Regional Report 982


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 982 from Millstreet greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this very wet and foggy  but mild, Tuesday morning.

Our heartiest congratulations go out this morning to Eleanor Leahy, of Nibbles Restaurant, West End, Millstreet on winning a Gold Medal at the  Final of the National Irish Food Awards competition entitled, Blas na h’Éireann which was held in Dingle last week. Eleanor’s entry was in the “Puddings and Desserts” section and her winning dish was a Pear and Almond Tart. We’ll be all in for a taste! Well done  Eleanor.

Our Tidy Towns Committee traveled to the Rochestown Park Hotel last week where they received a cheque and plaque, for coming third in their section in the anti-litter competition. Well done to all.

[read more …] “Regional Report 982”

Slanan Rovers


Slanan Rovers GAA Club, based in Cloghoula in the 1970’s and early 1980’s.

Back row :- Noel Buckley, Danny McSweeney, Connie Tarrant, Davey McSweeney, Mick Collins, John Joe Buckley,Donal Creedon, Christy Tarrant, Joe Buckley

Front row:- Neily Corkery, Donal Kelleher, Johnny Sheehan, John D Buckley, Ned Casey, Mick Sheehan, Tommy Sheehan, Patsy Cotter, Pat Joe Creedon.

Picture was taken in 1981.

(pic. John Casey, Carrigacooleen)


Seán Gallon, Pat Joe Creedon, Mickey and Danny Creedon, Jerry O’Riordan and son, John Joe Buckley, Noel Buckley, Dave McSweeney, Joe Buckley

Johnny Sheehan, ,Jerry Keating (Chairman Duhallow Board), Ned Casey (captain), Tommy Sheehan, Michael Sheehan, Patsy Cotter, Danny McSweeney, James Sheehan (“small fella” next to the “Adidas” logo on Ned Casey’s t-shirt)

We have not identified the children as yet, if you recognise anyone please let us know!

Forgotten Maggies – Sunday Independent

JUSTICE: Maureen O'Sullivan's case was major milestoneIn yesterdays Sunday Independent there was a long article on the good work done by Millstreet film maker Stephen O’Riordan in unearthing the official confusion as to what happened to many women that were in the Magdalen Laundries, when researching for the film “The Forgotten Maggies”. Here is an extract from the article:

MORE THAN 16 years after their remains were controversially exhumed from a forgotten corner of a Dublin convent, the 155 Magdalens of High Park Convent are again in the news as the barring of Magdalen survivors from the Redress Board causes uproar.

Documentary-maker Steven O’Riordan unearthed the full level of official confusion about who exactly these women were and when they died during his research for a forthcoming film, The Forgotten Maggies.

Go and read the full article on the Sunday Independent website

In Passing September 2009

by Sean Radley

New Look Website

Hannelie O’Connor and a dedicated team have established a truly hugely popular Millstreet website over the years. And now a further enhancement with a new look site being launched with the very much appreciated assistance of Michael Cashman and with the advice also of John O’Riordan, Cork & Church Street, Millstreet. The site is updated daily not only with important local news but with exciting video and audio links. Clearly a huge success judging by the global comments received online to the site.

Museum News

A million thanks for the magnificent response to our annual church gate collection which amounted to €2,471.93. A full report on the progress of re-establishing our local Museum and Tourist Information Centre will appear in the next issue of “Clara News”. A very special word of thanks to Cllr. Noel Buckley and to Noel C. Duggan and Family for being so helpful during this transition time. [read more …] “In Passing September 2009”

Parish Newsletter Sunday 4th Oct 09

The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary time 4th October, 2009
Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. Gerard O’Leary C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.
Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  /  Cullen  029-79028   / Mobile  087-7752948
Email:  <email>
10.00a.m-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m-5.00p.m

This weeks Readings can be found on the USCCB New American Bible website

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:


Joan Brosnan, Ahane

Margaret O’Shea, Killowen

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter Sunday 4th Oct 09”

Millstreet Ambulance

The Corkman this week carries a story about the ambulancesambulance_small in the North Cork region.

THE entire Duhallow region was left without an ambulance on Saturday last, after the Millstreet service was requested to attend calls in Cork city while the Kanturk unit was called to respond to at least three calls in Mallow.
This is according to a source close to the ambulance service in North who added that this repeated ‘haphazard’ attitude to what should be “a ready to go rapid response emergency unit” will ultimately lead to a person dying because of lack of staff.

Word on the ground a few months ago was that our ambulance were one of the first called into Cork City when they have a shortage in the City, leaving us without an ambulance if there was an emergency.This is definitely not an ideal position to find ourselves in, but that’s just the way the system works whether we like it or not!

Click this link to read the full story on the Corkman.

VHI Cúl Camp in Croke Park

Anna Buckley from Coolnagillagh in Croke Park on Sept 28th in the GAA Summer Cúl Camp

A few pictures of Anna Buckley’s day out in Croke Park on Sept 28th. She won this through a competition she entered as part of the GAA Summer Cúl Camp sponsored by VHI, that took place in Millstreet this year.

She had a wonderful day, between playing camogie on the pitch there, as well as being given a tour of the stadium and GAA museum, and also meeting and playing with other children from many other counties.  It was a great day out.

Anna is aged 7, and attends Rathcoole National School. (pics above and below from her mother Bridget)

[read more …] “VHI Cúl Camp in Croke Park”

Millstreet Matters 1-Oct-09

John Tarrant has a round up of all the news from Millstreet in his Millstreet Matters column that appears on the Corkman newspaper this week. These include Set Dancing restarting in Aubane for the winter, The Juvenile GAAs Annual Perpetual Cup Competitions, the Living Scenes project, LTV2 back on the air, amongst lots of other articles. Follow the links to read the full article.

Read the news from Kilcorney too in their own column.

Eily Buckley

Long before she wrote for the Clara News
And years before I even knew the taste of booze
For her love of people she became well known
And the fame of Eily Buckley has since grown.
For years she drove the school bus up and down
The roads of Millstreet to and from the Town
And perhaps many of the kids she drove to and from the school today
From Millstreet Parish now live far away.
Miles from Cloghoula her own countryside
Her Cloghoula notes in Clara News read far and wide
In big cities far from Millstreet County Cork
In Sydney, Melbourne, London and New York.
Can’t say that I knew her that well at all
Though she is one I readily can recall
For her’s is such a well known and loved face
In Millstreet Parish still my favourite place.
A friendly person untouched by conceit
And one of the best loved people in Millstreet
She’d never ignore you as she drove by
She’d always smile and wave a friendly hi

by Francis Duggan

North Cork Enterprise Board Schools Enterprise Programme

At the launch of the North Cork Enterprise Board Schools Enterprise Programme at Springfort Hall were from left, Winnie Fitzgerald, Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown; Derry Morley, Millstreet Community School; Cullen native, Minister for Education, Batt O'Keeffe who launched the programme; Eddrina Casey, Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown; Tom Pittam, Millstreet Community School and Marie White, Presentation Secondary School,Mitchelstown. (Photo by Patrick Casey)

Additional BTEI Programmes 2009/10

Millstreet Adult Learning Centre have announced that there are additional Back to Education Initiative (B.T.E.I.) programmes for 2009 / 2010 in the following areas:

Introduction to Childcare Studies (Mallow)

Security Training (Mallow)

Introduction to Organic Horticulture (Killavullen)

Care in the home training (Killavullen)

Introduction to Art (Killavullen)

Introduction to Social Studies (Killavullen)

ECDL IT Training (Fermoy & Mallow)

Healthy Cooking and Nutrition (Fermoy & Mallow)

Youthwork Facilitation (Fermoy & Mallow)

You can visit the Millstreet Adult Learning Centre homepage, and read details of the above courses.

Regional Report 981


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report number 981 from Millstreet. Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely calm seasonal  Tuesday  morning.

Please be reminded, that all notes for Clara News are due in to the Editor by this Friday October 2nd. Next issue will be in the shops on October 18th.

Million congratulations to the Cork Ladies Football team, and all connected with them, on making it a five–in-a-row on Sunday in Croke Park. It was such an exciting match, and could go either way up to the closing minutes. But the then the hunger of the Corkonians came to the fore, they were blind to everything except the goal-mouth, and sealed their victory at the last minute. And to think that only two weeks ago this bunch of beautiful young women, also won the All-Ireland camogie final at the same venue. I hope they get the recognition, and the esteem that they deserve. Congratulations to them again. They did us proud and we are justly Proud of them.

[read more …] “Regional Report 981”

Parish Newsletter 27th September 2009

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time 27th September, 2009
Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. Gerard O’Leary C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.
Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  /  Cullen  029-79028   / Mobile  087-7752948
Email:  <email>
10.00a.m-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m-5.00p.m

This weeks Readings can be found on the USCCB New American Bible website

Our prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

Mary Barrett (Nee McCarthy), Shannon & Millstreet
Diarmuid Roche, Carriganima

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter 27th September 2009”

Drishane Chapel Mass this Wednesday

Chapel of the Little Flower, Drishane. Picture taken during a recent Polish mass there.
Chapel of the Little Flower, Drishane. The picture was taken during a recent Polish mass there.

On Wednesday (30th Sept) the eve of the feast day of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Mass will be celebrated in the recently renovated Chapel of the Little Flower, Drishane Castle at 8.00p.m. All welcome and light refreshments will be served afterwards.

U21 Hurlers defeat Meelin in First Round

Last Saturday 20th, our U21 hurlers beat by Meelin well by 1-13 to 0-2 in the first round of the Duhallow U21A Hurling Championship. They play Newmarket  Sunday 27th (tomorrow) at 5:30pm.

Update (1/Oct/09) The write up below on the match appeared on the Corkman newspaper.

[read more …] “U21 Hurlers defeat Meelin in First Round”