Looking for Luceys

Hello all! I am looking for the Lucy(Lucey) family from county Cork. I have a very extensive list of family members documented once they came to the United Stated but little before that. I know many of the records were destroyed and to add to it the family seemed to use the same first names over and over.

Here is the information I do have: The family did live in Or around Millstreet based on two gravestones in Galena, Illinois. My third great grandparents Timothy(maybe Timotheous) born around 1822 married Catherine Monnahan(maybe Moynihan) born around 1830. They immigrated to the United States I believe 1854ish and settled in Galena. They had one son, Michael, born in Ireland. Six other children born in Galena, Illinois/Rice Township. Timothy had the following siblings, all who immigrated as well (guessing early 1850s and maybe late 1840s but that in unlikely due to ages): Dennis born around 1830, Patrick born around 1835, Jeremiah born around 1836, and Honora(Hannora). There may also be a brother John. Based on the eight year gap between Timothy and Dennis there may well be siblings born between the two that did not immigrate.

I would be grateful for any information anyone has about my family from Ireland. There is a trip in my future to visit in a couple of years but want to do my research now.

Thank you everyone!
‎Nikki Holland Berg‎


Timothy and Catherine are mentioned in the Lucey and Family website, but only as the parents of John Lucy (born BET. 1850 – 1870), in Galena, Illinois, USA.

2 thoughts on “Looking for Luceys”

  1. Johanna Lucey married Jeremiah Dugan. Johanna was born in the late 1700s in Macroom. Their daughter, Mary Dugan, married John Crowley. They were my great great grandparents. Mary and John immigrated to the United States and settled in Hoosick Falls, NY. Are any of you members of 23andme? Millstreet also came up during my research, but I have to refresh myself on all of this.

  2. I thought I had posted this two years ago, but apparently I didn’t. Better late than never, I guess.

    Would love to hear any all comments regarding Lucey clan! Thank you.

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