Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde and welcome to my Report.
The church Gate collection this weekend will be in aid of our Local District Hospital. Please support it well.
Following the 10 o’clock mass last Tuesday morning Canon John Blessed the adjacent Cemetery and then made his way to the Keel on the Clara Road. Where he also blessed the last resting place of countless numbers of souls who are buried without a name or any form of identity. However a few local people chose to be interred there, at their own request. May they all Rest in Peace.
The Cullen Special Needs Association are gearing up for this year’s Harvest Day. It will be held on Sunday July 15th with all the usual attractions. Old-time Threshing, Vintage, Butter Making Display , Children’s Sports, plus the cup o’ tea. They are in need of a helping hand so please row in behind them, and help them to raise lots of cash for their wonderful work in aid of their work for those with special needs.
45Drive every Tuesday Night at the Canon O’Donovan Centre starting at 9 and all are welcome. Proceeds go to the Day Care Centre.
Don’t forget to keep working on your Soap Box for the annual race which will be held on July 22nd, Starting from Mount Leader Industrial Estate at 2pm. For the list of rules contact Bertie at 0876793841, or Ivor at 0873633210.
Evening of Comedy coming up at Teach Iosagan in Rathmore this Friday night July 13th, starting at 8.30 ,Admission €10.
Fundraising Open Air Concert on Brosna this Friday July 13th Tickets available at our Parish Office 02970043, Star attractions on the night Mike Denver and Lisa McHugh.
The long hot Summer continues and though we all love it, the long dry spell urges us all to spare the water. It is a very new phenomenon for us in Ireland to be called to spare the water, but when a great need arises, we must all do our part and make every effort to play our part.
In the run up to the Popes visit August 22-26,to celebrate the World Meeting of Families, we are asked to pray for families, but especially for families who are facing poverty, and other challenges. Thankfully there is great support for the various events of his visit with some completely sold out.
The AGM of IRD Duhallow will be held at the James O’Keeffe Institute on Wednesday July 25th starting at 8. Please take note that any motions that members wish to put forward to be considered by the AGM must be seconded and received in writing by Friday July 13th.
Great credit is due to all those involved in our Tidy Towns effort ,for keeping the flowers and plants looking so fresh and healthy in spite of the scorching days.The County Council are doing their bit, in trimming the margins on our roads and getting the hedges cut. So please do not throw litter around, and spoil all their great work, as we all aim to climb higher in our goal to reach the top of the National Tidy Towns Competition, which is by the way sponsored by Super Valu.
Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held at the Wallis Hotel on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 7,11,12,13. And the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Peno the Cocktail, the seller was the Mal Passo and Brien got €50 sellers prize, €50 went to AnnMarie O’Mahony, Inchileigh, €20 each to Tom Casey nc/o McCarthys Bar, Ita Hickey Claracleagh.Patsy Corcoran, PoundHill.Chloe David, Jason, & Megan,c/o Colemans, John oCallaghan, Kilcorney, Eamonn Sheahan, Mallow, Fr, James mcSweeney, Altamount, Tadg McSweeney, Carriginma,Jackpot for next week €6,600 the draw at Tarrants Bar on Sunday night.
The Mushera Platform Committee are enjoying a great season,
A great time was had by all there at the weekend, and the next dance will be on July 29th. Music by PJ Murihy.
Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday and Wednesday in Millstreet Church, from 10.30 am to 10.30pm and in Cullen On Thursdays from 10am to 7. In each church a box is placed and slips of paper provided where you can write a request and put it in the box. The box then is put in the Adoration room where your request will be included in the prayers of all who worship there.
Agus sinn a bhfuil a chairde, Slán is beannacht Dé libh go léir
Stunning flowers in the baskets on the poles . Great choice.