A birds eye drone video of Millstreet, taken yesterday 28th April 2017, taken by Kenny
To see the video in higher definition, watch it from Google Drive where it is stored and view it in full screen:
Great video … thanks for sharing.
Sometimes on my flights of fancy i can hear a cow
Lowing in a rushy field by old River Finnow
In the gray of the twilight just after sundown
In Spring in the countryside near Millstreet Town
And the mating flight of the male snipe in the darkening sky
With his wings and tail making a drumming sound as he does fly
Perhaps his way of proclaiming his breeding territory
Like us humans among Nature’s creatures for borders there too is rivalry
Just learning about Nature is a source of joy
I grew to love her in far away fields when i was a boy
And though Nature does have her secrets in truth one can say
One does learn something new about her every day
A male snipe is drumming and a cow softly lowing just after sundown
By River Finnow just west of Millstreet Town.
Sometimes On My Flights Of Fancy is by Francis Duggan
I love your words and expressions, Francis. Your knowledge and love of nature inspires me. Please keep writing.