Yesterday saw the end of an era as Seán Radley officially retired from his teaching position in the Presentation National School. As a teacher he has been renowned for the quality of his work, emphasised by the fact that he was asked to give lectures in universities in Cork and Dublin. Most in Millstreet know Seán through the schools, or through his tremendous work in the community with Millstreet Museum, LTV2, and more recently here on, and his efforts in the community are appreciated by all. We wish him well with this transition, and we are sure that he’ll be as ever-present in the community as before.
Best of Luck with the Retirement Seán, fantastic for you, big loss for the school!
Aubane Social Club wish you many years of a happy retirmement
John Kelleher
Aubane Social Cluh
Heartfelt and sincere thanks to Cathy and to John and indeed to the many people who have extended such very kind and much appreciated good wishes. I only hope that I shall in some small way be able in a different manner to be among the many who contribute to Millstreet life in the years ahead. To Michael and Hannelie who posted this particular item – you have been too generous! Sincere compliments to your good self, Michael and to Hannelie on having developed such a hugely popular and superbly creative Millstreet website – It is such an honour being associated with you both.
have a good and long retirmement.ur the true backbone of millstreet
You’ll always be regarded as one of the most respected teachers the town has ever seen, but also through your hard work, dedication, sacrifice, friendship and pure out and out kindness, you’re the finest ambassador Sraid could ever hope to have.
You’ve put Millstreet on the map in many ways and it’s been an honour to have grown up with you as a major influence.
All the best for the future!
To receive such uplifting comments from someone so universally popular, supremely talented and consistently cheerful as your good self, Karl, is indeed amazingly heart warming. It is you – you are the truly excellent Ambassador for Millstreet and Ireland in Australia. The future is so clearly full of optimism with the calibre of the Irish Diaspora which you so enthusiastically represent. Sincerest thanks, Karl.
Sean, this is Pat Sadler from Salt Lake City. My husband Lon and I and our two girls met you back in 2000. If you could email me I can tell you whats happening.
Great hearing from you Pat, Lon and Family. I’ve arranged to send you my email address. Very best wishes.
Congratulations Sean – As a previous employer of mine I have to say that you set a benchmark which no one has come close to since. I have very fond memories of my summer spent in the bowels of the library researching old photos and articles for your book. Enjoy your well earned retirement in Costa Del Clara Road.
ps: I will keep an eye on Karl to make sure he contiunes to be an excellent ambassador…..
Thank you Fergal. Without all your valuable help in our preparation for the publication of “Picture Millstreet” in 1997 it would indeed have been far more challenging. It’s great to realise that we have two splendid Ambassadors in Australia with people like Karl and your good self keeping the Cork flag flying!
Sean: We wish you along and happy retirement. Many people don’t realize that you have enabled those of us who emigrated many years ago, to keep in touch with Millstreet. Without your help we would have no idea how the town has grown and changed. God Bless you and thank you.
Greetings, Pat, from Millstreet. Your very kind remarks are much appreciated. It is a labour of love for all of us to share regular news updates and items of Millstreet interest with such dedicated Millstreet natives as your good self. I would indeed agree that if one is away from our home area even for a brief time that it’s great to be able to keep in touch. I’m just one of many who are dedicated and honoured to have such a role. Who knows, in my retirement I may at some point get to revisit USA. I was there in the general Boston area for three weeks in 1980. Every blessing and best wishes to you, Pat and yours.
Congratulations, and best wishes in the future from us Millstreeters in the USA!
I hope you are enjoying your retirement. If you are spending some time travelling throughtout Ireland in your spare time a welcome always awaits you in Tubber, Co. Offaly.
Tom, Noreen, Sarah & Conor Cunniffe
Tom, Noreen, Sarah & Conor – So delighted hearing from you all. Thanks a million for your very kind retirement greetings. And, yes, hopefully, sometime during 2011 I could well find myself in Co. Offaly and calling to meet with your good selves in Tubber. Believe it or not, we also have an area between Millstreet and Rathmore also called Tubber. And if you are in the Rathmore/Millstreet area do let me know in advance and a royal welcome will be prepared! The very best of Christmas Blessings and Joys to your good selves and of course to All in Clane, Co. Kildare.
I don’t know whether or not you remember making films for Concubhar Ó hEalaithe
at the Irish College, Omeath, Co. Louth. I would love to find out
if you or Concubhar still have copies. 1980s I think!
Go raibh míle maith agat,
Dominic Bradley
Dominic…Many thanks for your query regarding the 8mm Cine Films in which the late Conchubhar Ó hÉalaithe and I were involved at Coláiste Óméith, Co. Louth in the 1970s and 1980s. The filming of the recordings had been requested by the late Mícheál Ó Duinnín. When and if the footage is accessed and created into DVD format I shall certainly get in touch and provide you with a copy. Thank you for your interest in the historic recordings.