“We are delighted to release this fantastic production of ‘Belonging’ by our TY GCE Group (Global Citizen Education). Great to see & hear our students despite Covid19. We look forward to meeting everyone again soon ” – Millstreet Community School
Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
“We are delighted to release this fantastic production of ‘Belonging’ by our TY GCE Group (Global Citizen Education). Great to see & hear our students despite Covid19. We look forward to meeting everyone again soon ” – Millstreet Community School
To mark International Women’s Day we’d like to invite active retired ladies to a Coffee Morning in Millstreet Parish Centre on Wednesday 4th March between 10.30am and 12 noon.
It’ll be a chance for us to have a chat about changes in society through the years and how they have affected women. We’d love to see you there!
From: Millstreet Community School Transition Year Global Citizenship Education group (2019/2020)
For the attention of parents/guardians of students in Millstreet Community School: Please note that the deadline for receiving shoe boxes in Millstreet Community School for the TEAM HOPE SHOEBOX APPEAL is Friday 9th November 2018 at 11am. This is to enable boxes to sorted before the weekend and therefore ready for collection.
A big thank-you to everyone who supported the Wear Your Waste recycled fashion event that took place on Thursday 26th April 2018 in Millstreet Community School. It really was a very memorable event. The teachers in the local National Schools who encouraged their pupils to get involved should be commended on their efforts. The event proved to be a great opportunity to raise the issue of ethical and sustainable fashion, and to encourage us to ask big fashion brands, ‘Who made my clothes?’
[read more …] “Wear Your Waste event at Millstreet Community School – thank you!”
The day has arrived for Wear Your Waste! It will be a great celebration of the hard work put in by pupils and teachers from all the local schools. Around 30 creations made using recyclable material will be ‘modelled’. There will also be music, song and dance during the evening along with a raffle with lovely prizes. There will also be prizes for the most creative entries in the competition. Admission is free and everyone is welcome to come along and show their support, not just for the participants but also for the Transition Year students who have been planning this ingenious event for a number of months. The night will start promptly at 7.30pm and participants are asked to be in Millstreet Community School by 7.15pm so that the running order can be confirmed.
The Millstreet Community School TY Development Education group would like to thank everyone who came along to the coffee morning on 9th March to mark International Women’s Day. It proved to be a great opportunity to chat over a cup of tea/coffee and buns baked by the students about what life was like for women in Ireland over the years up to the present day. All agreed that it would be great if this type of gathering happened more often. (photo – Helen Moore)
A group of students from Millstreet Community School who formed the school’s first development education committee during their Transition Year in 2015/2016, received certificates in recognition of their efforts from Garda John Crowley. They had organised a range of activities within the school and local community. These included a climate change petition, the ‘thumbprint’ campaign, and a climate change seminar for local post-primary schools in Green Glens Arena. They also taught lessons to students on Fairtrade and the UN sustainable development goals.
The Millstreet Community School Transition Year Young SVP group would like to express their thanks to all those who contributed items to their collection in aid of Cork Penny Dinners. Aida Costello came to the school on Tuesday 20th December and some of the TY students involved, with their teacher Mrs Mary Randles, helped bring the substantial quantity of items donated to her car. The students would like to express their thanks for your support.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Trad for Trocaire event that took place on Friday 7th October 2016 in Millstreet Community School. It was an evening of fine traditional music, song and dance. Well done to all the students who participated. A total of €297 was raised to support Trocaire’s work. Thanks for your generosity.
(banners designed and painted by Natalia and Paulina Raducka)
A Transition Year RE class has been working on a project relating to climate change over the last two months. It is called ‘Make your Mark for Climate Justice’. It is inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si in which he called on all humans to play an active part in caring for the planet. The project is based on a campaign run by SMA Wilton Justice and Peace office, which involved people making a pledge to make a difference in their everyday life, for example, by turning off the tap when cleaning teeth, unplugging phone chargers when not in use, and not leaving electrical equipment on standby. As a sign of their pledge, each person was invited to place their thumbprint on a specially prepared card that they could then bring home as a reminder. A small group of TY students from Millstreet Community School will be inviting parishioners in Millstreet on Saturday 12th March at 6.30pm Mass to do likewise.
The Fun Day run by The Animal Roadshow on Sunday 14th February in Millstreet GAA Hall was a great success. The event was run in support of the four 5th year students from Millstreet Community School who will be going to Lourdes as helpers with the Irish Pilgrimage Trust at Easter 2016. The students are Darragh McSweeney, Bridelle Cronin, Jasper Eastwood Lennon and Caroline Murphy. The cost of travel and accommodation for each of them is €650.
Thanks to everyone who turned up at the event and all those who helped out. It was a great team effort. €1370 was raised. The Animal Roadshow can be booked for a variety of events. They provide a fantastic variety of activities. Please check out their website theanimalroadshow.com for more information.
[read more …] “Very well supported Animal Roadshow Fun Day in Millstreet GAA Hall”
A Games Day (or afternoon) will take place in Millstreet Community School on Thursday 28th January from 2.00-3.30pm. It will be hosted by a group of the Transition Year students and is open to adults of all ages. A range of card and board games will be played. There will also be some traditional Irish music and freshly baked refreshments to enjoy! Admission is free.
The meeting between the Millstreet Community School TY Youth for Justice group and some adults in the community is due to take place on Thursday 14th January between 2.50pm and 4.00pm in the school. There had been some confusion over the date. Apologies!
TV3’s Chef Adrian will be giving a Christmas cooking demonstration in Millstreet GAA Hall on 17th November hosted by O’Leary’s Family Butchers in association with Millstreet Community School Transition Year Students in aid of Millstreet Community Hospital.
Tickets €10 availabe from O Leary’s Family Butchers, Instyle Hair Design & Transition Year Students. Anyone who watches Chef Adrian knows how entertaining and informative he is – so look forward to a great evening!
Thanks to everyone for their efforts with regards to the Team Hope Shoebox appeal. Over 300 boxes were brought to Millstreet Community School from Rathcoole National School, Millstreet Boys National School, Presentation Convent National School Millstreet, Knocknagree National School and by pupils of Millstreet Community School. Thanks also go to the members of the Transition Year ‘youth for justice’ group in the Community School for sorting all the boxes and getting them ready for collection.
A sign of the changing nature of Irish society became evident in Millstreet Community School, the Transition Year students hosted a Language and Culture Night from diverse nationalties. The event brought together young people and their families in a celebration of the different languages and cultures, including Irish, which now exist in the Millstreet area. People from over ten countries were involved in some way in the enjoyable evening. Including personel from Poland, Chechnya, Côte d’Ivoire, Germany, Nigeria, Malawi, Pakistan and South Africa.
Proceedings opened in the School Library involved young people being given the opportunity to [read more …] “Community School hosts Language and Culture Night”
The Transition Year Graduation took place in Millstreet Community School on Tuesday 12th May 2015. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Jack Fitzgerald with students playing an active part in much of the liturgy. Afterwards Mr. Derry Sheehan (Managing Director of Avonmore Electrical) presented a folder containing certificates to every student acknowledging their achievements during the year. Cheques for €500 were then presented to representives from SVP Millstreet and Cork Penny Dinners. This money came from the proceeds of the recent Fashion Show. The €730 cheque for Trocaire was raised by the students through participation in the 24 hour fast during Lent. More photos below: [read more …] “A very successful Transition Year Graduation at Millstreet Community School”
Yesterday afternoon the Transition Year students of Millstreet Community School started a woodland habitat study in the woodland at the back of the Community school.
The Millstreet Tidy Town Association have organised in conjunction with Mr. Derry Morley, for a Wildlife Biologist, Mr. Tony Keneally to come and facilitate this study to be done. This will be happening for the next 3 to 5 weeks with the Transition Year Students.
Their work will involve mapping the woodland habitat and ecological experiments and activities. Their aim is to map and setup a management plan for the woodland area. The best plan will be presented to Millstreet Tidy Town committee for submission with this year’s entry. We wish them luck.
Pictured is [read more …] “Woodland Habitat Study”
Millstreet Community Schools Active Lenten Programme was featured on The Horizons radio show which aired on Radio Kerry yesterday morning from 9am to 10am (Sunday March 22nd). Noreen Moynihan interviewed school chaplin John Magee and the students about the activities (Fair Trade, Climate Change, Language and Culture) that have been taking place in the school in the last few weeks.
To listen to John Magee’s interview, go to Horizons “Listen Now” page. In the audio player, click on “Part1.220315”, and you can hear it from 00:40 to 5:26
To listen to the students talking about the projects, go to Horizons “Listen Now” page. In the audio player, click on “Part2.220315”, and you can hear it from 00:00 to 7:40.
Piotr Delimat the new Polish Chaplin in the Kerry Diocese is [read more …] “Horizon feature the Active Lenten Programme on Radio Kerry”
Photo: Transition Year students Áine McAuliffe and Cara Sheahan who devised and administered the Fairtrade survey that was completed by proprietors in Millstreet in February 2015
Millstreet Community School Transition Year Fairtrade Group have conducted a survey of Fairtrade products in our local shops and found a great variety available.
Buying Fairtrade labelled products is a powerful way to make a difference to the lives of people in poorer countries. Simply by switching to Fairtrade, you can help lift people out of poverty, at no cost to you. Fairtrade actually changes lives, by eliminating the causes of poverty. It guarantees fair wages; no child labour; environmental sustainability.
Locally available Fairtrade products include flowers, all Cadbury’s chocolate, some Nestlé chocolate, tea, coffee, drinking chocolate, Green and Black chocolate, and a wide variety of fruit. Keep an eye out for these when shopping locally in Coleman’s Centra, Supervalu, Nibbles, Herlihy’s Centra and Aroma.
The T.Y. class hosted a Fairtrade Fest in Millstreet Parish Centre on 28th February, and lots of people showed an interest. The T.Y. group now hope to set up a Fairtrade group here in town with interested people looking to get more involved.
We hope eventually to have Millstreet become a Fairtrade Town. This would raise the profile of the Fairtrade efforts in the area, and get recognition and media coverage for local outlets offering Fairtrade products. See fairtrade.ie for details.
It would be a big help if shops and community groups also got involved.
If you would like to find out more, you can e-mail <email> or phone 029 70087 and give your name and contact details. Thank you!
The Fair Trade Fest will take place in Millstreet Parish Centre on Saturday 28th February 2015 after 6.30pm Mass. The event, which takes place during Fairtrade Fortnight, will raise awareness about the opportunities to purchase products marked with the Fairtrade stamp locally and how doing so supports the work of producers in developing countries. There will be a raffle for this hamper containing Fairtrade goods, some of which have been donated by local retailers.
Those who do not have a family member attending the school can buy a line on Saturday night in the Parish Centre to be in with a chance of winning the hamper. A line costs €1. The draw will take place at 7.30pm on Saturday night. All are welcome to attend.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the event and helped in any way to make the quiz a success. Thanks especially to the Wallis Arms for providing the back room free of charge and to John Tarrant for devising excellent questions once again.
While Jennifer posed the many questions it was John Tarrant who actually wrote them. Table Quiz Events are definitely hugely popular in Millstreet. Let’s observe many more images from tonight’s very [read more …] “Superb Gathering for MCS Table Quiz Tonight at Wallis Arms Hotel”
With great style in evidence and a very happy spirit the Students enjoyed a wonderfully refreshing and appetising meal followed by a disco with their favourite musical choices played by the excellent DJ. Here we share some futher images from this annual social [read more …] “Transition Year Students Enjoy Social Event at Wallis Arms Hotel”
Candle holders are €3 for 1, or 2 for €5. They will also be selling upfurbished house furniture