LTV2 Programme 60

Swift uplifting reaction to LTV2 Millstreet going global! Historic milestones on a website are rare but we certainly have reached one of our most significant milestones on with the transmission of programme highlights from LTV2 Millstreet – our community based and non-commercial local television channel. All this development began several months ago when Hannelie O’Connor, John O’Riordan (Church Street) and Michael Cashman (Tullig) met at Millstreet Museum to discuss the possibility of LTV2 web transmission. I was privileged to be at that meeting and could not fail to be utterly impressed by the inspiring enthusiasm of all three people. And what a fruitful result has emerged! Presently we are linking with YouTube and sharing highlights of Programme 60 (first transmitted in November 2006). Provided that you have Broadband the transmission is fast and clear and is shared in ten-minute segments. Our intention is to provide John O’Riordan with a master disc of our weekly programmes at weekends. John will then arrange to place highlights of the programme of the previous week on our website for global viewing. The LTV2 team expresses sincere thanks to Hannelie, John & Michael for according us (all on a dedicated spontaneous basis) this truly amazing opportunity which will allow global viewing. We especially invite our web viewers to email us at <email> indicating where they are viewing the web transmission and also encourage them to comment and make constructive suggestions which may be incorporated in future programmes. Already a phone call from G. O’Meara (renowned photographer), Mallow who logged into the new LTV2 link on our website….clearly very impressed with the standard of studio and on-location camera work as well as with the studio presentation! LTV2’s Seán Murphy even feels that he will receive job offers when his “cooking skills” will be seen worldwide! Do watch out for a special Summer Transmission at the end of July when our focus will be on the FICC World Camping & Caravanning Rally being held in Millstreet 18th – 29th July 2007 (Seán Radley reporting for LTV2Millstreet)

Aubane Notes June 2007

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Hannah Lane Aubane, Nora Mary O’Mahony Cockhill, Marie O’Riordan Tullig, Paddy O’Callaghan Farran, Nora Mullane (Nee Kelleher) late of Aubane and Lee Road Cork and Julia Mary O’ Donoghue Kilmacrane.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis

HB Ice Cream Sunday:

Aubane hosted its second HB Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday the 27th May, in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It proved to be a huge success with a considerable amount €1050.00 rose on the day for Down Sydrome Ireland. The main organisers of this event were Kathleen & Jerry Kelleher. The afternoon commenced at 2pm and finished at 4pm at the Aubane Community Centre. It was great to see such a large attendance on a beautiful summers day. A special word of thanks to the following who gave generous contributions on the day – Denis Kelleher Haulage, Sean Kelleher Electrical, The O’Riordan Family and Tim Lehane Roofing Contractor. Entertainment was provided in the form of music and song by Breda Moynihan, John O’Sullivan Tullig of Duhallow Bouncing Castle provided a bouncing castle inside! A special thanks to the above mentioned provided their services free of charge. And of course there was more than enough ice cream to go around too. Thanks to all for supporting this worthy cause. Well Done to Kathleen & Jerry.

On Holidays:
It was great to see Frank Egan (nee Kelleher) late of Mushera and now Canada holidaying in the local area

Fr James Sweeney receives the Lord Mayor’s Civic Award

More than 500 guests witnessed Cork’s Super Six Citizens being honoured in
Cork City Hall on Thursday, 17th May 2007. All six received the Lord
Mayor’s Civic Awards at this highly prestigious and historic ceremony.
Among the six was Fr. James McSweeney (a native of Tooreenbawn
and who is a Curate in Ballyvolane in Cork) whose positive message in his
preachings was especially emphasised. “In recognition of his outstanding
leadership at Community and Parish level and his dedicated fundraising
efforts” read the citation presented to Fr. James by the Lord Mayor of Cork,
Cllr Michael Ahern. The Aubane Community were delighted to see one of their own receive such a well deserving and prestigious award. This is not the first award that Fr James has received an Award for his excellent work that he does. Well Done Fr James.

The Mc Sweeney Family Toorenbawn receive a very prestigious Award from Bothar.

On Monday, 21st May 2007 at the Commons Inn in Cork, Peter Ireton, CEO of
Bóthar and Jeremy Meehan of Bóthar’s Cork Office co-ordinated a very special
evening of celebration in honour of the McSweeney Family, Tooreenbawn,
Millstreet (especially paying tribute to Gerard and his brother Fr. James)
in acknowledgement of their superb work for Bóthar over the past number of
years. In attendance also were many other families whose wonderfully
dedicated work for Bóthar received richly deserved high praise. For Fr.
James it had been a very busy week having addressed a very large audience
following his acceptance of one of the Lord Mayor’s Civic Awards at Cork’s
City Hall on Thursday, 17th May 2007. On behalf of the Aubane Community I would to congratulate the Mc Sweeney Family on receiving such a very prestigious award.

Batt O’Keeffe TD in Aubane for Presention

The Aubane Historical Society (AHS) organised a local launch of its latest publication and presented a copy to Minister of State, Batt O’Keeffe TD on Saturday 12th May 2007. It is called “Fianna Fail and the decline of the Free State” by Brendan Clifford and is dedicated to Jack Roche.

Jack Lane of the AHS welcomed all and apologised for the short notice. He explained the background to the publication and that it was a continuation of the story published by the AHS in Sean Moylan’s memoir and dealt with developments after the war over the Treaty and the coming to power of the first Fianna Fail government.

He was pleased to have a Government Minister present because the Government’s decision to open the Bureau of Military History archive and their decision to also make available the records of the successful applications for War of Independence pensions should be acknowledged. This involves making available tens of thousands of invaluable documents – primary sources of information. This was a great contribution to the study of Irish history. Disputes and disagreements are inevitable but all should accept that maximum information is the key to a proper understanding of our history. The essential requirement for settling disputes and disagreements is very simple – let’s have all the facts. The Government have helped greatly in this.

It was dedicated to Jack Roche in recognition of the great work he was doing for all aspects of Irish culture and history, locally and nationally. He had been a supporter of the AHS’s work for many years and helped ensure its successful publishing efforts in the early years through the support of IRD Duhallow.

Jack Roche said it was a most worthwhile publication and dealt with a contentious period in our history, which has been by and large ignored. He discovered quite a lot that was new to him. He emphasised the lack of history as a subject in our current education curriculum. This was deplorable and he hoped it would be rectified. The work of the AHS was filling a vacuum.

Batt O’Keeffe recalled his previous visit to the Aubane Community Centre about two years ago when he discussed the tourist potential of the area and the development of the Butter Road. He was glad to see the recent improvements in the road.

It was very appropriate to dedicate this book to Jack Roche who personifies all that contributes to a vibrant rural society. He embodies the spirit of those who fought for our freedom in his idealism and the practical projects he has initiated in a variety of areas.

He liked the way that the AHS had recorded local history and also put it in a national context. The material was sometimes challenging and controversial but independent thinking was very important when it comes to the study of history. This latest book dealt with a period that he was particularly interested in.

He noted the strong tendency of immigration in the ‘Celtic Tiger’ years and he saw the challenges of creating strong communities.“One of the means by which our new citizens can become part of us is to share with them our own history, our own unique stories from our own unique places,” he said. It is unfortunate and regrettable that the men and women of the Independence struggle are sometimes denigrated today. A publication like this helps to set the record straight by showing the difficult – almost impossible – choices they all had to face and it thereby tries to be fair to all concerned.

*“Fianna Fail and the decline of the Free State” by Brendan Clifford published by the Aubane Historical Society is available at Liam Russell’s in Cork, Wordsworth’s in Millstreet, Philips in Mallow, Kanturk Bookshop and Macroom Bookshop.

Confirmation & Communication:

Congratulations to all those in the Aubane area who received their communication or confirmation recently.

A Warm Welcome:

I would like to extend a very welcome to Mary & Bernard Crowley and Michael & Marie Fitzgearld who have taken up residence in the Aubane Area.

Aubane Social Club Summer Day Trip :

The Aubane Social Club will this year head for the Beara Peninsula for their Summer Day Trip in early August this year. Anyone who interested in coming along on the day can contact myself at 029 – 70719 for information or any member of the Aubane Social Club.

The Aubane Website Link:

The Aubane Community Website was set up over a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.or Michael Cashman. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

St John’s Well:

The Annual Mass will be celebrated at the well on Monday 25th June at 8.00 pm, the Chief Celebrant will Bishop Bill Murphy Bishop of the Diocese of Kerry. The year the mass will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Erection of the Stations of the Cross St John’s Well is certainly looking splendid at the moment now that trees have been felled, the Stations of the Cross can be visibly seen now from road. The area where the trees once stood has now been landscaped and is really a beautiful recreational area. . Everybody is Welcome.


Congratulations to Katrina Kelleher Aubane, who graduated recently as a guard at the Garda Training College in Templemore, Co Tipperary.

So until the Autumn I hope you all enjoy the Long Summer!!!

Molex, Mount Leader Industrial Estate (1985-2008)


The Molex plant in Millstreet in 1987

Molex Plany at Mount Leader (c. 2007) [2009]


Closure of the Molex Plant in 2008

US firm Molex to lay off 80 workers at Cork factory – A US electronics firm has announced plans to lay off 80 workers in Co Cork as part of a restructuring of its Irish operations.
Molex, which manufactures electrical connection systems, says its Millstreet factory will be shut down and all operations will be centralised at the company’s other facility in Shannon, Co Clare.
The move was announced during meetings with staff at both plants this morning. Molex, has been operating in Millstreet since 1985 and in Shannon since 1971. (June 2007)

260 jobs blow for Cork, Carlow – … It also emerged today that the jobs of 120 workers at the Molex plant in Millstreet in Co. Cork are under threat following a decision by the company to consolidate its Irish operations at its Shannon plant.
The electronic components manufacturer, which has been in Millstreet for over twenty years, employs 600 workers  at its plants in Shannon and Cork.
The company plans to consolidate its Irish operations at the Shannon plant where over 400 people are employed, and to close down the operation in Co. Cork where 120 are employed.
Meetings with workers at both plants are taking place today about the future of the company amid fears there could be job cuts…

Molex moves to global approach to improve efficiency (7/Nov2007)… In April Molex said said that a charge related to head-count reductions, realignment of manufacturing capacity and plant closures will be $100 to $125 million. Brock confirmed that this includes the closure of one of its two Irish manufacturing sites with equipment being moved from the Millstreet facility in Cork to its larger plant in Shannon.
Brock said the closure involves around 85 people leaving the company and a few transferring to Shannon where a expansion costing between up to 3 million (about $4million) should be completed in the next couple of months. The Shannon facility currently employs around 450 and is one of 54 manufacturing facilities in 18 countries. Molex also has 27 development centers in 14 countries….


Molex finally closed in Millstreet early in 2008.


Molex announced the closure of its plant in Shannon in 2019

Aubane Notes May 2007

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our greatest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends Casey Tom Kelleher late of Tullig and England and Tony Dineen Donoghmore.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis.


Congratulations to Rosario & Edward O’Sullivan Cloughlabeg and Blarney on birth of their baby girl and also to Tim & Irene O’Mahony (nee Mc Carthy) Cloughlabeg & Flintfield on the birth of their baby girl Elizabeth


Congraulations to the following couples who announced their engagements recently – Aidan Creedon Mushera & Fiona Cooney Ratchoole

Breeda Moynihan Lackadota & Denis O’Rahilly Lyre.

[read more …] “Aubane Notes May 2007”

HB Ice Cream Sunday at Aubane Community Centre

by Gerard McSweeney

Aubane hosted its first HB Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday the 21st May, in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It proved to be a huge success with €1000 being raised for this very worthy charity.

The main organiser of the day was Jerry Kelleher, who put in tremendous effort into organising that everything went smoothly. The afternoon commenced at 2pm with Ice Cream and refreshments being served to a large gathering of people who braved the bad weather elements to support this very worthy charity.

There was a great atmosphere around the centre, with music and singing being provided by Breeda Moynihan. Breeda, who is part of the Diamond Sisters band gave a great exhibition of music and song for over two hours. Breeda gave her time free of charge, which was very much appreciated.

There was also a bouncing castle, which provided huge entertainment for all the young people. John O’Sullivan from Tullig, Millstreet provided this Bouncing Castle to Jerry, free of charge. This was also a very generous gesture.

Brian O’Leary gave of his artistic talents free of charge also with face painting for the kids. Thanks to Brian, John and Breeda for their wonderful gestures. Thanks also to all who helped in the background to keep the day running smoothly.

Everybody both young and old enjoyed their afternoon out. A special thanks to everyone who turned out in such great numbers and contributed in such generous fashion. It was one miserable Sunday afternoon weather wise, but the people of Aubane and surrounding areas have provided a ray of hope, for all involved with Down Syndrome Ireland.

An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern stops in Millstreet

bertie2 by Fionn2006.An Taoiseach Berti Ahern passed through town this evening about 4:30pm on his way between party functions in Macroom and Kanturk. He was greeted in the square by Fianna Fáil party members, and the general public. He had a brief word with some of the locals, a quick interview with LTV2, shook everyones hand, but was swiftly on the road again, because he was running late for his kanturk function.

His stop is only seven weeks after Enda Kenny visited Millstreet where he visited the school. He was also doing some pre-election campaigning around Cork North-West.

Maybe it’s the first time in a while where the political powers that be actually think that we’re important to them. It’s probably because the constituency lines for Cork North-West have been changed for the upcoming elections, and it’s rearing up to be a real dogfight.


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Aubane Notes January 2007

By John F. Kelleher

We extend our greatest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Joan Buckley Peak, Coachford and late of Knocknakilla, Nora Corkery Ballyvourney, Neily Collins Drishane Road, Marion O’Callaghan Mc Carthy Mc Carthy’s Bar and Noel Hartnett Clara Road. Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis

Congratulations to Margaret O’Sullivan Cullen and Eugene Barrett who were married on Friday 29th December 2006.

Annual Christmas Party
The Annual Mass and Senior Citizens’ party took place on Friday 14th December in the Aubane Community Centre recently and was well attended by the local people. The Celebrants at the Mass were Monsignor Michael Manning and Fr James Mc Sweeney helped by a group from the Millstreet Church Choir. Following the mass, the party was held and patrons were entertained by a group from Ceomhaltas Ceoltoirí Eireann who played music and sang, and were joined by people from the crowd who gave renditions of their own songs. Many thanks to everyone that helped to make sure it was a thoroughly enjoyable night especially The Millstreet Choir, John A. O’Sullivan, Ceolthois Ceoltoiri Eireann and to all the Aubane Social members who helped out on the night.

Christmas Morning Climb
The Christmas morning tradition of walking up a Mushera mountain took place again on Christmas Day Morning. This year the Sponsorship Proceeds of the climb were in aid of The Courtmacsherry Lifeboats Fund and the purchase of a Defibrillator for the use of the Aubane Community and the Surrounding, which will be stored in the Aubane Community Centre in Aubane. At 10:30am the first group headed off from St John’s Well, while more were tackling the slightly easier route up along the wire by the Millstreet Country Park. It was a beautiful fresh morning, but we could see what lay ahead of us, the dense fog on top of the mountain. A small flock of sheep seemed the only other things moving. So after about an hour of moving uphill at our own pace, we got to the top at about 11:30. There was already a few dozen hardy souls plus a few dogs at the cross before us. By the time everyone had landed in the next half an hour, there was over One Hundred and Fifty or so cheerful souls on top. After a few photos’ and a good long chat, we we headed back for base, and the warmth of Christmas Dinner. A special word of Thanks to Sean Murphy who filmed the climb which was shown on LTV2 on Christmas Day Night and also Thanks to each and everyone of you who climbed the Mountain on the day.

Christmas Crib
Well done to Fr. James McSweeney on the beautiful crib, which he erected near his home in Ballyvolane, Cork over the Christmas period. People admired it from near and far. This year the proceeds of the crib are going directly to the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund in Millstreet. I also invite you to check out The website is checked out by thousands across the world each day. A new photo is updated each day with a short thought for the day.
The website is checked out by thousands across the world each day. On behalf of Aubane Social club, we would like to thank him for attending the various functions in Aubane over the Christmas period.

Santa Claus Visited Aubane:
On Sunday 17th December Santa Claus visited all the boys and girls at the Aubane Community Centre. Santa arrived in great syle in a chauffeur driven Ford Cortina after his sleigh broke down just outside Aubane. It had been over Twenty years since Santa last came to the Aubane Community Centre and he received a warm reception from the crowd. He met all the children there and got notice of what they all wanted for Christmas! They all got a early gift from santa,and were asked to be good, and were delighted with themselves.
There was also an bouncy castle and biscuits and teas for everyone. Thanks to all the people that helped and to our Club Member Jerry Kelleher who put the day together, and especially to Santa who took the time out of his amazing schedule to be with us for a few hours. Also Thanks to the local Businesses who sponsored the day – William Kelleher Kitchens, Sean Kelleher Electrical, Sean Barrett Electrical, John O’Sullivan Bouncing Castles, C&D Plastering Contractors and Tim Lehane Roofing Contractor.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up over a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. During the Christmas Season a number of pictures were added so don’t forget to log on. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.or Michael Cashman. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

Around The Fireside
On December 28th a night of storytelling and singing took place in Aubane Community Centre around a nice homely warm fireside. A large crowd almost seventy people gathered from far and wide to participate in both song and storytelling. Music was provided by local musicians and was enjoyed by all.

Congratulations to Seamus Buckley on his recent appointment as Prinicpal at Colaiste Treasa Secondary School in Kanturk.

Hall Of Fame Award:
Congratulations to Billy Coleman on receiving the Hall of Fame Award 2006 at the Sports Personalities of the year Awards 2006 in Dublin which was show on RTE in December. Billy received the award for being Irelands most successful rally driver ever. To people in the world of Rally Billy is know as the The Millstreet Maestro.

Butter Road Signs
The Butter Road, which was once used as the road to transport ferkins of Butter by horse and trap from Kerry to Cork and is now one of the most scenic roads in Ireland has now been Signposted. The Butter Road infact remains the shortest and most scenic route between Cork City, Blarney and Killarney.
A special Thank you to Cork County Council for their contribution of Butter Road Signs, which are located at the bottom of Tullig Cross and at the Kerryman’s Table.

Improvements done through the Urban Renewal Scheme.
On behalf of the members of the Aubane Social Club I would like to take this opportunity to Thank Cork County Council for their contributions of grants in which enabled us to carry out necessary improvement to the Aubane Community Centre. During 2006 under the Urban Renewal Scheme we were able to lay new Footpaths and a Wheelchair Accessability Ramp. A special Thank you also to our Local Councillors for their continous support to the Aubane Community.

On behalf of the Aubane Social Club I would like to Thank LTV2 Millstreet for the coverage of the numerous events, which we held in the Community Centre during the Christmas Season.

I would like to take this opportunity of behalf of the Aubane Social Club to thank everyone for their continuous help and support they gave us during the year 2006, and to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2007.

John Kelleher
PRO Aubane Social Club
January 2007


Millstreet Youth Club would like to thank Elaine Hooper for all her hard work given much freely and generously.

Without Elaine there will not be a youth club in Millstreet Town.
Yours sincerely
Eileen Murphy and all at the club

Elaine Hooper Youth worker
Millstreet Youth Centre writes:

Started towards the end of 2002 and meets each Friday night in the Youth Centre from 8pm – 10pm.
Along with another local club in Dromtariffe, Millstreet Youth Club is part of the Kerry Diocesan Youth Service (KDYS). This means we can participate in all of the youth services activities which include youth games, matches, monthly discos, Youth Forum and skills training. The yout club season runs from Sept/Oct until April and finishes with a big celebration “Youth Day” in Killarney where all the clubs come together for a day of dance, drama, drumming, bands, arts and games workshops.

KDYS work with young people on the understanding that the service should aim to enable young people to gain for themselves the knowledge, attitude and skills necessary to meet their own and others developmental needs. We do this in many different ways such as having an accessible youth club and through a variety of projects. Because we believe that young people can, with the right opportunity and support, make a positive contribution to their communities, KDYS has helped develop and support many such initiatives in Millstreet often in association with others in the community such as the Community School, Canon O’Donovan Centre and Presentation Convent.

The training and support given to young people involved in these projects have produced some spectacular results such as the Tir Na Nog mural in the girls national school; the Aidan Burke memorial garden in the Youth Centre; two award – winning community play schemes in 2002 and 2003, an inter-generational dance project between Canon O’Donovan Centre and girls from the Presentation Convent; a Peer mentoring project with Millstreet Community School as well as the Youth Club.

There is a huge lack of resources for young people in many rural areas and we are lucky in Millstreet that someone somewhere had the vision and commitment to convert the old boy’s school into a youth centre. Over the years it has developed a community gym, an after-schools service and is well used by a variety of community groups for meetings and classes. It is also available for hire for children’s parties.

It is very important in youth work that all projects are supported by adults in the community and the youth club has a committee which includes both parents and student leaders and youth workers. Parents take an active role in supervision, support and fundraising for the club and this voluntary commitment is crucial to success.

Youth Club members are aged between 13-15 years. All out members are boys at present. Girls are very welcome and many attempts have been made to encourage them to join but not much success so far.

Older students are encouraged to become involved as youth leaders and they complete a six week KDYS Youth Empowerment Course to qualify. To date over 20 young people in Millstreet have completed this accredited course. The training offers students the opportunity to develop some important life skills in communication, group work, leadership, self esteem and assertiveness.

For the past 2 years the Youth Club has participated in a Peer Education Outdoor Activity summer camp where leaders have an opportunity to put their youth work skills into practice and support the younger members in participating in all of the activities which this year included abseiling, canoeing, caving and boogie-boarding in the Burren.

The student leaders we have at present are incredibly committed and have contributed enormously to the success of their club. They are John Fitzgerald, Con Dennehy, Connie Roche and David O’Sullivan. We are very pleased when this month one of them Connie Roche was an overall winner in the West Cork Garda Youth Award which he received in Balyvourney last week. A well-deserved award for Connie’s courage and commitment and a popular youth leader. Congratulations to him.

Another anchor of the club is Sean Mannix who is a trained youth worker and who has been with the club since the beginning. Sean plans to spend a year working and traveling in New Zealand in February 2005 so we had plan a big send-off for him as he will be badly missed.

I am doing the 2nd year of a Diploma in Non-Formal Guidance at UCC which roughly translated as a training to deliver drugs education in the community, which is interesting and I hope useful in future youth work.
That is us in a nutshell!!

We are really pleased to be asked to participate in Millstreet web experience and the plan is for further news and updates to be done by the young people themselves.

December 2004

More fun images to be added later this week, showing the various activities of the very successful youth club!!





I recently completed this programme along with 10 other young people from clubs in Cork and Kerry. The training was full of experience, ideas and knowledge about many aspects of life. It was also hard work and a lot of fun!

Before the course started I was a bit worried about what would be involved but once we were all introduced we talked about what we wanted to get from the course and we shared our anxieties which was reassuring.

The training was held on two Saturdays in Castleisland. The first day we did exercises around communication skills, leadership skills and the role of the Youth Worker in the community. In the second week we looked at organisational skills and programme planning; conflict in groups and ways of dealing with it. At the end of each session we had time to reflect on what we had done so far. We had time to exchange ideas and get to know each other.

Overall I gained a lot of new skills and ideas from this training. For instance, I became more confident in speaking out. By the end I wasn’t afraid to express my own ideas. I was able to think of new ideas and I felt empowered and encouraged to become a useful leader in my own community.

I recommend this training. No-one who does it will go back empty handed!


Golf Society 2004 – 2006

All the Golf society data from the old Millstreet website is here:


The first meeting of the Millstreet Golf Society took place in 1980 in Edie Reardon’s Bar, present were Frankie Reen, Brendan Kiely, Michael Feeley and Tom Collins. Brendan Kiely has been a member of the committee without break since its foundation and was made an honorary member of society at the AGM of November 2004.  Michael Feeley was the first Captain and Frank Reen Snr was the first President.
The first outing took place in Kanturk Golf Club.

Year Captain President
1982 Michael Feeley Frank Reen
1983 Johnny O’Keeffe Brendan Kiely
1984 ColmanCulhane Seamus Maxwell
1985 Frankie Reen Bill O’Keeffe
1986 Declan Dennehy Sonny Horgan
1987 John Casey Jim Barrett
1988 Edmond Neville Johnny O’Keeffe
1989 Padraig Looney Colman Culhane
1990 Michael Dennehy Tom Fox
1991 Barry Fraiser Kevin Lucey
1992 Liam Gallagher Sylvester Murphy
1993 Chris Twomey Frank Reen
1994 Eamon McCaul Martin Moran
1995 Joe O’Mahony Dan Murphy
1996 John O’Sullivan Tony Sheehan
1997 Sylvester Murphy Michael Feeley
1998 Gordon O’Keeffe Frankie Reen
1999 Denis Hickey Andy Quirke
2000 Tommy Burke Peter Lawlor
2001 John Twomey John Randles
2002 John Cronin Denis Murphy
2003 Padraig Sheehan John Lawlor
2004 Colm O’Connor Eamon McCaul
2005 Connie Cotter Michael Dennehy



Venue Date Tee Time Competition
Lee Valley Sunday       27/03/05 11.15a.m. – 13p.m. 3 person team
Dooks Sunday       24/04/05 10.00a.m. – 12p.m. 3 person team
Kanturk Sunday       12/06/05 11.00a.m. – 13p.m. Captains prize
Castleisland Sunday       21/08/05 10.00a.m. – 12.30p.m. Presidents prize
Killarney Saturday      29/10/05 10.30a.m. – 13.00p.m. 25th Anniversary
Beaufort Wednesday 28/12/05 09.30a.m. – 12.00p.m. 3 person team

Other dates for your diary

Castleisland Saturday 16/07/05 08.00a.m. – 18.00p.m. GAA Classic
Kanturk Saturday 17/09/05 08.00a.m. – 18.00p.m. Tidy Towns Classic



Millstreet  Golf  Society
Killorglin GC 10/09/2006
12:00 Michael Dennehy Sylvie Murphy Don O’ Riordan
12:08 Tim Murphy John Randles Colm O’ Connor
12:16 Jim O’ Sullivan D.J. McCarthy Peter Lawlor
12:24 Con Meade Arthur Murphy Matthew Dennehy
12:32 Tony McCaul Dan Daly Brendan Hickey
12:40 Hugh O’ Connor Derry Sheehan Patrick Lawlor
12:48 John O’ Sullivan Paddy Roche Eamon O’ Connor
12:56 Eamon McCaul Eoin Hegarty John Lawlor
13:04 Chris Twomey Padraig Sheahan Michael Dineen
13:12 Caoimh Sheahan Gordon O’ Keeffe Denis Hickey
13:20 Jeremiah Keating Connie Cotter Tommy Burke
13:28 Niall Buckley John Twomey Pat Buckley
13:36 Anthony Dennehy Noel O’ Connor Eamon Tarrant
13:44 Tom Flahive Liam Burke
Presentation of prizes in the Bridge Bar @ 9:00 PM.
Day Sponsor’s
Avonmore Electrical
Donagh Hickey Motors
K &L Deliveries
Millstreet  Golf  Society
Kanturk GC 11/06/2006
10:30 Colm O’Connor Don O’ Riordan Jesten Dineen
10:38 Jim O’Sullivan D.J. McCarthy John Randles
10:46 Liam Burke Tim Murphy Michael McCarthy
10:54 John Murphy Thomas Murphy Anthony Barry
11:02 Donagh McAuliffe Jerry O’Leary Brendan Hickey
11:10 Michael Dennehy Denis Cremin Barry Fraiser
11:18 Owen Hegarty Patrick Lawlor Eamon Tarrant
11:26 Eamon McCaul Don O’Connor John O’Keeffe (Snr)
11:34 Peter Lawlor John O’Sullivan Tom Flahive
11:42 Denis Twomey Matthew Dennehy Tim O’Donoughue
11:50 Denny Twomey Hugh Twomey Jeremiah Keating
11:58 Con Meade Tony McCaul Arthur Murphy
12:06 Aidan McAuliffe Pat Buckley Niall Buckley
12:14 Connie Cotter Denis Hickey Padraig Sheahan
12:22 Michael Feeley Caoimh Sheahan Johan Twomey
12:30 Paddy Roche Chris Twomey Anthony Dennehy
12:38 Frankie Reen Tom Fox Noel O’ Connor
Presentation of prizes  THE BRIDGE BAR at 9:30 pm
Day Sponsor’s
Reen’s Pharmacy
Eamon Tarrant Garage
Senator Windows
Millstreet  Golf  Society
Harbour Point GC 07/05/2006
11:00 Liam Dennehy Dan Murphy Michael Dennehy
11:08 Edmund Neville Anthony Barry Timmy Murphy
11:16 Caoimh Sheahan James Burke Thomas Murphy
11:24 Tim Kiely Dan Daly Denis Twomey
11:32 Denis Kiely Tony McCaul Michael McCarthy
11:40 Patrick Lawlor Gordon O’ Keeffe Arthur Murphy
11:48 Donagh McCarthy Tommy Burke Liam Burke
11:56 John Twomey Brian O’ Riordan Paddy Roche
12:04 Anthony Dennehy Denis Cremin Jerry O’ Connor
12:12 John O’ Keeffe (Jnr) Tom Flahive Patrick Randles
12:20 Denis Hickey Con Meade Noel O’ Connor
12:28 Eamon O’ Connor Connie Cotter Denny Twomey
12:36 Michael Dineen John O’ Sullivan Jestin Dineen
12:44 Brendan Hickey Hugh O’ Connor Jeremiah Keating
Padraig Sheahan
Day Sponsor’s
Mulcahy’s Pharmacy
Allied Irish Bank
Lucey Motors
Lee Valley GC 16/04/2006
11:40 Edmund Neville Eamon McCaul Colin O’ Mahony
11:47 Peter Lawlor Anthony Barry Arthur Murphy
11:54 John Twomey Don O’ Connor John Randles
12:01 Caoimh Sheahan Padraig Sheahan John Murphy
12:08 Patrick Lawlor Jimmy O’ Sullivan Thomas Murphy
12:15 Donal Kelleher Pat Buckley Paul Cassidy
12:22 Niall Buckley Tommy Burke Eamon Tarrant
12:29 Tony McCaul Brian O’ Riordan Noel O’ Connor
12:36 Donagh McAuliffe Tom Fox Jerry O’ Leary
12:43 Frank Reen John O ‘Sullivan Michael Dennehy
12:50 Denny Murphy Hugh O’ Connor Liam Burke
12:57 Brendan Hickey Connie Cotter Paddy Roche
13:04 Denis Hickey Aidan McAuliffe Timmy Murphy
13:11 John Lawlor Tom Flahive Matthew Dennehy
Day Sponsor’s
Coleman’s Garage
Bank of Ireland
McCaul’s Hardware
Lee Valley GC 26/03/3006
11:30 Derry O’ Hare John O’ Sullivan John Randles
11:38 Denny Murphy Peter Lawlor Jestin Dineen
11:46 Edmund Neville Tommy Burke Jerry O’ Connor
11:54 Anthony Dennehy John O’ Keeffe Paddy Roche
12:02 Donal Kelleher Jimmy O’ Sullivan John Murphy
12:10 Niall Buckley Denis Hickey Hugh O’ Connor
12:18 Eamon O’ Connor Brian O’ Riordan Michael Dennehy
12:26 Liam Dennehy Padraig Sheahan Brendan Kiely
12:34 Caoimh Sheehan Tom Flahive Connie Cotter
12:42 Chris Twomey Donagh McAuliffe Arthur Murphy
12:50 Brendan Hickey Declan Dennehy Noel O’ Connor
12:58 Frank Reen Dan Daly Eamon Tarrant
13:06 Patrick Lawlor Tom Fox Liam Burke
13:14 John Lawlor Pat Buckley Matthew Dennehy
Day Sponsor’s
Coleman’s Garage
Bank of Ireland
Scramble – Beaufort GC 28/12/2005
09:30 Donagh McCarthy Pat Buckley Michael McCarthy
09:38 Michael Dineen Pat Dineen Thomas Murphy
09:46 Fergal Collins Padraig Sheahan Matthew Dennehy
09:54 Colm O’ Connor Tom Fox Colin O’ Mahony
10:02 John Twomey John O’ Sullivan Owen Hegarty
10:10 Tim O’ Donoughue Gordon O’ Keeffe John Cronin
10:18 Denny Murphy Tommy Burke Eamon McCaul
10:26 Michael Feeley Tony McCaul Brendan Kiely
10:34 Chris Twomey Anthony Barry Arthur Murphy
10:42 Eamon O’ Connor Connie Cotter Jeremiah Keating
10:50 John Lawlor Tom Flahive Paddy Roche
10:58 Frankie Reen Denis Hickey John Randles
11:06 Brendan Hickey Jimmy O’ Sullivan John Murphy
11:14 Anthony Dennehy Declan Dennehy Jestin Dineen
11:22 Kevin McCarthy Dan Daly Michael Dennehy
Day Sponsor’s
Centra ( Mr. Anthony Dennehy)
DCP Plastics ( Mr. Padraig Sheahan)
The Bridge Bar
Please check to see if the course is open the telephone number of Beaufort GC is   064) 44440
Presentation of prizes in the Bridge Bar at 7:30.
25th Anniversary Outing – Killarney GC 12/11/2005
08:50 Colm O’ Connor Denis Cremin
08:58 Thomas O’ Leary Michael Dennehy John Moynihan
09:06 Jerry Pat O’ Leary D.J. McCarthy
09:14 Matthew Dennehy Arthur Murphy Kevin McCarthy
09:22 Liam Burke Jimmy O’ Sullivan Donie Kiely
09:30 Joe Mulcahy Dan Daly Con Meade
09:38 Anthony Dennehy Niall Buckley Caoimh Sheahan
09:46 Padraig Sheahan John Twomey Jeremiah Keating
09:54 John Randles John Cronin Sylvie Murphy
10:02 Liam Dennehy Michael Dineen Eamon O’ Connor
10:10 Tim O’ Donoughue Noel O’ Connor Don O’ Connor
10:18 Paddy Roche Brendan Hickey Tom Flahive
10:26 Denis Hickey Connie Cotter Brian O’ Riordan
10:34 Brendan O’ Keeffe Hugh Twomey Hughie O’ Connor
10:42 Gordon O’ Keeffe Dan Murphy Barry Fraiser
10:50 John Lawlor Tommy Burke Denis Kiely

Day Sponsors:

Lucey Motors
Brittany Insurances
Avonmore Electrical

Please check to see if the course is open the telephone number of Killarney GC is   064) 31034
Presentation of prizes in Killarney GC.
Captain’s Prize – Kanturk GC 12/06/05
10:30 Donagh McCarthy Jack Murphy Jeremiah Keating
10:38 Michael Dennehy Donagh McAuliffe John O’ Keeffe (Snr)
10:46 Eamon Tarrant Liam Burke Tommy Burke
10:54 Tadgh O’ Flynn Hugh Twomey Tim Kiely
11:02 Kevin McCarthy Denis Kiely Michael McCarthy
11:10 Brendan O’ Keeffe Owen Hegarty Eamon McCaul
11:18 Paddy Roche John Twomey Brendan Kiely
11:26 Barry Fraser James Burke Arthur Murphy
11;34 Matthew Dennehy Chris Twomey John O’ Sullivan
11:42 John Mannix Brendan Hickey Jim O’ Sullivan
11:50 John Lawlor Padraig Sheahan John Cronin
11:58 Niall Buckley Caoimh Sheahan Con Meade
12:06 Peter Lawlor John Randles John O’ Keeffe (Jnr)
12:14 Robert Sheehan Brian O’ Riordan Edmund Neville
12:22 Anthony Barry Frankie Reen Dan Murphy
12:30 Patrick Lawlor Colm O’ Connor Denis Hickey
12;38 Anthony Dennehy Pat Buckley Dan Daly
12:46 Connie Cotter DJ McCarthy Tom Flahive
12:52 Tim O’ Donoughue Timmy Murphy
Eamon Tarrant Garage
Senator Windows (Mr Hugh Twomey)
McCaul’s Hardware
Play off the white markers
Presentation of prizes will take place in The Stand Bar in Kanturk at 6:00 PM.
The society is entering a team in the Kanturk Golf Classic on the 24th of June,the draw for the team
will be made at the presentation. Only people attending the presentation will be entered in the draw.

Back to Top

Dooks G.C. 24/04/05
10:00 Michael Hickey Michael Dennehy Paddy Roche
10:08 Colm O’ Connor Thomas O’ Leary Con Meade
10:16 Matthew Dennehy Tony McCaul John Cronin
10:24 Edmund Neville Tom Fox Liam Burke
10:32 Padraig Sheahan John Twomey Caoimh Sheahan
10:40 Chris Twomey Connie Cotter Denis Hickey
10:48 Donal Kelleher Denis Cremin
10:56 John O’ Sullivan Tim O’ Donoughue
11:12 Tom Flahive Eamon Tarrant Brendan Kiely
11:20 Gordon O’ Keeffe John O’ Keeffe (Snr) Tommy Burke
Reen’s Chemist
Donagh Hickey Motors
Calor Kosangas


Reens Chemist

Donagh Hickey Motors

Calor Kosangas

Scotch Scramble – Lee Valley G.C. 27/03/05
11:15 Frank Reen Hugh O’Connor Michael Dennehy
11:22 Liam Dennehy Con Meade Brendan Kiely
11:29 Anthony Dennehy Connie Cotter Dan Murphy
11:36 Eamon O’ Connor Pat Buckley Colin O’ Mahony
11:43 Peter Lawlor Eamon Tarrant Noel O’ Connor
11:50 Donal Kelleher Tommy Burke Brendan O’ Keeffe
11:57 Denis Hickey Jim O’ Sullivan Jeremiah Keating
12:04 Liam Buckley James Burke John Randles
12:11 Chris Twomey Anthony Barry Thomas Murphy
12:18 Denny Murphy Dan Daly Denis Twomey
12:25 Brendan Hickey Caoimh Sheehan John O’ Keeffe (Snr)
12:32 John Lawlor Padraig Sheehan Timmy Murphy
12:39 John Twomey Tony McCaul Paddy Roche
12:46 Niall Buckley Tom Flahive Arthur Murphy
12:53 John O’ Keeffe (Jnr) John O’ Sullivan Liam Burke
13:00 Patrick Lawlor Paul O’ Donovan M.Dennehy / J.Mannix


Bank of Ireland

Colemans Garage

Allied Irish Bank



golf society homepage

Dooks GC 16 hole scramble 4th April
1st    Colm O’Connor, James Burke, Tony McCaul 52.42
2nd    John Twomey, Hugh O’Connor, Paddy Roche 54.92
3rd    Denis Hickey, Tom Flahive, Padraig Sheehan 55.50
4th    Eamonn O’Connor, Jeremiah Keating, Brendan Kiely 55.50
Macroom GC 18 hole scramble 25th April
1st    Kevin McCarthy, Eamonn Tarrant, Denis Twomey 63.58
2nd   Anthony Dennehy, Hugh O’Connor, Michael Dennehy 64.17
3rd   Denis Hickey, Michael McCarthy, Dermot Golden 64.83
4th   Brendan Hickey, Noel O’Connor, Don O’Riordan 65.58
Kanturk GC Captains Prize
(Colm O’Connor
30th May
1st    Peter Lawlor                             (44 pts)
2nd   Padraig Sheehan                       (43 pts)
3rd   John Randles                             (39pts)
4th   Colm O’Connor                         (30pts)

Frank Reen Memorial – Peter Lawlor

Cat 1 (1) Anthony Dennehy (2) Frank Reen (3) Tony Lawlor
Cat  2 (1) John O’Sullivan (2) Tommy Burke (3) Brendan Hickey
Cat  1 (1) Don O’Riordan (2) Thomas O’Leary (3) John Murphy

Castleisand GC Presidents Prize
(Eamon McCaul
3rd October
1st   Connie Cotter                          (40pts)
2nd  Liam Dennehy                          (39pts)
3rd  James Burke                             (38pts)
Gross  John Twomey                        (26pts)

Cat 1 (1) Brendan Hickey (2) Denis Hickey (3)
Cat  2 (1) (2) (3)
Cat  1 (1)Matthew Dennehy (2)Thomas O’Leary (3)

Killorglin GC 18hole scotch scramble 7th November
1st   Denis Kiely, Eamon Tarrant, Padraig Sheehan 59
2nd  Michael Hickey, Con Meade, John Murphy 53
3rd  Colm O’Connor, Paul O’Donovan, John Hartnett 52
4th  Tim O’Donoghue, Hugh O’Connor, Michael Dennehy 52



golf society homepage













DENNEHY’S THE BRIDGE BAR sponsored the 2004 Fourball
Sponsors were thanked at the AGM for their continues sponsorship of the society and hoped they would continue their sponsorship of the society.

New sponsors are always welcome, sponsorship costs  €125 for the day and includes free golf on the day.



Millstreet Golf Society – Fourball 2005 Sponsored by Murphy’s Bar
Contact number First Round play by 30/05/05 Second Round play by 30/06/05 Quarter Final play by 31/07/05 Semi Final play by 31/08/05 Final play by 19/09/05 Winners
086-1794465 Michael Dineen & Jestin Dineen

087 2863637 Sylvester Murphy & Donal Kelleher
Michael Dineen & Jestin Dineen

087 2335777 Chris Twomey & John Twomey
029-70576 Peter Lawlor & Barry Fraiser V

087-2345123 Caoimh Sheahan & Niall Buckley

Caoimh Sheahan & Niall Buckley
087-2844463 Michael Dennehy & Paddy Roche
029-70262 John Randles & Edmund Neville

029-70223 Michael Feeley & Denny Murphy
John Randles & Edmund Neville
087-6661588 Patrick Lawlor & Jeremiah Keating
087-9379269 Tony McCaul & James Burke V
087 1207531 Tom Flahive & Liam Burke
Tony McCaul & James Burke
086-6063767 Tim Kiely & Kevin McCarthy

087-6484870 Colm O’ Connor & Owen Hegarty

087 2565270 Hugh Twomey & Tim O’ Donoughue

Hugh Twomey & Tim O’ Donoughue
029-70846 Connie Cotter & Anthony Dennehy
087 9925259 Donagh McCarthy & Aidan McAuliffe V

087-6821840 John Moynihan & Eamon Moynihan
Donagh McCarthy & Aidan McAuliffe
029-70758 Frankie Reen & Declan Dennehy
086-8172534 Denis Hickey and Brendan Hickey V

086 3212369 John Cronin and Tommy Burke
Denis Hickey and Brendan Hickey RULES:
V 1 Play by date.
087-2380881 Dan Murphy & Brendan O’ Keeffe 2 First name team contacts other team to fix match.
3 Toss for venue.
087-2345123 Padraig Sheahan & Eamon Tarrant 4 Green fees divided by four

V 5 In the event of a tie, play off in multiples of three holes with shots as normal.
087-2663188 Eamon McCaul & John O’ Sullivan 6 Handicap – lowest player to scratch with three quarters of the difference.
7 Handicap as of first match.
Eamon McCaul & John O’ Sullivan 8 Results to Murphy’s Bar or 087 6373437 by date.
V 9 Committee’s decision is final.
086 1611626 Donagh McAuliffe & Denis Kiely
Frankie Reen & Declan Dennehy
Tom Fox & Brendan Kiely

Christmas Day Climb 2006

The Christmas morning tradition of walking up a Mushera mountain while still half asleep, was held again this Christmas Day morning. This year sponsorship is in aid of two causes: the Courtmacsharry Lifeboats, and also for the purchase of a defibulator for the the area to be stored in the community center in Aubane. 10:30am and the first group headed off from St John’s Well, while more were tackling the slightly easier route up along the wire by the country park. It was a nice morning, but we could see what lay ahead of us – fog on top of the mountain. A small flock of sheep seemed the only other things moving. So after about an hour of moving uphill at our own pace, we got to the top at about 11:30. There was already a few dozen hardy souls plus a few dogs at the cross before us. By the time everyone had landed in the next half an hour, there was about one hundred or so cheerful souls on top. After a few photo’s and a good long chat, we we headed back for base, and the warmth of Christmas Dinner.

Aubane Notes December 2006

By John F. Kelleher

We extend our greatest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently: Kathleen Burke Killarney, Shelia Kelleher Cockhill, and TJ O’ Connor Gneeveguilla. Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis

Annual Christmas Party:
The Annual mass and senior citizens party takes place in the Aubane Community Centre on Thursday 14h December at 7.30 p.m sharp.

Christmas Morning Climb:
The Annual Christmas Morning Climb takes place on Monday 25th December at 10.30 a.m sharp and the meeting place is the St John’s Well Car Park. The Sponsorship cards will be available from any Social Club member. This year the proceeds of the climb will be in aid of The Courtmacsherry Lifeboat Fund and the purchase of a Defibrillator for the use of the Aubane Community and the Surrounding Areas.

Around the Fireside:
On Thursday 28th December a night of Stories and Songs around the fireside will take place in the Aubane Community Centre commencing at 8.30 pm sharp. Everybody is welcome.

Santa Claus is visiting Aubane:
On Sunday the 17th December Santa Claus will a pay a visit to all the boys and girls at the Aubane Community Centre commencing at 2.00 p.m All are welcome.

Annual Fancy Dress:
The annual fancy dress night took place on Friday (Oct 27th) in the Wallis Arms Hotel. This annual event raises money for charity each year. This year the money raised went to two deserving charities Marymount Hospice and Millstreet Hospital. There was a fantastic turnout again this year with a very impressive display of costumes. The variety, the colour and the great effort that everyone went to in dressing up makes this night, one of the best in Millstreet. In the past few years the Fancy Dress night organised by Tony Twomey, Mairead & Katrina Kelleher and Friends have raised a lot of money for different charities.
The organisers of the night deserve great credit for the hard work they put in

Calendar in Aid of the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund:
An Ideal Christmas present this year is Fr James Mc Sweeney’s Calendar for 2007. Last year’s calendar was an outstanding success raising over €20,000 for COPE. This year Fr James hopes to do as good again with all the money going to the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund in Millstreet. The Calendar is €5 and you will be glad to know that your contribution will go directly to the St Patrick’s Church, Millstreet, Restoration Fund. The Calendar can be purchased at Dennehy’s Centra, Colemans and Wordsworth. in Millstreet.
Fr James’s Christmas Crib at 1 Kilmorna Heights, Ballyvolane will open to the public on the 8th December and all the proceeds of the crib will also be donated to the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund. I also invite you to check out The website is checked out by thousands across the world each day. A new photo is updated each day with a short thought for the day. You can also get the calendar posted to anywhere in the world for €7 (includes postage and packaging) or send on a cheque to Fr. James Mc Sweeney, 1 Kilmorna Heights, Ballyvolane, Cork

On Holidays:
It was great to see my good friends Brigette & Pascal Friossart from Reims in France visiting the Aubane during the month of October. I know that they are regular readers of the Aubane Notes.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm Music during the month of December will be provided by the following musicians – 4th Dec The Breens, 11th Dec Tim Joe & Ann O’Riordan, and on the 18th Dec which is the Set Dancing Christmas Party its Andrew O’ Connell & Friends.
On the 1st January (New Years Party Night) Mathew Kelleher will provide the music.

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up over a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. During the Christmas Season a number of pictures will be added so don’t forget to log on. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.or Michael Cashman. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

Congratulations to Seanie Barrett who participated in the Dublin City Marathon on Monday the 30th October in Aid of The West Cork Peto Fund.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everybody at home and abroad a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year for 2007

Aubane Christmas Party 2006

Christmas time again and we had our annual Christmas Party on Thursday 14th December. The crowd was up again and everyone had a great time again this year. Monsignor Manning and Fr James McSweeney concelebrated a mass for everyone, helped by a group from the Millstreet Church Choir. That was followed by food and tea’s. When everyone was full, they were entertained by a group from Ceomhaltas Ceoltoirí Eireann who played and sang, and were joined by people from the crowd who gave renditions of their own somgs. Many thanks to everyone that helped to make sure it was a thoroughly enjoyable night.

Santa in Aubane 2006

Santy was back in Aubane last Sunday the 17th December. A big crowd filled with anticipation and trepidation gathered to greet Santa who arrived a little late after his sleigh broke down just outside Aubane, but he phoned and was quickly picked up by the locals and brought to the old school where he was warmly greeted by everyone. He met all the children there and got notice of what they all wanted for Christmas! They all got a small early gift from santa, and left delighted with themselves. There was also an bouncy castle and biscuits and teas for everyone. Thanks to all the people that helped to put the day together, and especially to Santa who took the time out of his amazing schedule to be with us for a few hours.

Aubane Notes October 2006

By John F. Kelleher

We extend our greatest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Joe O’ Sullivan Killarney Road, Chrissie O’ Riordan Dromsicane, Han O’ Riordan Main Street, Eddie O’ Mahony Murphy’s Tce. Eddie formerly played for Aubane on the Aubane Football Team. Val Dean Barrack Street, Cork City.
Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at Aubane Community Centre has resumed since Monday the 19th October. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm each Monday Night until May 2007.

Dancing Classes:
Dancing Classes have now commenced in the Aubane Community Centre since Friday 13th October and will continue every Friday night from 8.00 to 9.00 pm. These classes are for eight weeks and the cost is €25.00. If anyone is interested please contact Eileen O’Riordan or Gerdie Buckley for further information..

On Holidays:
It was great to see Frank Egan (nee Kelleher) late of Mushera and now Canada home on holidays to visit her three brothers with her daughter Audrey and son Brian. I hope you Frankie and your family enjoyed holidaying in the local area.

I would also like to wish Seanie Barrett the very of luck as he is participating in the Dublin City Marathon on Monday the 30th October in Aid of The West Cork Peto Fund. If you would like to sponsor Seanie, Sponorship Cards are in various shops in Millstreet Town.

Congratulations to Kevin Creedon Mushera and Caroline Cronin Carrigaline who were married on Saturday 2nd September. Fr James Mc Sweeney of Toorenbawn and Ballyvolane officiated the marriage.

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.or Michael Cashman. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

A Warm Welcome:
On behalf of the Aubane Social Club I would to entend a warm welcome to Mr & Mrs Conrad Jones Mushera who have taken up residence in the local area.

World Ploughing Championships:
On Saturday the 30th September a large group from the Aubane Area headed of to the World Ploughing Championships that were held in Tullow, Co Carlow. A bus load hit the road early on Saturday morning in great anticipation of wonderful day out despite the rather damp weather. The group visited many trade stands and also witnessed the Dancing Diggers in action. On the return journey the group stopped off for dinner at Kilcornan Lodge near Cahir, Co. Tipperary. Everyone enjoyed the day greatly. Seamus Buckley deserves great credit for patiently driving the coach all day till late at night. His patience and enthusiasm was greatly appreciated by all.

Rallying on the Butter Road:
On Saturday the 30th September Aubane played host to the Murphy Construction Cork “20” International Rally. The Butter Road Stage of the Rally included a stretch of one of the most scenic roads in Ireland. It also remains the shortest and most scenic route between Cork City, Blarney and Killarney. There is no other panoramic view in Southern Ireland than that from the highest point of road at Togher, which was the stage of the Rally. The final stage of the Butter Road Stage was in Carriginimma. The Drivers in the rally travelled as far away as Estonia and the United Kingdom. One of the Top International Rallying Drivers in the World Mark O’ Martin said, “ It was the best stages he had ever drove as it had fantastic scenery. It was Mark’s first time driving in Ireland. Two local men from Kilcorney John O’ Sullivan (Driver) and Denis O’Riordan (Navigator) participated in the Rally. It was both their first time participating in a rally and they finished 16th overall from a field of Thirty Five in the Junior Class. Also Donal Kelleher of Tullig took part in the Rally in his Ford Escort Mk1 accompanied by his co-driver Derry Healy.
It was great to see such an International Event take place along the historic Butter Road and I hope that all the participants enjoyed the attractions along the route from Cork to Killarney.

Broadband Transmitter On Clara

As most will know by now, a new broadband mast is being placed on top of Clara Mountain, with new ESB cables running up the side of the mountain. Below is a progression of our efforts to find out what was going on, and to try to ensure that the development is . (newest stuff at the top, oldest at the bottom).
Tuesday 3rd October 2006
And so it is done. Today, the poles are being erected on Clara as I write this. A few minutes ago, I caught a glimpse of them on the horizon just by pure chance. We were not informed by anyone, nor did permaNet get back to us on their promised letter to the ESB. For better or for worse it is being done now, but we must still answer a few questions

* Local governance. Have we any control over what happpens in our own area, our environment, or is it all controlled by people that have nothing to do with the area.
* Society in general. Do we care about the future or is it all about ‘mé féin’?
* Did permaNet work with the community? Were they honest with their actions? Should we lend them our support?
* Was this all just a storm in a teacup? or were the concerns justifiable?

They are up now for better or for worse, so send a comment to xxxxxx on how you feel about what has happened. (Happy/sad/don’t care). Or you may prefer to leave a comment at the the new Millstreet blog
Tuesday 26th September
We’ve been having a lot of emails in the last few days, which we’ve been putting on the discussion board. Some interesting points were raised about the fires on the Clara that happen every few years, and how they would bring down poles and expose naked live wires …. and also maybe some issues with the Irish Aviation Authority.
And at last today, we received our first email in favour of the proposed work, which also brought the human cost of the project into view. We are happy to get some sense of balance on the argument, but your voice will never be heard unless you leave a comment.
Wedensday 20th September
Spoke to a guy from PermaNet on the phone today and I must say that he was very helpful with outlining their current position. Here are the main points I gathered:

* IRD Duhallow invited them to provide a wireless broadband service for the Millstreet and surrounding areas.
* In their view (and ours too) Clara is the best location for this as it has panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
* They have looked at different ways at getting power to the the top of Clara, from:
o A generator, which really would be unfeasable because of the terrain.
o Burying lines in a trench carrying electricity to the top
o ESB poles to the top.
* The landowners in question had been contacted about the poles and ESB lines and were happy. (This conflicts with the entry below from Tuesday 19th.)
* The ESB work will consist of eleven poles in total. He said that they are not large pylons that are to be erected, but regular timber ESB poles.
* He also stressed that it is not a large mast that is being erected, but a small aeriel 2m high, with two antennae. (This was pointed out previously on Monday’s post)
* They have been waiting for approximately 6-9 months for the ESB to get back to them on the work. This has been the reason it has not been put up earlier in the year.
* The number of people interested in the service at the moment is small. (But this obviously has the potential to grow in outlying areas where aDSL does not reach).
* Since the ESB will not deal with us, and only with their clients, he said he will contact them stating the misgivings of locals towards the poles and lines, and will thhus inform us on their response.

Since this is not a large (and probably not very lucrative) project for them at the moment, he said that it would be very easy for them to walk away from the project, if public opinion was against them. This is not what we are looking for at all because we of all people know that the service is needed. But as is stated below, it’s all about doing the right thing.
So we have the option of poles and broadband, or no poles and no broadband. Contact us at xxxxxxx
Tuesday 19th September
We attended the Millstreet Community Council meeting tonight and were informed by those present of the current situation (outlined below). General agreement was that the overhead ESB lines and poles would not be positive on the mountainside, and that it would be a very simple solution just to bury the lines underground.

It also transpired from the meeting that the ESB were up on the mountain today surveying and measuring for pricing. Not very encouraging. Also, some of the landowners on Clara were also contacted, and they seemed to know nothing about the development, which is surprising too.

Monday 18th September
At last, some information
After hearing the initial news last Thursday of the new mast and ESB poles all the way to the top of the mountain, we have been trying to get more information from permaNet and the ESB about what they would be erecting on Clara.
The ESB were very unforthcoming with information, and said that they would only give information to their clients. PermaNet were more willing to give information and the following description is from them. [It was previously stated here that PermaNet were unforthcoming with information with information, which we regret was incorrect due mostly to pooor communication on our part]

They intend placing a mast on top of the bunker (or a hut) which is placed at the top of the mountain back behind the cross. It will be 2m high mast with 2 antennae coming from this mast.
Also to deliver electricity to the top of the mountain, there will be standard ESB poles running up the side of the mountain, to the very top from a farm at the top of Kilmeedy.

It is felt that this is a minor development, and while the service is need for outlying area’s of Millstreet which cannot get broadband through the phone line. Still, we would like to have seen the cables buried, but there is probably not a lot we can do because the ESB can pretty much put up poles and cables wherever they like as long as it’s considered ‘safe’.

This whole scenario leaves us with a few thoughts which probably need to be answered:

* The infrastructure described above was able to proceed without ever applying for planning permission. Why is this so?

* Few knew about this until last week except a few people with vested interests …. until it was passed on in idle conversation. Surely this was wrong.

* The ESB were very unforthcoming with information, as normal. Should they be allowed to ride roughshod over us all the time.

* Now that there will be electricity at the top of Clara, does it not seem likely that it’s now ideal to place further masts up there because of its panoramic views of the surrounding countryside

All in the name of progress. makes you think.

Anyway, there is a community council meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) night in the Wallis Arms. We will go along and express our views on the situation, and see what can be done from there.

Does anyone have any suggestions of how we should proceed?

People are not happy!
Friday 14th September
We have recieved a number of emails with negative feelings towards the mast and ESB lines/poles.

On the permaNet website they state :- “permaNET is working with community groups in these locations to expedite the availability of broadband in their area”. They had a meeting for the general public i think just after christmas 9 months ago, and we all signed forms with names and email addresses etc. We heard no more from them.

The problem is that we need service for the outlying areas of Millstreet because they can’t get aDSL, but we could without scarring the countryside. How hard could it be to bury cables? It all sounds like NIMBYism, but it’s not. It’s about doing what’s right first time around.

Alas, precedent would tell us that the ESB can do whatever they like. has a very long article this. (it only gets interesting about half way down when they start talking about what the ESB can get away with)

Thursday 14th September
Important News Flash
We have just learned the disturbing news that there is a broadband mast to go up on top of Clara Mountain. Also, a cable suspended on poles is to be placed all the way up the side of the mountain. While the broadband company want the cables to be buried….the ESB, who are doing the work, are refusing to bury the cables and insist that the cable will have to be put on poles. Work has not yet started, but will start so in a week or two. We are not sure that anyone in town knows that this is happening. Both the ESB and PermaNet are being very quiet about all this, and we feel that all this is going on behind the backs of the community.
I’m not sure if we can do anything about the mast at this stage, but for such a scenic place these cables should be buried, and now is the time to have it done, rather than wait until they are up on poles.
So we are now looking at another area to be plastered with ESB poles, and masts. Just go back to west Kerry and see how bad things are. We know that Clara is very important to a lot of people in town, and will be upset by this development. So please spread the word and let people know whats happening, and contact your local councilor or TD before it is too late, or contact us at xxxxxxxxxxxx
[this first appeared on the front page of]
View from Clara

Aubane Notes August 2006

On Saturday 12th of August, Aubane Social Club headed off on tour to Sherkin Island, located just off the south west coast of Ireland. A bus load hit the road early on Saturday morning in great anticipation of a wonderful day out. We were blessed with wonderful weather, where the sun was splitting the rocks all day on Sherkin Island. A short boat ride from Baltimore to the island and we were free to roam the island for the day to take in the old Franciscan Abbey, the beaches, the Jolly Roger, the sea views and the beauty of the island. On the return journey we sampled the wonderful views of Glengarriff and surrounding areas. Everyone enjoyed the day greatly. Seamus Buckley deserves great credit for patiently driving us around all day till late at night. His patience and enthusiasm was greatly appreciated by all.

St John’s Well mass was recently celebrated on the 23rd June 2006. It was celebrated by Monsignor Manning, Millstreet and assisted by Fr Tarrant CC, Millstreet, Fr James McSweeney CC, Ballyvolane, Fr Manning CC, Aghinagh and Fr Joe Poole Cssp, Dublin, and attended by a good crowd too. St John’s Well committee would like to thank the choir and pipe band for their participation on the night, and also John Anthony O’Sullivan for the amplification. Also thanks to all who have prepared and maintained the area around the well over the past 12 months, and to thank the Lucey family of Lower Torreenbawn for the presentation of a beautiful bench seat at St John’s Well.

Con Twomey completed the wonderful achievement of a 150 mile round trip of Cork County on foot in aid of Marymount hospice. He walked nearly a full marathon every day for a full week and there were plenty of sores to prove it, but it was worth it all. Well done to all involved.

An unusual event recently was a strawing for the homecoming of Jerry and Kathleen Kelleher from their honeymoon at the Aubane Community Center on Friday, 18th August 2006, with music, dancing, songs and refreshments and everybody enjoying themselves. Strawings had nearly been lost to history but the club in Aubane have taken it to revive them again, and they are proving very popular near and far.

The Aubane Community Center (sometimes just called the School) continues to be improved as the time goes by. There have been several nights of work put into the improvement and we would like to thank all that helped. The work continues this month with the laying of a new footpath and wheelchair ramp into the front door, and further progress on the flower-beds around the car park, and emergency lighting inside the building. It will be a long road to get everything done, but it will be worth it in the end. Thanks to everyone who generously contributed to the Aubane Social Club recent church gate collection on the 14th/15th August 2006 which will go to maintaining the area and keeping the social side of our area vibrant.

Congratulations to Nell Kelleher of Aubane who recently celebrated her 90th birthday. Also, a very sincere well done to all who recently received the results of their leaving cert and the best of luck to them in their career choices. We would like to extend a warm welcome to visitors over the summer months including Sr Helen Casey, Torreenbawn; Connie Lucey, Torreenbawn and Agnes Cashman, Los Angeles.

Monday night set dancing in Aubane Community Center will recommence on 18th September 2006 at 9.15pm with music by Marie and Kevin.

For photographs and information on Aubane Social Club events, past and present, please check our website:

There have been a couple of weddings in Aubane recently. Jerry Kelleher from Aubane wedding Kathleen O’Keeffe of Cullen, and also to Brendan O’Shea from Cockhill marrying Edel O’Donoghue of Aubane in Croatia. Best wishes for a long and happy future to all. There are a couple of new babies too: Ann & Billy Kelleher, Aubane on the birth of their son Adam Seán, and Jerry and Noreen O’Brien, Drishane Road on the birth of their daughter Kate. Congratulations to one and all.

Finally, we extend our deepest sympathy to the families of the following who died recently: Jerh and Bina Moynihan of Knocknagree, Margaret Kelleher, Lackadota, and Timmy Collins, Knocknagree.

Agus go mbuailimid le chéile arís, go gcoinní Dia i mbos A láimhe thú.

Regional report 837 8th August 2006

Can be heard on every Tuesday at 10.30a.m. (Irish time).

Regional report 837

Tuesday, 8th August  2006

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 837 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely Autumn Morning.

Here  are the results of this weeks parish lotto draw which was held at Corkery’s Bar on Sunday night. The jackpot was not won.

€100 went to Paddy Roche, Drishane Rd, the seller was Donal Guiney, and he got €50 sellers prize,

€50 went to Mgt. Murphy, Clara. €20 each to Denis Mc Sweeney, Coolikerane, Sean Lawlor, Dooneen, Matt O Connor, Station Rd, Sinead Corkery, c/o Corkerys Bar, Paddy O Callaghan, c/o Mary Lane, Liz Mc Aulliffe Annagloor. Breda Broderick, Clara Rd, Jerry O Sullivan c/o The Bridge Bar. Jackpot for next week €1,800 the draw at the Mal Passo Bar on Sunday night.

Last week I mentioned that a bunch of house keys had been found  on the Drishane Rd , thanks to the power of local radio,  the owner made contact right away and was very glad to get them back.

The Fundraising Music Fest and BBQ in aid of LTV2 was a resounding success at Carriginma on Sunday. Light rain in the early part of the day caused a bit of concern, but we needn’t have worried, soon it cleared away and the crowds came out in large numbers to support us. It would be impossible for me, in the time allowed, to list all the people who helped to make it the great success that it was, and in case I’d leave anyone out I’ll have to refrain from mentioning  names .

Everybody’s contribution was needed and appreciated.  They know who they are and each can take a bow , The great thing was that as well as supporting LTV2, the people enjoyed themselves. They enjoyed the food and the meeting with other people from 3 in the afternoon till closing time.

Needless  to say Cork’s win over Waterford was well monitored and the cheers that went up at the final whistle drowned out everything else for that moment. Many thanks to one and all

The development  of the O’Sullivan  Bearra Way is making news again. And the contract for the signposting etc is gone out to tender. All those who agree to let it pass through their lands will be covered by the special insurance policy, and the farmer or land owner is indemnified. And as all routes nationwide are closed for one day every year, there is no danger of a right of way being created. The arrangement can be cancelled or changed at any time, as  the landowner or farmer sees fit.

Details of the insurance policy are to be sent on in the near future and they will be accessible through our website.

A fond Cead Mile Failte to all those who are holidaying in our area at the moment. Full information can be got from the friendly staff at our tourist office in the Carnegie Hall.

The Summer Horse Show will run from August 16 to 20 inclusive. If you have a house to let for self-catering  or rooms available for B&B ,please contact the Green Glens 70800 or the Museum 70844.

A gala surprise party was held in Carriginma on Friday night in honour of Con Twomey, his lovely wife Joan & Family in honour of their recent fundraising efforts in aid of Marymount Hospise. Which amounted to in excess of €21,000, well done to them all.

The Aubane social club will hold their outing to Sherkin Island on Saturday next August 12th. leaving Aubane at 9.30 am. Contact 087 2140976 or any member.

Free bus going to Knock Aug 12th. Leaving Cullen at 6.45 am. Millstreet at 7 & Banteer at 7.20am Contact 029 56269.

And contact the same number about the free bus going to Rochestown  for the Padre Pio Ceremonies on August 13th . Leaving Cullen at 12noon, arriving in Millstreet at 12.10 & Banteer 12.30

Bus going to Achill Aug 26th return Aug 27th

Free childrens playground in our town Park opened everyday.

Agus sinn a bfuil a cairde.

St. Johns Well Mass 2006

The annual mass at St Johns well was held on Friday the 23rd of June. There was a fine crowd in attendance on what was a lovely summers evening. There were five priests celebrating mass this year. Cannon Manning and Fr Joe Tarrant from Millstreet, Fr James McSweeney from Ballyvolane, Fr Joe Poole from Namibia, and Fr Manning from Carriganima. There were glorious hymns from the Millstreet Choir and the Millstreet Pipe Band Played for the ceramony as is traditional. Recently trimmed trees and a light breeze thankfully helped to minimize the problem of the midges. The well of course was looking splendid as usual. Many thanks to everyone that attended and to everyone that helped in any way on the evening. The Mass is normally on the night of the 24th of June but was rescheduled this year because it clashed with the regular Saturday night mass.

Aubane Notes June 2006

Aubane School recently hosted an ice-cream Sunday in which €1,100 was raised for Down Syndrome Ireland. It was great to see such a large attendance, particularly when the weather that day was downright awful. Entertainment was provided in the form of music and song by Breda Moynihan, John O’Sullivan Tullig provided a bouncing castle inside!!, and Brian O’Leary was doing face painting for the children. A special thanks to the above mentioned provided their services free of charge. And of course there was more than enough ice-cream to go around too. Thanks to all for supporting this worthy cause.

Continuing on charitable events, well done to Tony Twomey recently walked from Bandon to Cork City in aid of the Marymount Hospice. However, hot on his heels is Con Twomey who is also walking the highways for Marymount hospice. Also, we would like to pass on a message of thanks from the Irish Heart Foundation which recently raised €800.

Work is continuing to improve the area around Aubane. This month saw the finishing touches put to Aubane crossroads. All the fencing and curbing had recently been put in place, so it was just to backfill with earth, lay down plastic sheeting, and planting shrubs. Thanks to the dozen or so helpers for the two of evenings who got the job done along with a few laughs and a smile on their faces. Again, thanks to Cork County Council for their help with the development.

Congratulations to all those who made their First Communion recently. Also, Best wishes to everyone doing their Junior Cert, Leaving Cert and college exams at the moment. Of course, you always know when the exams are starting, because the weather gets good. Whatever about a change in the seasons (global warming et al), the sun was always splitting the stones when we were doing exams. When you’re finished i hope you enjoy the deserved summer holidays.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of the following won died recently: Dinny Kiely, Dromahane; Dermot Murphy, Clara Road; Martin O’Connor, Kiskeam; Sister John Mary Healy, Kanturk; Bridget Collin, Cockhill

Monday night set dancing has ended for the summer and will recommence on Monday September 18th next.

St John’s Well mass will take place on Friday, the 23rd June at 8:30pm.

Finally, thanks to all who have supported Aubane Social Club throughout the season, and we look forward to your continued support in the future.

Aubane Social Club Table Quiz 2006

Good Friday night 14-April-2006

Another big crowd participated this year with the dancing room full to the brim. The questions were set by quiz-masters Don and Michael O’Riordan, and were helped with the marking and score-keeping by Sonia O’Riordan and Ger McSweeney. There were questions for everyone there from children’s cartoons to old films, from history to local news, music and picture rounds and of course general knowledge. It was a very close contest right through with eight teams within three points of the lead after five rounds (the half way stage). Teas and refreshments were served to get the brains working again, and for people to discuss their progress. After another five rounds, it was a draw at the end between the top two teams on eighty one points out of a hundred. A play-off round was needed to separate them, and victorious on the night were the team of Liam Flynn, Pat Sheehan, Denis Lane and John Tarrant, with the runners up team from Ballydaly headed by the O’Sullivan brothers.

Many thanks to our sponsors on the night: Lucey’s Motors, Dennehy’s Centra, The Country Park, Pommery’s Bar, Billy Kelleher Kitchens, Jerry Kelleher Aubane, and to everyone that turned up and enjoyed themselves.

Raffle Winners were

* Denis Cashman – Country Park Pass
* Shane Murphy – Brandy
* Donal O’Connor – Brandy
* Michael Cashman Whiskey
* Alan Buckley – whiskey
* Liam Flynn – wine
* Donal Coffey – wine
* Kathleen McAuliffe – wine
* Edmond Coffey – wine
* Pa Rowan – Beauty Products!!

We appologize for the lack of pictures this time around. We’ll try to do better the next time!

January 2006 Presentations in Aubane

The locals in Aubane came together on Tuesday the 24th Janurary for two very different presentations. Firstly was a cheque from the proceeds of the annual Christmas Day Mushera Climb to Lena Kelleher of Millstreet Community Hospital, which amounted to €3,200. Secondly, in recognition of a marvllous achievement, David Barrett was presented with a crystal bowl in honor of his winning the National Intermediate Boxing Title. The pictures below are with many thanks to John Tarrant.

Presenting a cheque for the proceeds of the Christmas day mushera mountain climb to Millstreet Hospital

Aubane Social Club Treasurer John Dineen presented a cheque for €3,200 to Lena Kelleher, Matron to Millstreet Community Hospital. The proceeds were raised as part of the Mushera Mountain climb on Christmas Day.

Presentation to David Barrett on winning the All-Ireland Intermediate boxing title
Anne Kelleher, Asst PRO, Aubane Social Club makes a presentation to National Intermediate Boxing Champion David Barrett. Included are Gerard McSweeney – Aubane Social Club Chairman, members of the Barrett family, John Kelleher and Dan Lane, coach Rylane Boxing Club.

Aubane at the World Ploughing Championships 2006

The end of September a bus load driven by the ever relliable Seamus Buckley headed off for the ploughing in Tullow, Co. Carlow, to see all that was new and old in farming at the annual National Ploughing championships. It was the last day and there was a bonus for the ploughing experts in that the World Championships were being held that day. It was a long and tiring day but everyone had a great time once they managed to stay out of the mud!

Aubane Notes Jan 2006


We extend sympathy to the families of the following who died recently:

Mary Guiney, Drishane Road, Hannah Lucey and Helen Walsh, Station Road, Win Meredith, Denjoe Murphy, Boherbue (late teacher in Aubane). Frank O’ Callaghan, Derrinagree, Noreen O’ Keeffe, Millstreet, Con O’ Sullivan, Claramore and Nora Mary O’ Connor, Freemount.


The Aubane Social Club recently held a social in Duhallow Park Hotel to mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of the club. It was a very special and memorable occasion and the highlight of the function was a pageant depicting the various activities co-ordinated by the club such as: set-dancing, Mushera Mountain Climb, St. Patrick’s day parades, tops of the parish and many more events which were organised over the past 30 years.

This was narrated by John Sheehan and as part of the pageant a poem was recited by Eileen O’ Riordan about St. John’s Well and Teddy Collins also sang an old favourite “The Bould Thady Quill” to much applause.

Throughout the pageant, some photographs were shown to the large crowd to reminisce about the past 30 years. It brought back wonderful memories to those present.

Particular emphasis was put on the effort that went into the organising of the 250th anniversary celebrations of the Cork-Kerry Butter Road in 1998.

The main compere for the night was Gerard McSweeney, Chairman of Aubane Social Club who outlined the club’s great achievements since the new committee was formed last year and its plans for the future.

The anniversary was marked by a special birthday cake which was jointly cut by Sonya O’ Riordan (current secretary), Gerdie Buckley (founder) and John Kelleher (founder officer). The celebrations continued well into the night by dancing to the sound of the Jerry McCarthy Band. A sincere thank you to all those who attended the social. Their support was very much appreciated.


Congratulations to David Barrett who recently won the All-Ireland Intermediate Boxing championship in the National Stadium, Dublin. We wish him all the best for the future.


The annual Mass and Senior Citizens’ party took place in the Aubane Community Centre recently and was well attended by the local people. The Celebrant at the Mass was Monsignor Michael Manning. Following the mass, the party was held and music was provided by Cait Buckley, Micheál, James and Louise Buckey, Bridget O’ Shea, Christina Twomey and Michael O’ Riordan.


The annual Christmas Morning Mountain Climb took place on Christmas Day where approximately 100 people climbed Mushera Mountain for charity. All proceeds of the Sponsored Climb this year are going to Millstreet Community Hospital.


On December 29th a night of storytelling and singing took place in Aubane Community Centre where people gathered from far and wide to participate. Music was provided by local musicians and was enjoyed by all.


Well done to Fr. James McSweeney on the beautiful crib which he erected near his home in Ballyvolane, Cork over the Christmas period. It was admired by people from near and far. On behalf of Aubane Social club, we would like to thank him for attending the various functions in Aubane over the Christmas period.


The local boys and girls headed out on Stephen’s Day in keeping with tradition to hunt the wren. They went from house to house where they sang and played music.

All proceeds are going to Millstreet Community Hospital.


We welcome Don and Sonya O’ Riordan into the Aubane area and wish them the very best of luck in their beautiful new home.


Best wishes to Donal Kelleher and Rosie Rea who are off on their travels around the world.


Dancing classes are held in Aubane Community Centre every Thursday night at 8pm. All are welcome.

Happy New Year!

Aubane Social Club member gets Unsung Hero Award

Aubane Social Club member gets Unsung Hero Award

On the 18th March Gerdie Buckley one of the members of Aubane Social Club was presented with the Unsung Hero Award at the Millstreet Community Council People of the Years Awards Social in the Wallis Arms Hotel.

Unsung Hero – Mr Gerdie Buckley renowned for his work towards a wide spectrum within the Aubane Community. He has been consistently involved in various organisations and events over the past thirty years such as the Aubane Social Club of which he was one of the founder members. The Aubane Social Club now its 30th year in existence and over the years has celebrated many events such as the Tops of the Town and The Butter Commemoration Weekend in May 1998. There are now twenty-five members involved in the Aubane Social Club.

He is also the current treasurer of the St John’s Well Committee and has always been active member since its formation in the early eighties.

He is also the founder member of the “Farmers Discussion Group” which was founded in 1988. This organisation involves a group of farmers meeting together each month to discuss current farming issues.

Gerdie was co-producer of the popular “Tops of the Town Competition” back in the year 1985/1986.

He has been one of the many participants of the Annual Christmas Day Mountain Climb to Mushera, which is held every year in order to raise a substantial sum of money for various charties. This has proven to be a very successful and enjoyable event. Gerdie has been climbing the slopes of Mushera now for twenty years.

He has always been willing to lend a helping hand and during the Aubane Sports which was held every year back in the 80’s, he always made one of his field available to the community in order to hold this sports event.

In May 1998, Gerdie was actively involved in the organising committee of the 250th Anniversary Commemoration of the Butter Road Celebrations and also sits on the Aubane Historical Society Committee, which at present boasts 50 publications written by Mr Jack Lane formerly of Aubane and who now resides in London.

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Jeremiah A. O’Leary

Automotive mechanic

GREENVILLE – Jeremiah A. O’Leary, 66, of Greenwood Lake died suddenly at his home on Jan. 8, 2006.

He was born in Millstreet, County Cork, Ireland, on Dec. 8, 1939, son of the late Jeremiah and Ellen (Buckley) O’Leary.

Jeremiah was an automotive mechanic employed by Manhattan Ford in New York City.

He was a member of the UAW in Manhattan.

He was a loving husband and father.

Surviving are his wife, Ann O’Leary of Greenwood Lake; his daughter, Ellen O’Leary of Middletown; two sisters, Kitty O’Leary of Ireland and Noreen O’Connor of Greenville, three brothers, Donnie O’Leary, William O’Leary and his wife Mary, and James O’Leary and his wife, Kathlene, all of Ireland; 16 nieces and nephews; and several great-nieces and great-nephews.

Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday from the Cunningham Funeral Home, 4898 Route 81, Greenville, with a Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church in Greenville.

Friends may call the funeral home on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

Interment will be in the Greenville Cemetery.

January 11, 2006

AUBANE NOTES December 2005

By John F. Kelleher

We extend our greatest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently: Margaret Boyle (nee Golden) formerly of Tullig and New York, Nicholas Tarrant formerly Gortavehy, Shelia O’ Sullivan Tralee, Nora Long Clonbannin and Dan Carroll of Millstreet Sheltered Housing.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis

Annual Christmas Party:

The Annual mass and senior citizens party takes place in the Aubane Community Centre on Friday 16th December at 8.00 p.m sharp.

Christmas Morning Climb:

The Annual Christmas Morning Climb takes place on Sunday 25th December at 10.30 a.m. and the meeting place is the St John’s Well Car Park. The Sponsorship cards will be available from any Social Club member. This year the proceeds of the climb will be in aid of Millstreet Community Hospital.

Around the Fireside:

On Thursday the 29th December a night of Stories and Songs around the fireside will take place in the Aubane Community Centre. Everybody is welcome.

On Holidays:

It was great to see my good friends Brigette & Pascal Friossart and their son from Reims in France visiting the Aubane during the month of October. I know that they are regular readers of the Aubane Notes. Also on holiday in the Aubane Area during the month of November was Arthur Roberts, with his daughter Marlyn and son Michael from Wales.


Congratulations to Gerard Mc Sweeney, Toorenbawn who ran in the Dublin Marathon on Monday 31st October. He finished in 454th position out of a field of 10.500 in a time of 3 hours 13 minutes


Congratulations to Catherine Sheehan Aubane and Kristian Walsh Waterford City

who got married on Saturday the 5th November.


Congratulations to Pearl Lehane Aubane who graduated recently at the Tralee Institute of Technology with a Bachelors Degree in Analytical Science and also to Maire Sheehan Aubane who graduated at the Cork Institute of Technology with a Bachelors Degree of Science in Analytical Chemistry with Quality Assurance.

Development at Aubane Cross:

The Aubane Cross on the left hand side of the road coming from millstreet got a much needed transformation during the month of October. This work was done under the Urban Renewal Scheme. A special thanks to Martin Corcoran and Sean Twohig from the Cork County Council Office in Millstreet and to Jer Stack Cork County Council Architect from the Cork County Council Offices in Cork City for all the help and support they gave to the Aubane Social Club in caring out this work.

Annual Fancy Dress:

The annual fancy dress night took place on Friday (Oct 21st) in the Wallis Arms Hotel. This annual event raises money for charity each year. This year €4,000 was raised and this money went to two deserving charities Marymount Hospice and Bothar. There was a fantastic turnout again this year with a very impressive display of costumes. The variety, the colour and the great effort that everyone went to in dressing up makes this night, one of the best in Millstreet. In the past few years the Fancy Dress night organised by Tony Twomey, Jerry, Mairead & Katrina Kelleher and Friends have raised €10,000 for different charities.

The organisers of the night deserve great credit for the hard work they put in

Calendar in Aid of the COPE Foundation:

An Ideal Christmas present this year is Fr James Mc Sweeney’s Calendar for 2006. Last year’s calendar was an outstanding success raising €20,000 for Cork Simon. This year Fr James hopes to do as good again with all the money going to the COPE

Foundation. The Calendar is €5 and you will be glad to know that your contribution will go directly to the COPE Foundation. I also invite you to check out www.todayis The website is checked out by thousands across the world each day. A new photo is updated each day with a short thought for the day. You can also get the calendar posted to anywhere in the world for €7 (includes postage and packaging) or send on a cheque to Fr. James Mc Sweeney, 1 Kilmorna Heights, Ballyvolane, Cork

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everybody at home and abroad a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year for 2006.