Magnificent Double Rainbow Photographed by Fr. James

This truly magnificent image of the double rainbow recorded on Sunday at Altamont, Millstreet is by Photographer Supreme, Fr. James McSweeney. We thank Fr. James for sharing such a superb picture which one can only capture if one is in the right place at the right time…a camera on hand of course! Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

8 thoughts on “Magnificent Double Rainbow Photographed by Fr. James”

  1. I was so thrilled to see this photo of Millstreet where my forebears lived and emigrated to Australia from in 1850s. Fantastic photo.

    1. Hi,
      My g/g/grandfather – Philip Denehey & his wife Mary Collins, they married just before they left to become free settlers in Snug, Tasmania. I thought it might have been because of the potato famine, I believe a lot of people left Ireland because of this. Thank you for your reply.

      1. Di, their marriage in the Catholic Registrations (Glenflesk) says they were married on June 10th 1836. Bunacummer is mentioned, but it’s desperately hard to read the scan of the register properly. There’s a page on that says that their first child Julia was born at sea on the Bussorah Merchant in 1837. The Bussorah Merchant was a ship that travelled from the UK and Ireland to Australia. Their next child Margaret was born in Tasmania in 1839. But 1837/1839 was before the famine, so it’s likely that they were travelling for opportunity, and just to get a better life.

        The original register is hard to read, but is at the bottom of this page:

        “Bussorah Merchant was a merchant ship built at Calcutta in 1818. She made three voyages transporting convicts from England and Ireland to Australia and later carried emigrants and other passengers to Australia.”

    1. Apparently Bunacummer is a place near Inniscarra, North West of Cork City. From the register, I would have taken that Mary Collins was from there, so it may be somewhere local to Glenflesk … I don’t think it’s a townland, but maybe an area known locally by that name.

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