“Radio Treasures” Interviews Now Available Anytime Worldwide

Due to the uplifting development of a new Cork Music Station YouTube Channel with the superb assistance and technical expertise of Bernard Crowley we are now in a position to share worldwide various Interviews which Listeners may have missed during the live broadcasts.  These recordings may be accessed anytime.  Here we include three Interviews from Tuesday night’s “Radio Treasures” Show (11th July 2023).   1.  Bumbleance Cheque Presentation featuring Richard Walsh.  2. Interview with Author, Con Lynch.  3Gina & The Champions at Carriganima.   Happy listening and viewing.  (S.R.)


LTV2 Prog 143: Nov 2009

The first ten minutes of LTV2 Millstreet Program no 143 Nov 2009. Part of the video includes Seán Radley talking about the Ireland Involved Awards for which he was nominated.

LTV2 has also informed us that they now have their own channel on YouTube where they will be adding videos of their programs, and a Facebook page where they will be adding photos, where you can discuss topics etc.