Rebels’ Bounty Deadline

We are on the 7-day countdown to the closing date of Rebel’s Bounty 2025!
Thank you to all the members who have joined up for 2025 – Our club is doing well so far and has surpassed our minimum quota as set out by the county board & we are only 10 tickets away from our goal.
We would ask all supporters to consider joining the Rebel’s Bounty Draw this year.
-> €100 ticket for 12 months of draws. 360 chances to win.
-> The draws for Jan, Feb & March take place March 31st so no draws have been missed.
-> Over €500,000 to be won throughout the year.
-> Additional Draw at Christmas time for Cash Prizes for Millstreet members only
-> All money from tickets bought stay with our club and will support the running of the club for the year.
-> Get club membership for €20 for non-players or €30 for adult players when Rebel’s Bounty Ticket is Purchased.
How to purchase:
Online by searching rebels bounty join the draw on Google etc. Contact the club to have a link sent to you if in any difficulty.
Club Contact: Emma Hickey 0868107460 or any club officer.
Thank you sincerely to all who have taken part so far and those who purchase a ticket before the closing date of March 28th. (First draw March 31st)

Easter Egg Hunt in Aubane on Easter Saturday April 19th

Aubane Social Club Easter Egg Hunt

Location: Aubane Community Centre  Eircode (P51 EP49)

€5 per child

There will be a Raffle on the day,Bouncing Castle

Saturday April 19th from 10 am to 1:30pm.

All Welcome!

TR Dallas appearing at The Pub Carriganima on Saturday Night March 22nd

Once again the Legendary TR Dallas is making a welcome Return to the Pub in Carriganima on this coming Saturday Night March 22nd,we look forward to a great Night Out with this Singing Legend so do keep next Saturday Night March 22nd marked up in your Diary, should be a good One.

Millstreet Meals on Wheels Service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for the elderly & isolated in the Millstreet catchment area. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

 A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Coeliac dinners & desserts available also. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email info