at Tubrid on 19th June 2014 -8003Fr. Paddy's Mass at Tubrid on 19th June 2014 -8001Fr. Paddy's Mass at Tubrid on 19th June 2014 -8005Fr. Paddy's Mass at Tubrid on 19th June 2014 -800


Annual Tubrid Mass – Next Friday Night at 8 – 30th May 2014

tubrid2The annual mass at Tubrid Well

will take place at

8pm next Friday May 30th

On Radio Kerry this coming Sunday morning in the weekly series “Horizons” there is scheduled to be a brief feature on Tubrid.   “Horizons” is broadcast from 9 to 10 a.m.   (S.R.)

Apologies that the mass was initially listed as this evening May 23rd

Tubrid Mass Celebrated by Fr. Kevin For Examination Students

Fr. Kevin Mulcahy celebrated the annual Mass at Tubrid Holy Well especially for Students beginning their examinations this week.  Blessed with superb weather the Mass was well attended in the beautiful setting.   We wish all Students well in their forthcoming examinations.  (S.R.)
Fr. Kevin Mulcahy celebrated the annual Mass at Tubrid Holy Well on Tuesday evening, 4th June 2013 especially for Students beginning their examinations this week. Blessed with superb weather the Mass was well attended in the beautiful setting. We wish all Students well in their forthcoming examinations.   (S.R.)

Miracles At Tubrid

The annual Mass for the month of May will be held in Tubrid Well
this evening Friday May 25th at 8pm


Miracles at Tubrid

Around the fire grate on Winter nights I often heard the old man of stories tell
Stories of miracles that did occur at Tubrid’s Holy Well
Of people who were blind to light who suddenly could see
He did impress on my young mind how amazing this place must be

He said the Tubrid waters has cures for every known disease
And it even cured an allergy that one old bloke had to fleas
It cured people of cancer and it cured people of gout
And drinking Tubrid water cured one of warts in the mouth
[read more …] “Miracles At Tubrid”

Tubrid and Millstreet Website Friends On Visit Today

On a special day for the four Millstreet Visitors who came from Carriganima, Glanmire and the Lake District in England they hold a portrait of Tubrid Holy Well for which location they have great regard and are pictured at West End, Millstreet today (2nd July 2011). They are all very loyal followers of our Millstreet website - clearly very decerning people!

Keeper of Tubrid Well & Shrine

James O’Sullivan keeper of Tubrid Well Shrine near Millstreet, Co Cork

I caretake it. I inherited a responsibility, an obligation from my father, who inherited it from his father, and I will pass it along to my son Matthew as well. I come from farming stock, and we always take our responsibilities seriously. We didn’t have a whole lot, but what we did we looked after. And I see this as my duty – to look after this well the same way my father did.

Around the well there are rosary beads, and then there’s a crucifix at the end of that. So people come down and they do the rounds. The usual thing is to go around three times. There are people down there, I am not joking you, every hour of every day. The month of May being the month of Mary, that’s when people go there in their droves. And I mean at any one time on a Sunday afternoon, there could be 300 people, 400 people there. You might think maybe it was only the elderly people that go there, and sure enough they do go there. But there are younger people as well. I see a lot of people in their 20s. [read more …] “Keeper of Tubrid Well & Shrine”

Tubrid Holy Well 2000 – Pictures

Tubrid Holy Well – a haven of peace – is situated 2km west of Millstreet Town. The picturesque spring well, reputed to be Ireland’s largest Holy Well, is visited annually – especially in the month of May – by thousands of people.


One of the many groups of people who visit Tubrid
– Presentation Sisters from the South Western Province


A section of the large crowd attending one of the Masses celebrated at the Holy Well with Clara Mountain in the background.


Mgr. Manning, Fr. Buckley and Fr. Tarrant concelebrate Mass on the last Friday night in May, 2000 at the permanent altar near the Grotto at the Holy Well.


Fr. Kevin Mulcahy (5th from left) with friends following his annual Mass (in June, 2000) for Students who were about to begin the Leaving and Junior Cert. examinations.


Fr. Paddy O’Byrne accepts a copy of “Picture Millstreet” from Eily Buckley following his celebration of Mass for his many local friends and for a group of Americans with whom he was travelling. Fr. Paddy ministers in America.


Jerry Doody sings superbly at the celebration of Mass at the Holy Well while (on right) John Anthony O’Sullivan, Ballydaly provides the excellent public address system.

Note: You can read the history and significance of Tubrid if you click on this link: http://www.millstreet.ie/blog/information/tubrid-well/