Henry Wallis (1790 – 1862) of Drishane Castle

High Sheriff for county Cork 1829 (TODO: any more years?)


HENRY WALLIS, (1790 – 6 Jan. 1862) of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P, and D.L. High Sheriff. 1814, Lieut.-Col. South Cork Rifles,

Married 1st, Charlotte Forster (–1816), by whom he had

  • one son, deceased

Married secondly, 26 Dec 1827, Ellen (1897-1930), daughter of Grice Smyth, of Ballynatray, Co. Waterford, and sister of the Princess of Capua, and of Lady Dinorben  and had:

  • JOHN RICHARD SMYTH, (5th June 1827 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle (see below)
  • Mary Gertrude, (Apr 1829 – 5 May, 1857) died unmarried.

For full details, see the lineage of the Wallis Family of Drishane.


Marriage to Ellen Smyth

MARRIED: On Tuesday the 26th instant, in the Episcopal Church of Youghal, by the Lord Bishop of Cloyne; Henry Wallis, Drishane Castle, County of Cork, Esq. to Ellen, eldest daughter the late Grice Smyth of Ballynatray, County of Waterford, Esq. Immediately after the ceremony, the happy couple returned to Ballynatray, accompanied by the Lord Bishop and several members of the Smyth family, where the Christmas festivities are being kept up in the usual stylo of elegance, so peculiar to its present hospitable owner Richard Smyth, Esq. – [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Thursday 29 December 1825]

REJOICINGS AT MIILLSTREET. TO THE EDITOR OF THE CORK CONSTITUTION. Sir, —Having arrived here on Thursday the 2nd inst, I found the town a perfect seen of bustle, the assemblage was numerous and each individual seemed as if the business of the day depended exclusively upon his exertions; on enquiry I found that Captain Wallis and his amiable and accomplished Bride, were expected in town in the evening on their way to Drishane Castle, the beautiful seat of this deservedly esteemed Gentleman; and that the population had assembled for the purpose of evincing their respect and attachment, by general illumination, bonfires, &c. &c.
About six their approach was announced, when some thousands proceeded meet the happy pair, which they no sooner than in despite all remonstrance and entreaty, the horses were taken from the carriage, which they drew with deafening acclamations to the Castle, a distance of not less loan five miles. It is superflous to remark that the illuminatino was general, embracing even the must humble cabin, and that the bonfires were numerous not only in the Town, but eminence to a considerable distance. The following night some hundreds were entertained in the domain. I am, Sir, &c. &c. E. Millstreet, February 7. [Cork Constitution – Saturday 11 February 1826]



TODO: first child to miss foster

BIRTHS: On the 5th instant, in Dublin, the lady of Henry Wallis of Drishane Castle, in this Co. Esq. of a son & heir – [Cork Constitution – Saturday 09 June 1827]
BIRTHS:  On the Sackville-Street, the lady of Henry Wallis, Drishane Castle, County Cork, Esq. son and and heir – [Dublin Evening Mail – Wednesday 06 June 1827]

BIRTHS – At Sydney-Place, Cork, lady of Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq., a daughter. [Limerick Evening Post – Tuesday 21 April 1829]
BIRTHS: At Sydney Place, Cork, the lady of Henry Wallis of Drishane Castle, of a son – [Dublin Morning Register – Thursday 23 April 1829]  (note: The “son” is probably a misprint and should be daughter)

TODO: did Henry and Ellen have two sons, as not mentioned in Burkes?


Death of Ellen

Feb. 25, in Bath. Grace, wife of Henry Wallis, Esq., of Drishane Esq., County of Cork, and eldest daughter of the late Grice Smyth, Esq., of Ballynatray, County of Waterford. He remans arrived Cork the Superb steamer, on Thursday evening, and were conveyed to the family vault in Millstreet Church. [Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent – [Tuesday 09 March 1830]
(Shouldn’t Grace read Ellen?)

DEATHS. In Bath on the 25th ult., Grace wife of Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, County of Cork, Esq., and eldest daughter the late Grice Smyth, of Ballynatray, County of Waterford, Esq.— Her remains arrived in this City in the Superb steamer, Thursday evening, accompanied by her afflicted husband and Mr. J. Caulfield Irvine, and were met most the members of the Smyth and Wallis families, who, anxious pay their last tribute of affection and respect, attended their lamented relative to the family vault Millstreet Church. Any panegyric on this amiable lady must fall short indeed of her real worth: she was a dutiful child, an affectionate wife, a tender mother, and a sincere friend she supported a protracted illness, originating in a severe cold, with fortitude and true Christian piety, and her last breath was expressive of resignation to the decree of her Divine Master, into whose hands she devoutly and fervently committed her spirit.— Her loss will be severely felt by the poor of her neighbourhood, (Mr. Wallis being one our few resident landlords)—She exerted herself to alleviate their distress, encouraging amongst them habits of industry. To many she advanced money, and was repaid by instalments from their earnings ; she supplied the women with spinning wheels, in like manner, as also flax and many other articles, so much so, that through her encouragement and exertions the linen manufacture was progressing about Millstreet. But alas I heir friend and patroness is now gone to “that bourne from whence there is return,” sincerely regretted by those who had the happiness of her acquaintance, and deeply lamented by her disconsolate husband and afflicted relatives. [Cork Constitution – Saturday 06 March 1830]


Sherriff of Cork County

His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to appoint the following Gentlemen to High Sheriffs for the ensuing year
Co. Galway: Robt. Parsons Persse, of Castleboy, Esq.
Co. Monaghan, Richard Adams, Esq.
Co. Antrim, John Rowan, of Larne, Esq
Co. Cork, Henry Wallis, Westwood, Esq.
Co. Down, Arthur Innes, of Dromartine, Esq.
Co. Dublin, John Hamilton Esq.
Co. Kerry, Robert Leslie, jun. of Talbert, Esq.
[Saunders’s News-Letter – Tuesday 08 February 1814]

High Sherriff: 1814: Henry Wallis of Drishane Castle [List of High Sheriffs of County Cork]

DUBLIN CASTLE, 12th November, Names of Gentlemen returned by the Judges of Assises to serve the office of Sheriff for the ensuing year: … CORK— John Longueville, of Longfield, Esq. ; Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq.; Standish Harrison, of Castle Harrison, Esq. … [Drogheda Journal, or Meath & Louth Advertiser – Wednesday 10 December 1828]

HIGH SHERIFFS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. DUBLIN CASTLE, 25TH NOVEMBER, 1828. Names of Gentlemen returned by the Judges of Assise, to serve the office of Sheriff for the ensuing year: … CORK— John Longueville, of Longfield, Esq. ; Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq.; Standish Harrison, of Castle Harrison, Esq. … [Saunders’s News-Letter – Monday 01 December 1828]

His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to approve of Henry Wallis, Esq., of Drishane Castle, being appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Cork. Commission to bear date 30th June, 1835. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Friday 03 July 1835]

Deputy Lieutenant Sheriff for County Cork 1837 [The Dublin Alamac and General Registry for Ireland 1837, p186]

Question: is there a difference between High Sheriff and Sheriff?

The following is a list Magistrates for the county of Kerry, included in the new Commission, as recenred the Clerk the Peace Wednesday last : … Henry Wallis, Drishane Castle, Co. Cork … [Kerry Evening Post. – Wednesday 13 June 1838]


Fashionable Mentions in the Newspapers

FASHIONABLE MISCELLANY. The Lord Bishop of Limerick and suite, and several other persons of distinction, arrived on Thursday last at Drishane Castle, the hospitable mansion of Capt. Wallis, in the County of Cork. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Saturday 10 June 1820]

FASHIONABLE MISCELLANY – … Arrived at Gresham’s Hotel, Sackville-street— Capt. Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, County of Cork, with his superb equipage… [Saunders’s News-Letter – Wednesday 08 August 1821]

On Wednesday evening last, the (Church of Ireland) Bishop Limerick, accompanied his son, Dr. Elrington, F. T. C. D. passed through Millstreet, on their return from Kerry. He dined Drishane Castle, the hospitable mansion of Capt. Wallace. Doctor Elrington preached the most interesting sermon previous the confirmation of over 100 persons. From Millstreet the Bishop proceeded to Mallow. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Thursday 12 September 1822]

KILLARNEY RACES. Killarney, Monday Night, June 30.— the four horses entered at the Curragh, for the Kenmare Stakes, only two started this day. The first heat was easily won by Mr. Creagh’s herse, Clan William, and in the second heat he distanced Mr. Croker’s mare Paragon. The assemblage of rank, fashion, and equipages, was very imposing. Amongst the most conspicuous were Lord Headley’s chariot and four, and the chariot and four of Mr. Wallis Drishane Castle. There scarcely a bed disengaged In the town, and the two balls promise fashionable overflow. [Dublin Morning Register – Tuesday 08 July 1828]

DEPARTURES yesterday at Conway’s Royal Hotel (Clonmel?) — Viscount Villars and suite on his way to visit the Lakes of Killarney, Miss Smith, Mr. John Smith and suite, for Ballinatray House, Captain Wallis and suite for Drishane Castle. [Cork Constitution – Thursday 28 August 1828]

TO BE LET, FROM THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, For such Term, as may be agreed on:THE MILL, and MILL LANDS of Millstreet. Proposals to Henrv Wallis, Esq, Drishane Castle, and Duplicates to HerbertO’Donnell, Esq. Coole-House, Millstreet. No promise of preference. April 10. [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Tuesday 13 April 1830] (TODO: move to Drishane)

A BOARD OF HEALTH has been established in the Town of Millstreet, which is composed of the Magistrates, the Clergy of all persuasions, and the Physician to the local Dispensary, for the purpose of purifying and cleansing the town, as well supplying straw and bed clothes to the destitute poor; to accomplish these objects a considerable sum has been raised by private contributions, including from Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq. [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Saturday 10 December 1831]

PROTESTANT CONSERVATIVE SOCIETY OF IRELAND. The Society met on Tuesday at their rooms, Tims’s, 85, Grafton-Street, Alexander Montgomery, Esq., High Sheriff of the County of Monaghan, in the chair. The following gentlemen were announced by the Secretary as having been ballotted for and admitted since the last day of meeting :-  … Henry Wallis, Esq., Drishane Castle, Millstreet, County Cork; …  [Waterford Mail – Saturday 28 July 1832]

Lakes of Killarney — Fashionable Arrivals at Hegarty’s Hibernian Hotel — … Capt Wallis, Drishane Castle … Saunders’s NewsLetter – Friday 09 September 1836]

Arrivals Whitmore’s Club-House, Carlow: Lord Powerscourt, Lord Jocelyn, the Lord Primate of Ireland, the Horourable and Very Rev. the Dean of Ossory, the Earl of Donoughmore, the Earl of Glengall, Lord Howarden, Lord Carberry, Lord Amiens, Stephen O. Moore, Esq., County Tipperary, Lord and Lady Bovle, Lady and Miss Osborne, Hon. Randal Plankett, M.P., Robert Fowler. Esq., John Flood, Esq., the Marquis of Waterford, the Dowager Lady Carrick, Captain Wallis, Drishane, County Cork, Richard Smith, Esq., Ballinalray, Silver Oliver, Esq., county Cork, Abrafam Moiris, Esq., Dunkettle, County Cork, Nicholas Leader, Esq., Mount Leader, county Cork, &c., &co. [Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail – Saturday 04 February 1837]

LAKES OF KILLARNEY – The following are amongst the latest arrivals at the Hibernain Hotel, Killarney – The Right Hon Lord Limmers, St Eustace Leader, Esq, Mr and Mrs Leader of Mount Leader; Miss macCartie, Capt. Eustace and EB Hall Esq 82nd Regt; Captain Adams and Mr Grant, 10th Regt; Capt. St. Wallis, Drishane Castle …. [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Tuesday 31 July 1838]

CORK HARBOUR REGATTA – ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS – … …. Captain Wallis, Royal Cork Yacht Club, Drishane Castle £1 1 0 – [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Tuesday 23 July 1839]

CORK RACES – Thrusday – The course was very well attended. The first race was contested with great between Mr. Barry’s Ballysax and Dr. O’Neill’s Splendid; the former winning each hear by a length … … We noticed present several of the county gentry and gentlemen of the turf. James S Barry – courtenay, (Ballyedmond), — Morris (Dunkettle), A.D. O’Driscoll, Captain Wallis, (Drishane) were on the course. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Monday 28 October 1839]


His Reported Murder in 1821

At first it was reported that Wallis had been one of the few not attacked, then it was reported that he had been killed, or mortally wounded, and finally that he had been attacked, and made a successful defence!!!

… By letters received from Millstreet, County of Cork, and its vicinity, it appears that there is not a gentleman’s residence from Kanturk to that town, with the exception of Drishane Castle, the seat of Captain Wallis – and Rathroe, the seat of Denis McCartby, Esq.-that had not t visited by those nightly disturhers, who prowl about in search of arms, and in most instances are successful… [Exeter Flying Post – Thursday 29 November 1821]

IRELAND. Dublin, Nov. 28 — Accounts continue to be received in Dublin, almost hourly, of new atrocities: … It has been stated to me this afternoon, upon very respectable authority, that Mr. Wallace, the late High Sheriff of the County of Cork, who resided at Drishane Castle, has been either murdered, or so badly wounded, that his life is despaired of. His house was attacked on the same night (Sunday last); and it is added, that he made a gallant resistance, and repulsed his assailants, not withstanding his having, early in the contest, received his wound. [Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser – Monday 03 December 1821]

Ireland.—ln our preceeding columns we have given continued narrative of the horrible disturbances in Ireland. We have to add to the melancholy recital another instance of barbarity, contained in a Dublin paper of Wednesday : —”Accounts continue to be received Dublin, almo6t. hourly, of new atrocities. Letters have reached to-day, from the neighbourhood of Newmarket, in the county of Cork, announcing the assassination of a most respectable gentleman, Captain Waters of that place. This murder was perpetrated by a band of ferocious monsters. Sunday evening. The particulars cannot be fully known until to-morrow.”— It also reported, that Mr. Wallace, late High Sheriff of the county of Cork, has shared the same fate at Drishane castle. Among other reported outrages the burning of a church to the ground in the County Kerry is mentioned. What a frighful picture of human depravity. [Chester Courant – Tuesday 04 December 1821]

The Dublin Papers since our last, gave account of another horrible murder on the body of Captain Waters, who resided in the vicinity of Newmarket, and of an attack upon Captain Wallace, of Drishane Castle, who made a spirited and successful resistance. An attempt had likewise been made to assassinate a gentleman near Roscommon, he was returning home on horseback, but the ruffians finding that was not their intended victim, they suffered him to depart. [Hull Advertiser and Exchange Gazette – Friday 07 December 1821]


(move to another article somwhere?)

On Thursday evening, William Preston White, Esq. of whose active services as a Magistrate we gave another efficient instance in our last, returned to this City, with the prisoners had taken on that occasion, whom he safely lodged the County Oaol, on the charge Whiteboyism, under the committal of Henry Wallis, Esq. of Drishane, who had zealously assisted in their arrest. The following are the names of the prisoners:— • Charles M‘Carthy, Denis M‘Carthy, Timothy Mac Auliffe, John Mac Auliffe, Daniel Shea, jun., Cornelius Shea, John Drum, Daniel Keeffe, Daniel Shea, senior, Jeremiah Shea, Garrett Cotter, J. Leary, William Geary, and Michael Brien.
Mr. White also escorted, on a similar charge, Cornelius Sullivan and Cornelius Herlihy, under the warrant of Hubert Hedges Eyre, Esq. Wednesday night the haggart of Mr. H. Huberts, of Snugburough, in the neighbourhood of Innishannon, was maliciously set tire, which six stacks wheat were entirely consumed. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Tuesday 22 January 1822]

William P. White, Esq. having received information, late on Friday night last, against a number persons concerned in the above horrid murder, proceeded the next morning to Millstreet, and with the assistance Sir Hugh Gough, K. C. B. Colonel of the regiment, and William Wallis, Esq. of Drishane Castle, and a party the military, they marched from Millstreet at 12 o’clock on Saturday night, to the Parish Kilcummer, (about half way between Millstreet and Killarney,) where they succeeded in apprehending eight men, one whom has given important information to Mr. White. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Thursday 14 February 1822]

Wm P White, examined — Remembers the 5th January ; was out to take prisoners, against whom he had information, when he met this party between Millstreet and Kanturk: Captain Wallis and Capt. Darcy, and 20 the 22d regiment, started from Drishane Castle about 11 o’clock, and remained out until four in the morning; took 14 prisoners, among whom were the two in the dock, and Breen, about four miles from Drishane, to the north of Millstreet. they were on two horses; Breen had a musket without a lock, and Cotter had a pistol. The prisoners offered no defence. [Belfast Commercial Chronicle – Monday 25 February 1822]
(i think cotter was deported to tasmania later – TODO find the article on cotter)


[Ancestry – RobyneWalkerNZ]


TODO: Connections between the Wallis and Smyth families from the early 1700s. Manuscript in the national archives
II.i.3.a. Legal costs of Richard Smyth [1706-1768],
Includes cost of Richard Smyth’s fine and recovery of part of his estate in Co. Limerick, 8 February 1729 and legal costs owed to Henry Wallis in case against White, 1749-1753.

The following are the principal Nobility and Gentry, through whose several Estates in this County the contemplated Rail Road will run Mr. Wallis, Drishane Castle, Augustus Yeilding, the M’Carthy Family, Mr. Cronin, the Park, the Herbert Family, Earl Kenmare, Lord Headley, the Bland Family, Mr. Hurly, the Representatives of Mr. Bernard, Rev. Denis Mahony, Sir John Godfrey, the Mullins Family, Judge Day, M’Gillycuddy, Lord Headley, Dlennerhassett Family, Marquis Lansdowne, O’Connell Family, Trinity College Lands. [Kerry Evening Post. – Wednesday 28 October 1835]
Did the wallis lands extend into kerry???

PLEASE NOTE: this article is in constant development. all contributions are welcome

Henry Aubery Beaumont Wallis (1861-1926)

TODO: Straighten this out

Aubrey Wallis was the last of the Wallis Family to own Drishane Castle and estate. …….

Henry Aubery Beaumont Wright (1919)
Henry Aubery Beaumont Wallis-Wright (1919)

HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS, late of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P. and later of Roskrow-Penryn, Cornwall. [details]

Born on 4 July, 1861 to Major John Richard Smyth Wallis (1828-1868) and Octavia Willoughby (unknown-1901) . Third in a family of four children (siblings details below) [ref].

His father died in 1868, and Henry is the heir to the estate.

1868 Referred to as Aubrey Willoughby Wallis in a newspaper – this may have been a mistake on the part of the reporter though [TODO: clarify]

1871 Census: Living in St George Hanover Square, Belgrave, London, with his mother, and sister Eva Violet.

He was commonly known as Aubrey Wallis [ref], though the people of Millstreet knew him as “the Minor”.

Married firstly: 1 March, 1883, in Kidderpore, Bengal, India,  to Elizabeth Caroline, eldest dau. of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham, 5th son of the 3rd Lord Clanmorris (see BURKES Peerage), and by her has issue. From him she obtained a divorce by Act of Parliament 1906. [Read our article on that divorce]

1885: Birth of a son: HENRY DIGBY, late Lieut. Scots Guards (Guards Club), b. 3 June, 1885. [ref: article on Digby]

1886 – January – He had been living at ‘The Grange’ in Auckland, NZ, but sold all his possessions and moved back to England [ref]

1896 August 14th – Mr Henry Aubrey Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Millstreet, has returned to his paternal home after many years of travel. This will be welcome news to all who knew him. Mr Wallis was the largest employer of labour in the Millstreet district. [Cork Constitution]

He is credited with opening the new houses at Minor Row [ref], which were named after him.

1888: Daughter: Audrey Beatrice Jean, b. 23 Jan. 1888 ; m. 5 Jan. 1909, Francis Ivan Oscar Brickmann, 119th Infantry, Indian Army; divorced in 1921; married Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath on June 4th 1921; died 28 Oct 1961. (see below for further details)

1901 – Aubrey appears in the 1901 Census of England, as head of the house at 128 Piccadilly, a Gentelman’s club at the time called the Piccadilly Club.

1906 – Divorced (Read our detailed article)

1907, 11th February: Married 2ndly, to Julia Mary Catharine Curteis, widow of Edward Witherden Curteis, Capt. 24 Regiment, and only dau. and heir of Mrs. Wright (see WRIGHT of Moltram Hall, Cheshire).

1911 – Appears in the Census of England, as head of the house with his wife Julia Mary Catherine, a visitor, and seven servants (a butler, a footman, a pantry boy, a housekeeper, two housemaids, and a kitchen maid). Address: Roskrow, Penryn, Cornwall. His occupation is stated as “Justice of the Peace for County Cork”

1913: Became Master‘ of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds

1914: Death of his son Digby in Belgium in WWI

1916: On the death of his mother-in-law Julia Catherine Wright (88), he changed his surname from Wallis to Wallis-Wright, to protect the Wright surname.

1920: Gave up the Mastership of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds, and sold his pack of Kerry Beagles which had been in the family for generations.

1922: His wife Julia died on 18 Sep 1922, aged 64.

In 3rd January 1923, he changed his name from Wallis-Wright to just Wallis [ref], after he had originally changed it in 1916 [ref]

Passed away on 20 Apr 1926 in the Piccadilly Hotel, London

note: Have yet to figure out where he got the “Major” part of his name


Aubrey’s Family Tree

OHN RICHARD SMYTH WALLIS, (5 June 1828 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle, J.P., High Sheriff, 1857, Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards;

Married 1st Sept. 1853, Octavia Willoughby, and by her (who m. 2ndly, 4 April, 1872, Sir G. H. Beaumont, gth bart., of Cole Orton Hall, Co. Leicester, and d. 19 June, 1901) had:

  • Digby Henry Willoughby, (2 June 1854 – 18 July 1858) buried 31st Jul 1858 in Drishane Parish Cemery.
  • Eva Octavia Augusta Willoughby, (b. 5 Jun 1859 in Drishane – 28 March 1860)
  • HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT, (1861-1926) now of Drishane Castle (see below).
  • Eva Violet Amelia Gwen Willoughby, (24 Dec 1868 – 16 Jan 1929)
    Married 29 June 1888 in Brentford, Maj. Edgar St. John Christophers, D.S.O. (1861-1924). Divorced 21st March 1906, and had issue.

    1. Violet Dorothy Agnes Christophers, Lady (Dorothy) (1889–1970), married George Malcolm Hilbery Sir (1883–1965)
    2. Digby Richard Nugent Christophers (1890–),  married Kathleen Griggs (1895–)

HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS,  of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P., and later of Roskrow, Penryn, Cornwall, (4 July, 1861 – 20 Apr 1926);

Married first, 1 March 1883, Elizabeth Caroline, eldest dau. of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham, 5th son of the 3rd Lord Clanmorris. From him she obtained a divorce by Act of Parliament 1906. [TODO add link to profile]. They had issue:

  • HENRY DIGBY, late Lieut. Scots Guards (Guards Club), b. 3 June, 1885. d. October 1914 in St. Julien, France in WWI. [TODO: link to his article when published]
  • Audrey Beatrice Jean, 23 Jan. 1888 – 28 Oct 1961;
    Married 5 Jan. 1909, Francis Ivan Oscar Brickmann, 119th Infantry, Indian Army; divorced in 1921; no issue.
    Married Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath on June 4th 1921.


[See the full Wallis Family Tree (1595- present)]



from “Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Passtimes 1919”:

There are very few men in the Kingdom today who could boast of a more brilliant or a more successful career in sport than Major Aubrey Wallis-Wright, Farming Woods Hall, Brigstock, Northsmpyonshire, and Master of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds. Born on July 4th, 1861, at Drishane Castle, Co.Cork, Major Wallis-Wright was the son of Mr.John Richard Smyth Wallis, High Sheriff of Co.Cork in 1857. In 1883 Major Wallis-Wright married Elizabeth Caroline, eldest daughter of the Hon. Yelverton Bingham, fifth son of Lord Clanmorris, by whom he had one son and a daughter. The former Lieutenant Henry Digby Wallis, Coldstream Guards, was killed at Ypres during October, 1914, The death of this gallant son proved a heavy blow to the Master of the Woodland and Pytchley. An extraordinary affection and spirit of camaraderie existed between father and son, and it was the dream of the former’s life that his heir and the “last of the line” should take over the family pack of Kerry Beagles on his retirement from office.
In 1907 Major Wallis-Wright married Julia Mary Catherine, window of the late Captain EW Curteis, who on the death of her mother Mrs Julia Catherine Wright, succeeded to the Mottram estates, Cheshire. In September 1916, the surname of … (there’s 2 more page on Aubrey in the article, but are not currently availbale)


Julia Mary Catherine Wallis-Wright
Age: 64
Birth Date: 1858
Burial Date: 18 Sep 1922
Burial Place: St Peter, Stockport, Cheshire, England

TODO: find out more about her


ELIZABETH CAROLINE BINGHAM was the daughter of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham and Caroline Begbie.

She married, firstly, Henry Aubrey Beaumont Wallis on 1 March 1883.

She and Henry Aubrey Beaumont Wallis were divorced in 1906 by Act of Parliament.

She married, secondly, William John Wallace, son of Captain Henry Ritchie Wallace, on 27 July 1906. He died on 1st April 1908.

She married, thirdly, Major Alan Rowley Sale-Hill, son of General Sir Rowley Sale-Hill and Caroline Sophia Sale, on 8 August 1914.

She died on 1 July 1924. [details]




Aubrey’s Mother: Octavia Willoughby was born illegitimately. She was the daughter of Digby Willoughby, 7th Baron Middleton. She married, firstly, Major John Richard Smyth Wallis on 01 Sep 1853. She married, secondly, Sir George Howland Beaumont, 9th Bt. , son of Sir George Howland Willoughby Beaumont, 8th Bt. and Mary Anne Howley , on 4 April 1872 in St. Paul’s Church, Knightsbridge, London, England She died Dame Octavia Willoughby Beaumont on 19 June 1901 at 66 Cromwell Road, London, England. She was buried in Cole Orton, Leicestershire, England. Her will was probated, at ¹12,196.  Her will was probated at £12,196, which, using the most modestcomparator, would be over a million pounds today, or rather more than four million comparing average wages. A lady of means indeed! [ref1] [ref2]

This is where the name “Beaumont” comes from.


TODO re-file this:

CHRISTOPHERS Eva Violet Amelia Gwen Willoughby of the Gardens Hotel 47 Stanhope-gardens South Kensington Middlesex widow died 16 January 1929 at 7 Knaresborough place South Kensington Probate London 7 March to Arthur Pollock solicitor. Effects £8048 18s 6d. [Index of Wills and Administration 1929]


The Kerry Black and Tans.
It is interesting to learn that the fine pack of Kerry Beagles,
which are showing sport in the Woodland Pytchley country, will
shortly come into the market, Major Aubrey Wallis-Wright having
decided to give up the Mastership . These black-and-tan hounds
have been in the Master’s family for many generations, and are
famous for their hunting qualities. Originally they were hunted
in Ireland, then went into the Ribblesdale pack and hunted the
wild buck in Lancashire and Yorkshire . Major Wallis-Wright got
the strain back, and formed a pack which hunted the Four Burrow
country in Cornwall . When he accepted the Mastership of the
Woodland Pytchley in 1913 he took the Kerry Hounds with him.
They are remarkably powerful hounds, the dogs averaging 25 ins.
and the bitches 231 ins. They have exceptional bone, and not a
single hound stands over at the knees. Major Wallis-Wright has
bred them with the utmost care, using only sires and dams that
have well proved their working ability. An offshoot of the
Pytchley country, the Woodland has always been noted for the
superior quality of its hounds. When Lord Lonsdale hunted the
country he brought one of the finest packs in the kingdom from
the Blanknev kennels. His successor, Mr. Austin Mackenzie,
brought his own hounds from the Old Berkeley country, and when
he gave up the Mastership fourteen years later he sold the pack for
5,000 guineas, Mr. W. M. Wroughton buying the bitches for
£3,000 and lending them to Lord Southampton, who hunted the
country for a couple of seasons. Mr. E. A. V. Stanley also had a
very fine pack at the Brigstock kennels. In regard to working
quality the present pack compares favourably with any of its predecessors, and the black-and-tans are likely to be keenly sought
after. [Polo Monthly 1920]

Polo Players as M .F .H’s.
Polo players are likely to he strongly represented on the list
of M.F.H.’s next season. Captain George Renyille, for example,
has arranged to take Major Aubrey Wallis-Wright’s place in the
command of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds. He should make
an excellent M .F.H . He has been getting his hand in this winter
by helping his old friend, Mr. Isaac Bell, with the Kilkenny
Hounds. The keenest of sportsmen, Captain Bellville is generally
popular. Polo readers will remember the dashing games he used
to put up for the Old Cantabs, helping that grand team to win
seyeral Champion Cups. Unfortunately, the bad wound he
receiyed early in the war prevented him from playing polo last
summer, when he had to content himself with serying as official
umpire of the chief Ranelagh matches. [Polo Monthly 1920]

NOTICE is hereby given, that HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS (now or
lately called Henry Aubrey Beaumont Wallis-Wright), of Keythorpe, in the parish of Tugfby and county of Leicester, Gentleman, a natural born British subject, has by deed poll, duly enrolled in His Majesty’s College of Arms on the third day of January instant, assumed and adopted the surname of Wallis in lieu of his previous surname of Wallis-Wright. and intends henceforth upon all occasions to sign and subscribe himself and be styled in all legal and other documents by the surname of Wallis in lieu of and in substitution for his former surname of Wallis-Wright.—Dated the third day of January,1923. [THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 JANUARY, 1923. p195]

WALLIS Henry Aubrey Beaumont of Keythorpe Leicertershire died 20 April 1926 at the Piccadilly Hotel Piccadilly Middlesex. Probate London 7 July to the Public Trustee. Effects £60383 9s 10d. [Index of Wills and Administration 1926]

Lineage of the Wallis Family of Drishane

Wallis Family of Drishane

(from their roots in Cork/Waterford
in the 16th century to present)

In 1595, THOMAS WALLYS resided at Curryglass. Co. Cork ; he died before 1630, leaving a widow and two sons. The elder son,

THOMAS WALLYS, of Curryglass, left at his decease two sons,

  • THOMAS, of Curryglass, of whom hereafter (see below)
  • Peter, of Shangary, Co. Cork, living 1630, High Sheriff 1660, had a large grant of land under the Act of Settlement,
    Married Audrey, daughter of Barachias Baker, of Carrigrohan, Co. Cork, and d. 1679, leaving by her (who d. 1685) four daus. (viz., i.

    1. Margaret, m. Col. Edward Corker, of Ballymaloe, co. Cork, and d.s.p. 17 July, 1721 ;
    2. Katherine, m. 1679, Ebenezer Low, and d. 8 July, 1697 ;
    3. Mehetabel, m. Francis Foulke, and d. 1 July, 1703 ;
    4. Mary, m. Benjamin Glascott, of New Ross, who d. 6 Oct. 1723
    5. John, of Carrigrohan, J.P., whose dau. and heir,
      1. Mary, m. Charles Gookin.
    6. Barachias, of Ballycrenan, m. 1688, Ellen Cross, of Ballybrazil, co. Wexford, and d. intestate (adm. 7 July, 1711) leaving two daus. and a son:
      1. Susan, m. William Corker, of Kilbrenan, co. Cork ;
      2. Eleanor, m. Jan. 1730, Sylvester Cross, of Passage co. Cork, who d. 1767),
      3. William, of Ballycrenan, m. Clotilda, dau. of Thomas Uniacke, of Woodhouse, co. Waterford, and had
        1. Barachias, of Ballycrenan, m. 1763, Anne, dau. of Emanuel Pigott, and d.s.p. Jan. 1765.
        2. Helena, m. John Colthurst. […]
        3. Clotilda, m. 24 Sept. 1771, Sir Edward Hoare, 2nd bart.. of Annabella, and d. 3 Sept. 1816, leaving issue (see BURKES Peerage).

==== ====

The eldest son, THOMAS WALLIS, of Curryglass, mentioned in will of his uncle Peter, 1630, party to a deed in 1640, had issue,

  • Boyle, b. 1644.
  • THOMAS, of Curryglass, of whom hereafter.
  • HENRY, (1654 – 1739) of Drishane, co. Cork, m. Penelope, dau. of John Nettles, of Toureen, and left,
    1. Thomas, d.s.p.
    2. Henry, (1697 – ) ; d.s.p. 1749.
    3. John, of Reddy, called to the Bar 1754, High Sheriff of Cork 1772 ; d.s.p. 1787.
    4. Mary, m. George Jackson, of Grangebeg, co. Cork.
    5. Elizabeth (1708 – ), m. George Wallis, of Curryglas.

==== – ====

The eldest surviving son, THOMAS WALLIS, of Curryglass.
Married first, 1679, Jane Ludyman, and by her had issue:

  • Thomas, died unmarried.
  • Grace, died unmarried.

Mr. Wallis had in the time of JAMES II to fly to England with his wife and two children.
He married secondly, Persis (1685-), daughter of Holmes, and had issue:

  • Anne, m. Thomas Moore, of Gregg, co. Cork ;
  • Elizabeth, m. Samuel Meade;
  • Arabella, m. Michael Webber; and had issue Thomas (1749-), and Mary,
  • Jane, m. Digby Cooke
  • GEORGE, his heir (see below)
  • Thomas.
  • Persis

Mr. Wallis purchased considerable landed property in the Co. of Cork, in 1703, from the trustees of Forfeited Estates.

==== – ====

GEORGE WALLIS (1708 – 1747), of Curryglass.
Married in 1721, his first cousin, Elizabeth Wallis, daughter of Henry Wallis, of Drishane, and had issue:

  • HENRY, his heir (see below)
  • Penelope (1726 – 18 June 1796), m. John Parker, of Cherrymount, Co. Waterford; and had issue
    1. John Robert (1756–1842),
    2. Anne (Saunders) (–1808),
    3. Elizabeth Parker
  • George (1737- 28 Dec 1821), d.s.p.
  • Elizabeth (1738 – ), m. Samuel Adams; and had issue:
    1. Samuel Wallis Adams

==== – ====

HENRY WALLIS, (1723 – ) of Curryglass and Drishane, under the limitations in the will of his maternal grandfather, Henry Wallis, became entitled to the Drishane and other estates;

He married 1758, Elizabeth, daughter of Christmas Paul, of Paulville, Co. Carlow, by Ellen his wife, daughter of Robert Carew, of Ballynamona, Co. Waterford, and had four sons and two daughters:

  • JOHN, his heir (see below),
  • Christmas Paul (Rev.), B.A., married first, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. James Stopford, Fellow Trinity College Dublin, and sister of Edward Stopford, Bishop of Meath, and had three sons and six daughters.,
    1. John, an Officer 52nd Regt., d. unm.
    2. Henry, an Officer 52nd Regt., d.s.p.
    3. James, d.s.p.
    4. Elizabeth, d. unm.
    5. Catherine.
    6. Penelope, m. Rev. Digby Joseph Stopford Ram, and had issue (see RAM of Clonattin).
    7. Ellen, married 17 July 1817 William Lombard, of Danesfort, co. Cork, son of the Rev. Edmond Lombard, of Lombardstown, Co. Cork. William died without children 12 March, 1831, and was buried at Kilshannig. His will, dated 1 Feb., 1827, was proved on 21 April, 1841. His widow Ellen, who resided at Hawthorn, near Mallow, was buried at Kilshannig on 15th Sept., 1850.
  • Rev. Christmas Paul married secondly, Hannah Fitzgerald, and had further issue,
    1. George.
    2. Thomas, Barrister-at-Law, m. Miss MacDermot, and had a dau.,
      1. Anne.
    3. Christmas Paul, Rev. (1823-1866) m. Blessing (1831- 23 April, 1910), dau. of Thomas Browning Gardner, of Youghal, Co. Cork, and had, [TODO]
      1. Christmas Paul, d. unm. (1860-1880)
      2. Thomas Henry Gardner, (1865-1928)
      3. Christiana Augustus (1856-)
      4. Georgina Blessing (1856-1878)
      5. Frances Maud “Fanny” (1858-)
      6. Penelope Croker. (1860-1930)
      7. Anne, d. unm.
  • Thomas, m. Miss Cooke, and had issue,
    1. Harry, an Officer 52nd Foot, m. Miss Justice, and had three daus.,
      1. Mary Eliza, married Thomas Hennessy Crofts (Solicitor) in Cork  1868
      2. Ellen, m. John Moriarty, M.D.
      3. Dora, d. unm.
    2. John Cooke, of Minehill, co. Cork, m. 1.846, Elizabeth, dau. of Major Beresford Gahan, 4th Dragoon Guards, and had, with others who died young, issue,
      1. Thomas Henry, b. 1847 ; d. 1886.
      2. Beresford Gahan, Supt. Engineer, Indian P.W. Dept. ; b. 1849 ; m. 1882, Harriet Florence, dau. of Alfred Gahan, of Cavan, and has issue, Beresford Herbert, b. 1888.
      3. John Cooke, Capt. Imperial Lt. Horse, S. Africa, b. 1854. (i) Elizabeth.
    3. 1. Rebecca, m. H. Sherlock.
    4. Elizabeth, d. unm.
    5. Mary, m. ] . E. Herrick.
    6. Ellen, m. the Rev. A. Sergeant, of Waterford.
  • 4. Harry, m. Helen, and dau. of James MCall, of Braehead, co. Lanark, and had three sons and seven daughters:
    1. Harry, drowned;
    2. James and
    3. John, d.s.p. ; and seven daus. of whom the eldest,
      1. Sarah, m. William Smith, of Carbeth Gutherie ; and the sth, Margaret, m. George Dennistoun.
      2. Ellen (-1842), m. Charles Bolton, of Curraghduff, co. Waterford.
      3. Elizabeth (- 16 April 1836), m. Sir Joshua Christmas Paul, 2nd bart., xf Ballyglan, co. Waterford, and d.s.p..

==== ?-1810 ====

JOHN WALLIS, (1759 – 1810) of Drishane Castle.

Married first, Patience, eldest dau. of John Longfield, of Longueville, Co. Cork, and by her had one dau.,

  • Patience, m. James Hanning (1780-), of Kilcrone, Cloyne Co. Cork. […]

He married secondly, Sept. 1787, Marianne, daughter of John Carleton, of Woodside, Co. Cork, and by her had issue,

  • HENRY, his heir (see below)
  • Marianne (Mary Anne?), (1795 – 4 Jun 1876) married Lieut. Simon Newport, (39th Regiment) J.P., (1788-1867) only son of Sir Simon Newport, of John’s Hill Villa, Waterford, and had:
    1. John Wallis Newport (1830–1877)
    2. Marianne Elizabeth Paul Newport (1831–1891)
    3. Jane Penelope Newport (1834–1919)
    4. Henry Bolton Newport (1837–1900)
    5. Simon George Newport (–1860)
  • Penelope (1797-), m. Samuel Adams, of Kilbree, co. Cork, J.P., (her first cousin, son of Wallis Adams) and had issue,
    1. Elizabeth Paul Adams (–1910), married William Anderson (1812–1904) and had:
      1. Penelope Anne Anderson (1861–1861)
      2. Wilhelmina Elizabeth Anderson (1864–)
      3. Joshua Alexander Anderson Rev (1867–1947)
      4. William James Anderson (1869–1915)
      5. Susanna Margaret Anderson (–1868)
    2. Samuel Adams
    3. Georgina Adams (–1896)
    4. Frances Adams
    5. Wallis Adams
    6. Michael Goold Adams
    7. John Carleton Adams
    8. Marianne Caroline, m. 8 Oct. 1844, John Allin, of Monabeg, nephew of Gen. Sir Thomas Kenah, K.C.B.
  • Elizabeth (1802-), married  the Rev. Charles Morgan (Rector of Drishane). “The Rev. J. C, Morgan, nephew to the Lord Bishop of Cloyne, and Vicar of Drishane, Elizabeth, third daughter of the late John Wallis, Esq. of Westwood, County Cork  [Bristol Mirror – Saturday 18 May 1822]”
    1. Charles Henry Mongan (1822–)
    2. John Mongan (1823–)
    3. Selina Sophia Mongan (1824–)
    4. Marianne Charlotte Mongan (1826–1912), married Rev Francis Verschoyle Young (1818-1891, Curate of Drishane), and had:
      1.  George Francis Young (1854–1885)
      2. George P Young (1855–)
      3. John Wallis Lombard Young (1855–1936)
      4. Francis Verschoyle “Barney” Young (1857–1930)
      5. Mary Elizabeth Jane Young (1859–1944)
      6. Bryanna Thomasina “Nancy” Young (1861–1920)
      7. Thomas William Herbert Young (1863–1944)
      8. Charles Warburton Young (1865–1932)
      9. Ainslie Lunham Young (1868–1938)
    5. Caroline Jane Mongan (1835–), married William Alfred Carpenter

==== 1810-1862 ====

HENRY WALLIS, (1790 – 6 Jan. 1862) of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P, and D.L. High Sheriff. 1814, Lieut.-Col. South Cork Rifles,
Married 1st, Charlotte Forster (–1816), by whom he had

  • one son, deceased

Married secondly, 26 Dec 1827, Ellen, daughter of Grice Smyth, of Ballynatray, Co. Waterford, and sister of the Princess of Capua, and of Lady Dinorben  and had:

  • JOHN RICHARD SMYTH, (5th June 1827 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle (see below)
  • Mary Gertrude, (Apr 1829 – 5 May, 1857) died unmarried.

==== 1862-1868 ====

JOHN RICHARD SMYTH WALLIS, (5 June 1828 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle, J.P., High Sheriff, 1857, Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards;

Married 31st August 1853, Octavia Willoughby, and by her (who m. 2ndly, 4 April, 1872, Sir G. H. Beaumont, gth bart., of Cole Orton Hall, Co. Leicester, and d. 17 June, 1901) had:

  • Digby Henry Willoughby, (2 June 1854 – 18 July 1858) buried 31st Jul 1858 in Drishane Parish Cemery.
  • HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT, now of Drishane Castle (see below).
  • Eva Octavia Augusta, (b. 5 Jun 1859 in Drishane – 28 March 1860)
  • Eva Violet Amelia Gwen Willoughby, (24 Dec 1868 – 16 Jan 1929)
    Married 29 June 1888 in Brentford, Maj. Edgar St. John Christophers, D.S.O. (1861-1924). Divorced 21st March 1906, and had issue.

    1. Violet Dorothy Agnes Christophers, Lady (Dorothy) (1889–1970), married George Malcolm Hilbery Sir (1883–1965)
    2. Digby Richard Nugent Christophers (1890–),  married Kathleen Griggs (1895–)


==== 1868-1908 ====

HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS,  of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P., and later of Roskrow, Penryn, Cornwall, (4 July, 1861 – 20 Apr 1926);

Married first, 1 March 1883, Elizabeth Caroline, eldest dau. of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham, 5th son of the 3rd Lord Clanmorris. From him she obtained a divorce by Act of Parliament 1906. [TODO add link to profile]. They had issue:

  • HENRY DIGBY, late Lieut. Scots Guards (Guards Club), b. 3 June, 1885. d. October 1914 in St. Julien, France in WWI. [TODO: link to his article when published]
  • Audrey Beatrice Jean, 23 Jan. 1888 – 28 Oct 1961;
    Married 5 Jan. 1909, Francis Ivan Oscar Brickmann, 119th Infantry, Indian Army; divorced in 1921; no issue.
    Married Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath on June 4th 1921.

    1. Micheal Law, Maj., 1923 – 21 July 1975,  Captain, Scots Guards, Married 12 April 1950, Judith Maurice Hogarth, d. of Maj. John Usher Hogarth [line]
      1. Robert Law, 6th April 1955 – 25th Dec 2004 [obit]. married Aisling Stuart (gg dau of Maude Gonne), daughter Iseult, stepson Emile. [grave]
      2. Georgiana Law, * 1952, Md., Sean Galvin, of Navan, Co. Meath, s. of John Galvin, of Shankill, Co. Dublin. [photo ?]. + Edward, Vanessa
        1. Edward Galvin, m. Alexandra Mackintosh (Edinbrugh), 4 children
          1. Grace Willow 1st Oct 2008
          2. Willow May 4th July 2010
          3. Gus Robert Donald, b. May 19th 2012
          4. Frederick John Onslow, b. 5th Dec 2015
        2. Vanessa Galvin, m Niall Dailly (Edinbrough)…

Aubrey married secondly, n Feb. 1907, Julia Mary Catharine Curteis (1858-1922), widow of Edward Witherden Curteis, Capt. 24 Regiment, an only daughter and heir of Mrs. Wright (see WRIGHT of Moltram Hall, Cheshire).



Listen to Aisling Stuart and her mother Imogen on the radio with Miriam O’Callaghan on Rosnaree House and the Law family:



TODO: follow up Audrey’s 2nd husband: Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath, * 1889, + 1971, s. of Michael Augustine Fitzgerald Law, of Beaumont, Drogheda, Co. Meath.

Captain Robert Law (1890-1973). Like his two younger brothers, Robert was educated at Haileybury, a boarding school 20 miles from London, returning to Beamont during the holidays. During the First World War, he served with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers and won a Military Cross. A fearless eccentric, he later went to West Africa where he shot twelve bull elephants but got charged by the thirteenth which left him badly mauled. He later emerged from the jungle with a hoard of ivory, claiming he had survived by eating an exclusive diet of bananas, which fruit he never ate again. He subsequently eloped with Audrey Beatrix Wallis of Drishae Castle, Millstreet, Co. Cork, sold Beamont and settled on the Boyne at Rossnaree, Co. Meath, where members of the Law family still live today.



Lieut. S Newport of the 39th Regiment only son of Sir Simon Newport, of Waterford, to Mary Anne, youngest daughter of the late John Wallis Esq. of Drishane Castle, County of Cork [Bristol Mirror – Saturday 13 July 1822]


[Burke’s Peerage 1898]