Parish Newsletter – 14th Nov 2010


Thirty third SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – 14th November, 2010

Fr. John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  / Mobile 087-7752948

Email:  <email>


MONDAY-TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY 10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

Mass Intentions this Week-end:

Saturday 13th November:

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m.                  Patrick Buckley, Ballyvouskil  

Sunday 14th November:

Ballydaly   9.00 a.m. Batty Cronin, Tureencahill

Cullen      10.15 a.m. Michael & Margaret Murphy, Rathcoole

Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Breda Broderick, Clara Road

Anniversaries:                             Hannah Tarrant, Liscreagh; Jeremiah & Julia Mullane, Gneeves; Peg & Paddy Coleman, Minor Row; Jer, Julia & Tim Coleman, Minor Row; Danny & Mary Buckley, Scartaglen; Hannah Mary Riordan, Main Street; Gene Sheehan, Millstreet & Dublin; Hugh O’Connor, Mologhroe; Tim & Mary O’Mahony, Flintfield; Crew of the Castletownbere fishing tragedy.

Mass Intentions for next week-end:

Saturday 20th November:

Millstreet   6.30 p.m. Cormac Dineen, Mill Road

Sunday 21st November:

Ballydaly    9.00 a.m. Mary Guiney, Drishane Road

Cullen       10.15 am. Eileen Moynihan, Coalpits

Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Peg Dunne, Murphy’s Terrace

Parish Capital Collection last weekend: €3,275.36. Thanks.

Millstreet Church: Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00a.m., unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (15th) for the Holy Souls & those on November list at 7.30p.m.

Mass on Friday (19th) for Peg Coleman, Minor Row at 7.30p.m.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday from 10.30a.m. to 8.30p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Millstreet.  Feel free to drop in and pray in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament at any time that suits you.

CONFESSIONS:  Every Saturday in Millstreet Church 12.30p.m.-1.00p.m.

Ballydaly church:

Mass on Tuesday (16th) at 7.30p.m. for the Holy Souls & those on November List.


Mass on Thursday (18th) at 7.30p.m. for the Holy Souls & those on November List.

MILLSTREET CHURCH ALTAR SOCIETY for 21st & 28th November Group C

Rotas for Next Weekend 20th/21st November





6.30 p.m. Deirdre Meade Team A
11.30  a.m. Sr. Peter Fahy


9.00 a.m. Nono O’Connor Team F


10.15 a.m. Hugh O’Keeffe Group D


Many thanks to all participants involved in weekly adoration in our Parish.  New members are very welcome.  A meeting for all rota members and any others interested will take place on Monday 15th November at 8.15p.m. in the Parish Centre.


We invite the families of all of those who have died during the past twelve months and whom we have remembered in our November Gardens in Cullen & Millstreet to a special Mass of Remembrance. These will be in Cullen on Thursday 25th at 7.30p.m. and Millstreet on Monday 29th at 7.30p.m.

Community Notices

v      MILLSTREET COMMUNITY SCHOOL: November Remembering Liturgies:  Monday 15th Mass for Junior Certs.  Tuesday 16th Balloon release to remember loved ones who have passed away.

v      PARENTS ASSOCIATION MEETING on Wednesday 17th at 8.30p.m. in the Youth Centre.

v      MILLSTREET COMMUNITY GYM re-opens on Monday 15th November under new management. Opening Hours: 9.00-12.00noon & 6.00-10.00p.m.

v      MILLSTREET GRAMOPHONE CIRCLE:  November meeting takes place on Friday 19th at 8.15p.m. You are requested to bring along your favourite Music CD on the night as it is the annual Listeners’ Choice occasion.  All are very welcome.

v      TRAD FOR TROCAIRE CONCERT:  Friday 19th November in the Malton Hotel, Killarney at 8.00p.m.

v      IRD DUHALLOW will hold a public meeting in the Wallis Arms Hotel on Wednesday 17th at 8.00p.m. All groups are invited as applying for grants will be covered.

v      KERRY STROKE SUPPORT GROUP:  Meeting on Thursday 17th November at 7.30p.m. in Na Gaeil Clubhouse, Killeen Road, Tralee.

v      MILLSTREET DEVELOPMENT GROUP:  Bazaar on this Sunday in Millstreet GAA Hall between 2.00 & 5.00p.m.

v      WORLD DAY OF REMEMBRANCE for Road Traffic Victims takes place on Sunday 21st November.  Bishop Bill will celebrate a Mass of remembrance in St. Mary’s Cathedral at 10.30a.m.

v      CELEBRATION OF REMEMBRANCE for those touched by suicide in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney on Sunday 21st November at 4.00p.m. organised by Living Links, Kerry.

v      CONNECTIONS: Tuesday 16th November at 8.00p.m. in Boherbue Comprehensive School.  Topic:  Connecting Living & Life.  Facilitator Martina Lehane Sheehan

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