Parish Newsletter 13th June 2010

The Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time – 13th June, 2010

Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. David Gunn C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.

Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  /  Cullen  029-79028   / Mobile 087-7752948

Email:  <email>



10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

Mass Intentions this Week-end:

Saturday 12th June:

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m.   Kathleen Buicke, Murphy’s Terrace

Cullen Vigil      8.00 p.m. Eddie Forde, Mologhroe

Sunday 13th June:

Millstreet   8.30 a.m.                          Eileen O’Keeffe, Dooneen

Ballydaly   9.30 a.m. Maura O’Leary, Millstreet & Cork City

Cullen      10.30 a.m. Baby Danielle Cara O’Sullivan, Mologhroe

Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Julia, Denny & Jerry Kelleher, Cahirdowney

Anniversaries:                             Jer Twomey, Murphy’s Terrace; John & Margaret McCarthy, Lackabawn; Jerh McSweeney, Rathcoole; Daniel Duggan, Carriganima; Tom Radley, Minor Row; Michael O’Connor, Church Street & Cloughoulabeg; Jeremiah & Bridie O’Connor, Cloughoulabeg; Mary O’Connor, Mologhroe; Margaret Pomeroy, Willow Brook.

Mass Intentions for next week-end:

Saturday 19th June:

Millstreet   6.30 p.m. Jimmy Coleman, Murphy’s Terrace

Cullen         8.00 p.m. Corneilus Duggan, Lisbnaboy

Sunday 20th June:

Millstreet    8.30 a.m. Nora Dennehy, Tanyard

Ballydaly    9.30 a.m. John O’Brien, Ballydaly

Cullen       10.30 am. Jimmy Walsh, Knocknageeha

Millstreet 11.30 a.m. John Graham, Coolikerane

Parish Capital Collection last weekend: €3,619.90. Thanks.

Millstreet Church: Usual Mass at 10.00 each morning, unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Friday (18th) for Denis Hickey, Mill Lane at 7.30p.m.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday from 10.30a.m. to 8.30p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Millstreet.  Feel free to drop in and pray in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament at any time that suits you.

CULLEN CHURCH:  There will be no Mass in Cullen Church on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.

Friday (18th) June Mass for Helen Morris, Cork & Rathcoole at 7.30p.m.

MILLSTREET BOYS SCHOOL End of school year Mass at Tubrid Well on Friday next (18th) at 12.30p.m.

Rotas for Next Weekend 19th/20th June





6.30 p.m. Gerald Linehan Team C

8.30  a.m. Marie Kelleher
11.30  a.m. Ronan Galvin


9.30 a.m. Ann Marie Murphy Team A


8.00 p.m. Aisling O’Riordan Group A
10.30 a.m. Eileen O’Connor


BALLYDALY CHURCH:  Month’s Mind Mass on Monday (14th) at 9.30a.m. for Eilish O’Hanlon, Carrigtwohill & Ballydaly.

WHIT DUES:  Many thanks to you who have already returned your Whit Dues.  The envelopes are pink in your Parish Capital Box or there are some at the back of the Church.  You may place them on the offertory plate or drop them into the Parish Office.

MILLSTREET CHURCH RESTORATION COMMITTEE Meeting on Tuesday (15th) at 8.30p.m. in The Presbytery.

Community Notices

v      COFFEE MORNING in aid of COPE on Friday (18th) in GAA Hall from 9-2.

v      ROADSIDE CLEAN UP this Tuesday 7.30p.m. for Drishane Road.  Meet in the Square for equipment.

v      MILLSTREET GRAMPOHONE CICRCLE: June meeting on Friday 18th at 8.15p.m. in the Canon O’Donovan Centre.  Presenter is Nora Burke, Kanturk. All are welcome.

v      MILLSTREET COMMUNITY FORUM MEETING: Thursday 17th June at 11.00a.m. in St. Joseph’s Gardens (Respond Housing) to discuss what is happening in the local community. Further details (021) 4921641.

v      3 BROADBAND INFORMATION SEMINAR: 17th June at 7.30p.m. in the James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket. Contact Katie Crowley at IRD for details.

v      CULLEN FEIS (Feis Laitiarain) will be held on this Sunday June 13th.  Competitions in Ceol, Amhranaiocht agus Teangan 11.30a.m; Piping 12 noon; Sports 1.00p.m; Entertainment 2.00p.m.  Enjoy the Cork-Kerry replay on T.V. at the Feis Venue.

v      CULLEN YOUNG AT HEART meeting Tuesday (15th) at 8.00p.m. New members welcome.

v      CADBURY IRELAND SPONSORED WALK in aid of Cullen & District Special Needs Association on Saturday 19th June – Rathmore to Ballyvourney.  Meeting in Rathmore GAA Grounds at 10.00a.m. Please bring suitable clothing, shoes & packed lunch. Details from (064) 7759900 or (087) 2617288.

v      CULLEN SPECIAL NEEDS ASSOCIATION: Meeting Monday at 8.00p.m.


Thank you to each and everyone who attended and contributed to Mons. Manning’s Golden Jubilee on 28th May and for making it such a memorable and special occasion.  Sincere thanks to the Parish Pastoral Council who co-ordinated the event.  We also thank those who prepared and participated in the beautiful Liturgy in the Church, and the reception and presentation in the GAA Hall afterwards.  The total contributed to the presentation was €5,980 from which a television was purchased and a gift cheque presented to him.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated.  Well done to you all.

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