IRD Duhallow are delighted to announce that Dr. Maureen Griffin of MGMS Training Ltd. will hold a public seminar on ‘Social Media – Challenges for Parents’ on Wednesday December 12th in the James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket at 7.30pm. All parents, guardians, teachers and those with a responsibility for young people are invited to attend.
Dr. Griffin is a nationally renowned forensic psychologist who has worked close with An Garda Síochána, Irish Defence Forces and the HSE. Dr.Griffin has visited over 700 schools across Ireland to discuss internet safety for primary and post-primary school children. The seminar will provide an overview of what is currently popular among Irish students, what the potential dangers are and will offer practical advice on how to protect children when they are online or using their mobile devices. Issues such as social networking sites (e.g. Instagram); social messaging/chatting apps (e.g. snapchat); video-streaming sites (e.g. YouTube); mobile device safety; screen time & sleep; grooming; sexting and cyber-bullying will be addressed with time provided for Q&A. Parents and guardians must be regularly updated on the safe use of the internet given the increased time children spend online and the speed at which the industry changes. Dr. Griffin will provide a brief overview of mainstream sites and upcoming applications with the aim of providing knowledge to parents and teachers who are better placed to manage the virtual world.Admission is free but registration is required. Please contact Conor at 029 60633 or conor.judge@ irdduhallow.com for booking or if more information is required.