Millstreet Vintage Club and Event Organiser Donie Lucey would like to thank everyone that took part in the Circuit of Ireland Stages Revisited Run on Sunday last,the Event was an outstanding success with 80 Cars taking part,proceedings got underway from Millstreet just after 12 Noon from where the Cars made there way through some Classic Circuit of Ireland Stages like Gortnagane,Molls Gap, Ballaghbeama and Caragh Lake which were all used on the Circuit back in 1968,the Event was a Celebration of the Ford Escorts 50th Birthday and its first International Rally win over these actual stages 50 years ago,favorable Weather conditions made for a most beautiful drive through the Scenic Cork/Kerry Countryside,before the Event began Documentation and Event Sign On was completed at the Wallis Arms Hotel in Millstreet with the Event finishing back at the Torc Hotel in Killarney by 6pm where proceedings were concluded after a well earned Meal following a busy day of driving,big thanks must go out to the Marshals/Bike Marshals and An Garda Siochana who kept the Event flowing smoothly,also thanks to all the people helping out at Event Sign On,and to the Wallis Arms Hotel and Torc Hotel for the use of there facilities,Millstreet Vintage Club hope everybody enjoyed the Run and look forward to seeing ye all again very soon.
Pictures by Matthew Twomey of M2merallyphotos and you can see more of his Photos here at
More Pictures were taken by Ray Corkery of RNC Rally Pics and you can see his Photos at
Congrats to Millstreet Vintage Club on their Circuit of Ireland Stages Revisited Run & trip down memory lane marking Classic Escorts #VintageEscortsClassics
— John Tarrant (@jgtarrant) July 1, 2018