Good memories live in me as a source of joy
Of the happy times i spend in green Lisnaboy
On Summer school holidays in the farm of aunt Mary and uncle Dan
Going back some six decades in time quite a span
In the sunlit meadows of a sunlit day
In July and August i helped them with the hay
With the sweet scents of Nature wafting in the breeze
And the young birds chirping on the bushes and trees
In pleasant weather temperatures of around twenty degrees
The soft low droning sounds of the wild brown honey bees
In the fields looking green after recent Summer showers
Gathering nectar in the sunshine from Nature’s wildflowers
Fond memories of Lisnaboy with me does remain
Where in fancy i often do visit again
And in my nostrils the sweet scent of hay
In the sunlit meadows of a Summer’s day
Uncle Dan and aunt Mary in Cullen cemetery lay
And the years have left me looking old bald and gray
And the memories remain to me a source of joy
Of my Summer holidays in Lisnaboy.
Summer in Lisnaboy is by Francis Duggan
Looking to contact my cousin Mikey Hickey of Lisnaboy , lost contact with him since his brother Willie past away 2 yrs ago.My father was born on the homestead which is the family farm.Ilive in Orlando Fl.