Regional Report 1224 – 1st July 2014



Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to News report 1224 from Millstreet. Fondest Greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely Summery Tuesday morning the first Day of July.

The month of June went very fast, because it brought some beautiful sunny weather which raised al our spirits. People went about their work with a light heart, happy in the knowledge that the sun that greeted them at dawn was still shining at the end of the day. We had lots of outdoor pursuits by way of team games and organised walks.

The Willie Neenan Memorial 10k walk was very well supported on Friday evening and supporters had the town decorated with bunting etc for it which added to the atmostphere.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1224 – 1st July 2014”

Celebrating the150th Anniversary of Kilcorney N.S. in Magnificent Style

What a truly superb occasion it was at Kilcorney N.S. on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 when Principal, Con Meade, Staff and Parents' Committee with Board of Management organised a magnificent 150th Anniversary Celebration.   Here we share highlights of the historic event.   I even found in their excellent Museum Exhibition the 1963 English Paper of the Primary Cert which I recall doing on that very year!  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
What a truly superb occasion it was at Kilcorney N.S. on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 when Principal, Con Meade, Staff and Parents’ Committee with Board of Management organised a magnificent 150th Anniversary Celebration. Here we share highlights of the historic event. I even found in their excellent Museum Exhibition the 1963 English Paper of the Primary Cert which I recall doing on that very year!  We thank Con for the special Anniversary Umbrella and Certificate which he kindly presented to Millstreet Museum.   Sincere congratulations to All involved in the organising of such a unique and important occasion which was an absolutely outstanding success.   Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

93Kilcorney N.S. 150th Anniversary 22nd June 2014 -80013Kilcorney N.S. 150th Anniversary 22nd June 2014 -80072Kilcorney N.S. 150th Anniversary 22nd June 2014 -800There was such a welcoming and friendly atmosphere so much in evidence not only in the Anniversary Celebrations but also at the official opening in Kilcorney of the splendid new Astro Turf Facility (which we shall cover here on our website later in the week).   We now invite you to enjoy our ninety images of the Kilcorney N.S. event which was blessed with [read more …] “Celebrating the150th Anniversary of Kilcorney N.S. in Magnificent Style”

Parents Association – Thank You

The Millstreet Schools’ Parents Association want to thank all the parents, helpers, volunteers and sponsors that helped us this year with fundraising events, the 1st Holy communion preparations and support. We are pleased to announce that we have raised just over €4000 for the two primary schools. We will donating €2000 to the Millstreet Presentation National school towards the new basketball/tennis courts. We also have €2000 for the Scoil Mhuire, Boys National school. Many thanks again for all the support, Rose Murphy, Anneka Dunne & Claire McCarthy
Contact us @ – <email>

Corlough in Cloghoula?!

Jim Broxton of Cloghoula, Millstreet is a native of Corlough, Co. Cavan.  Many people passing Cloghoula have been wondering  where in the Millstreet area is Corlough when they see what they believe is an official road sign.  Well, it's in fact a damaged sign from Co. Cavan which Jim was so delighted to receive in that it allowed him to bring an important memento of his native Co. Cavan to his Co. Cork home.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Jim Broxton of Cloghoula, Millstreet is a native of Corlough, Co. Cavan. Many people passing Cloghoula in recent weeks have been wondering where in the Millstreet area is Corlough when they see what they believe is an official road sign pointing in the Ballyvouskill/Adrivale direction. Well, it’s in fact a damaged sign from Co. Cavan which Jim was so delighted to receive in that it allowed him to bring an important memento of his native Co. Cavan to his Co. Cork home.   Jim indicated to us that he hopes to later place the correct exact distance in km between the two famous areas.   Multiplying the 2km by 100 would be the more likely distance! Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

2Corlough in Cloghoula with Jim Broxton 2014 -800Jim is gifted with some marvellous witty sayings and wonderfully humorous stories especially from his [read more …] “Corlough in Cloghoula?!”

Millstreet Corpus Christi Procession 2014 Seen Nationwide

Mrs. Corcoran and her grandson are impressed by the Millstreet coverage.
Mrs. Corcoran and her grandson are impressed by the Millstreet coverage.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

When our recent feature on this year’s Corpus Christi Procession with some 80 images appeared on  Mags Gargan, Lifestyle Editor with “The Irish Catholic” Newspaper emailed us and requested three of the 80 images for possible publication in this weekend’s Newspaper.  Two of the three images have been used and how very surprised and indeed honoured we are to note that one of our pictures has featured on the front page!  When I presented a copy to Brian of “Malpaso” (as it appears in the picture) there was a mightly cheer from all present.   And Marie and John O’Leary were also wonderfully impressed when presented with their copy where their home looks equally attractive with its superbly uplifting colour scheme.   On Page 10 of “The Irish Catholic” we note our image of the Millstreet Procession as it proceeds down Main Street returning to St. Patrick’s Church.  And also featuring in the Newspaper – a very fine review of Joanne O’Riordan’s inspiring television documentary “No Limbs – No Limits”.   We thank Mags for according Millstreet this rare honour of appearing on the front page of this weekend’s “Irish Catholic”.   Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Principal, Joan O'Mahony rings the bell for the HolyCommunion Children of Presentation N.S., Cullen N.S. and Cloghoula N.S. during the Procession.   Teacher Fiona Hurley (nee Mahony) holds the replenishing flower basket.
Principal, Joan O’Mahony rings the bell for the Holy Communion Children of Presentation N.S., Cullen N.S. and Cloghoula N.S. during the Procession. Teacher Fiona Hurley (nee Mahony) holds the replenishing flower basket.
From our Millstreet Museum Archives - a picture taken from a similar angle of a Corpus Christi Procession of times past with the late Tom Gubbins in his role of CYMS Steward at the front of the Procession.
From our Millstreet Museum Archives – a picture taken from a similar angle of a Corpus Christi Procession of times past with the late Tom Gubbins in his role of CYMS Steward at the front of the Procession.
Gerard and Michele O'Callaghan with Brendan Murphy express their joy in viewing the front page coverage of Millstreet in "The Irish Catholic" on Saturday, 28th June 2014.
Gerard and Michele O’Callaghan with Brendan Murphy express their joy in viewing the front page coverage of Millstreet in “The Irish Catholic” on Saturday, 28th June 2014.

2Irish Catholic feature on Millstreet June 2014 -800There has been such demand this weekend for “The Irish Catholic” which is usually available for sale in St. Patrick’s Church that it is now sold out.  (Update:  Pat Breen kindly acquired a further eight copies but these have now also been sold. )  Perhaps more copies may become available or one could also find copies in other churches or by directly contacting “The Irish Catholic” – full details available on the “Irish Catholic” website where our front page photo appears on its homepage:

And we now feature a further relevant section of the [read more …] “Millstreet Corpus Christi Procession 2014 Seen Nationwide”

Parish Newsletter – 29th June, 2014 – Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles


Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles – 29th June, 2014

Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948

Email: <email>


10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Liam Moynihan, Ruhill, Boherbue

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 29th June, 2014 – Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles”

Herlihy’s Centra Generous School’s Out Party This Afternoon

1Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800 2Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800 3Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800 4Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800Well done indeed to Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet for hosting a superb and very generous School’s Out Party this afternoon (Thursday, 26th June 2014) on the occasion of the beginning of the local Primary Schools’ Summer Holidays.   Here we include four images from the happy occasion.   A more comprehensive feature will follow later.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

GAA pitch in full swing


Pictures of the Millstreet under 8 football team at the blitz on Saturday last (21st) in the Town Park. It was one of the regular Monster Blitzs that Millstreet partake in and it was great to host the occasion when the weather was so great and Clara Mountain shone in the background. We had teams from Mallow, Cullen, Clondrohid, Dromtarriffe, Meelin… We have a wonderful town park – let’s use it as often as we can!! (pics thanks to Sinead)

2014-06-21 U8 Blitz in the Town Park 022014-06-21 U8 Blitz in the Town Park 03

6th Kup Green Belts

2014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 04Five students from the Millstreet Taekwondo Club, Darragh O’Brien, Joshua O’Sullivan, Thomas Cronin, Diarmuid Cronin and Seamus O’Donoghue, progressed to 6th Kup Green belt level last Friday. This is a great achievement for the young men and a testament to the hard work and dedication on their part and the commitment and teaching skills of their mentor Mr. Don Dalton. Darragh & Joshua went on to win a Gold and Bronze Medal each at the IUTF Chon Ji tournament in Kanturk on Sunday. Both boys are pictured here sparring, performing Do-San Tul and receiving their Medals from Mrs. Patricia Dalton. Pics by Michael Delaney / Maura O’Sullivan
2014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 032014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 012014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 02

Clara & Isabelle Help the Rapunzel Foundation Magnificently

We sincerely thank Michelle O’Keeffe for sharing the following selection of pictures and the inspiring story of how her daughters Clara and Isabelle have so generously been supporting the praiseworthy Rapunzel Foundation.  Both Michelle and their Dad, Patrick can be so very proud of their daughters’ wonderfully courageous gesture to help others.   Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Isabelle and Clara
Isabelle and Clara

Helping Rapunzel Foundation

“The Rapunzel Foundation was set up in 2011.   Based in New Ross, Co.Wexford it is from there that Hair Salons send the wigs and it takes 20/25 ponytails to make one wig which are made in New Zealand.  It is for children who suffer from alopecia or sickness and wish to wear a wig.   The hair must be in good condition with no layers and cannot be dyed.

Hair salons need to register with the R.F. to accommodate the donors. 

Clara donated her hair in Summer 2013.. aged 8.. 14 inches in Sharpes Hair Salon in Tralee.

Isabelle donated in june 2014.. aged 4..14 inches in Voodoo Salon in Boherbue.

The girls where great to do this as I personally know about hair loss due to sickness and I am a founding member of Reach Out Cancer Support..(ROCS).

I would encourage other children to grow their hair and donate as this is such a worthy cause.”   (Michelle O’Keeffe)

And we now share some more pictures which Michelle has so kindly [read more …] “Clara & Isabelle Help the Rapunzel Foundation Magnificently”

Fr. James Reflects on St. John’s Night at Mushera is where you can access Fr. James McSweeney’s hugely popular and internationally renowned Daily Thought for Reflection “Today is my gift to you”.   In today’s wonderful reflection on “St. John’s Night” we are indeed honoured that Fr. James uses two of the images (different to the pictures below) which we captured yesterday evening at the annual Mass in St. John’s Well, Mushera.   Many thanks, Fr. James, for the inspiring reflection and for having used our pictures to illustrate.  We encourage you to visit on a daily basis Fr. James’s website   Click on the images below to enlarge.   (S.R.)

3St. John's Well Annual Mass 24 June 2014 -800 4St. John's Well Annual Mass 24 June 2014 -800

Regional Report 1223



Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to News Report 1223 from Millstreet.  Fondest Greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this beautiful sunny Tuesday Morning.
The first item on my list of things to remind you of this week ,is of course the Willie Neenan Memorial 10K road race which goes ahead this Friday evening June27th. Runners starting at 7.30 Walkers starting at 6.30. All the finer details are on the website . Registration for those who havent done so on line is at the GAA Hall prior to the start. And no buggies please.
Lots of fun to be had and lots of cash prizes to be won. So get ready to pay homage to Willie Neenan, the man who made the Millstreet Athletic Club world famous.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1223”

Dromtariffe News

FREE Family Event for every age and pace in Dromtariffe parish with a little history along the way. A series of walks will take place to explore the parish this Summer. Our first walk is on Thursday 26th June from Dromagh Church car park at 7.30 p.m. Walks will take place each Thursday for 6 weeks starting at a different location in the parish. Locations will be posted here each week. Refreshment after each walk in Dromtariffe Parish Hall.

contact: <email>

Report (July 1st): The people of Dromtariffe were out in force for the first parish walk on Thursday 26th of June. A large group of over 60 people of all ages turned up on the night. The walk went  from St. Johns Church to The Ford,Rascal Street,Mikey Sheehans Cross,to the old Dromtariffe Cemetry.Christy Lucey entertained the crowd singing Dromtariffe 3000 MILES Away written by our own Bill Coady. Our walk this week will start at Dromtariffe Gaa grounds on Thursday 3rd at 7.30 and travel up by Rathcoole grotto onto Knockcahaill, Prohus and down by the airport. We would ask people to please bring water with them. Refreshments will be served in the hall after the walk.

St. Johns’ Day – Mass and a Dance on Mushera

2014-06-24 St.John's Well Mass reminderMass will be celebrated at St John’s Well Mushera tomorrow night being the 24th June 2014 which is the feast of St John’s the baptist. It starts at 8.00 pm and the weather forecast is sunny with temps of 21 Degrees…

After mass the neighbouring parish Ballinagree will host a platform Dance just down the road at 9.00 pm til 11.00 pm to live music by Jerome Coakley…It is along time ago since a dance was held at this platform after the mass at St John’s Well. Well Done to Ballinagree in organising this…-(John F. Kelleher – Aubane FB) … and the weather promises to be good 🙂

Also, this is bonfire night, so expect to see some bonfires on this lovely summer evening.

A June Morning In Ballydaly

The river from the lake in Kippagh through Ballydaly winds it’s way
And above the field crowded with rushes the lark carols at break of day
The young birds they chirp on the hedgerows at sun rise the sun looking red
It looks like good hay making weather a warm Summer’s day is ahead.

The gray crow it caws on a beech tree in it’s cloak of jet black and gray
And in her nest cloaked by the [read more …] “A June Morning In Ballydaly”

Very Impressive Corpus Christi Procession 2014 in Millstreet on Sunday

On Sunday, 22nd June 2014 after 11.30 a.m. Mass at St. Patrick's Church the Annual Corpus Christi Procession proceeded through the town to the specially constructed Outdoor Altar in The Square where Benediction was celebrated before the Procession returned to the Church.   The weather was excellent for the impressive solemn event.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
On Sunday, 22nd June 2014 after 11.30 a.m. Mass at St. Patrick’s Church the Annual Corpus Christi Procession proceeded through the town to the specially constructed Outdoor Altar in The Square where Benediction was celebrated before the Procession returned to the Church. The weather was excellent for the impressive solemn event.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

18Millstreet Corpus Christi Procession 22nd June 2014 -80040Millstreet Corpus Christi Procession 22nd June 2014 -80055Millstreet Corpus Christi Procession 22nd June 2014 -800For the first time ever in the history of the Annual Procession the Outdoor Altar was situated on the western side of the National Monument.   This occurred because a cycle event from Coachford was scheduled to pass through Millstreet around the same time and would be proceeding up Minor Row and around the Corner on its way towards Macroom.   Here we share 76 more pictures from [read more …] “Very Impressive Corpus Christi Procession 2014 in Millstreet on Sunday”

Nora O’Sullivan’s Impressive Success in the Puc Fada Competition

Sincere Congratulations to Nora O’Sullivan, Laught, Rathcoole who recently came 2nd in the under 16 Cork County Puc Fada competition at Garryvoe.   Nora is a member of Millstreet Camogie Club.  Well done to Nora on such an excellent achievement.  (S.R.)

Bruach na Carraige Summer Activities

The annual Comhaltas Seisiún starts in Bruach Na Cartraige Rockchapel on Tuesday July the first and continues on each Tuesday night during July and August at 8.45pm. The show of music song and dance starts with a performance from the Rockchapel group after which there is a break for refreshments. The night then continues with audience participation with all musicians, singers ,dancers, and story tellers invited to take part .. All performers are welcome.

The Sliabh Luachra Summer classes will take place from 23rd to the 26th of July. 

The annual summer camp for children aged from 6 to 16 years takes place from the 11th to the 22nd of August. This camp has been a huge success with children starting to play music, to sing and to dance at an early age. During the camp children can expect to learn a few simple tunes on the tin whistle, those playing already will learn other tunes, they will learn 2 or 3 songs and 4 or 5 céilí dances as well as having much fun and enjoyment.    We thank Jack Roche for this list of Bruach na Carraige activities.  (S.R.)

Inportant Events at Herlihy’s Centra

2014-06-26 Centra Annual School's Out Party - poster 2014-07-04 Centra 12 Hour Cyclothon - poster
First on Thursday 26th June to say thank you to our customers who come from the schools across the road (children, parents, teachers), we are having our Annual School’s Out Party with treats and giveaway (ice-cream, cakes, tea/coffee) and free entertainment provided by Animal Road Show.
Then on Friday 4th July to raise money for Millstreet Hospital we are doing a 12 hour Cyclothon on a static bike in front of our shop. We are looking for volunteer cyclists, please, and can anyone willing to participate please contact the shop.

The Amazing Neily Joe

He drove the Millstreet ambulance going back decades ago
The likeable fellow Cornelius Murphy better known as Neily Joe
A stocky built cheerful fellow he was not very tall
And he was quite a character when memories of him we recall

When he retired from ambulance driving his better days long gone
But he was not one to sit back he kept on working on
He bought a tractor and done hire work for farmers in the Duhallow countryside
He earned his living in the honest way and in his work took pride
[read more …] “The Amazing Neily Joe”

Parish Newsletter – 22nd June, 2014 – The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ – 22nd June, 2014
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Joan Daly (nee O’Connell) Mallow & Dooneen; Willie Cronin, Tureencahill & Cobh; Joan Daly, Ballincollig.  [read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 22nd June, 2014 – The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ”

Aubane Presentations to All-Ireland Boxing Champions

2014-06-20 Presentations to Megan Lehane and Chloe Barrett in Aubane 01_rsz
Aubane Social Club & St John’s GAA Club last night honoured two local All Ireland Boxing Champions Chloe Barrett & Megan Lehane with presentations from both clubs. Picture above (l-r)are Tim Lehane, John Kelleher (Aubane Social Club) presenting to Megan, Dan Lane,  Chloe receiving her presentation from John Twomey (St Johns GAA Club), , Jack Barrett, and Seanie Barrett. [read more …] “Aubane Presentations to All-Ireland Boxing Champions”