Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

A Celebration of Culture and Inclusion

The annual Celebration of Culture and Inclusion will take place on Tuesday 11th March at 7pm in the Millstreet Community School library/canteen.  The evening will feature stories, poems, dancing, music presented by students and a chance to taste food from countries around the world. Irish traditional music, song and dance will play a prominent role in the event. As in previous years, there will be a special guest in attendance. Admission is free and all our welcome to what is a wonderful community celebration.
The evening forms part of the school’s Language and Culture Week, which is co-ordinated by the Transition Year Global Citizenship Education class (TY GCE), with the support of school management and staff.  Here are details of other related events planned for the run-up  and during Language and Culture Week:
1.     Groups of the TY GCE class will be engaging in peer education with younger classes on a range of topics. These include, gender equality and unconscious bias, ‘showing racism the red card’ and ‘Nora’s Case’. The latter is based around the story of the young girl in London during the Second World War who had to be evacuated to the country during the ‘blitz’ bringing just a small suitcase with her. The link is made to those who are forced to leave their homes in different countries in 2025.
2.     MCS Olympics: This involves students in every tutorial taking part in activities during their PE lessons, along with the chance to take part in a chess and draughts tournament.  They compete in teams and each team represents a nationality that is present in the school at this time. The overall winning team/country will receive medals to mark their achievement.
3.     Global Kitchen: 1st year Home Economics students will have the chance to choose and then prepare dishes of traditional food from countries represented in their class.
4.     The World in our School quiz: this is a chance for the whole school to test their knowledge about the nationalities present in the school – national flags, borders, landmarks, celebrities, traditional food will be among the topics.
5.     Art Competition:  This is open to junior classes and the theme is We Work Better Together.
6.     The 1st years will have the chance to take part in a workshop run by Sports Against Racism Ireland (SARI) called Football and Discrimination.  SARI have visited us on three previous occasions and the workshops have proved very popular.
We are grateful for the ongoing support of WorldWise Global Schools (WWGS) for their ongoing support for our school’s work in the area of global citizenship education.

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email <email>

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.


A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.


If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email <email>

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


The Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info


Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info