Following on from Millstreet Vintage Clubs first ever Weekend Away/Car Run to West Cork/ Bantry held over the past Weekend the Club have a number of important Events happening in December and into the New Year listed below.
Millstreet Vintage Club Christmas Party on Saturday Night Dec 8th at Corkerys Bar in Millstreet, Kicks Off from 9pm. Everybody Welcome.
Presentation of the Proceeds from the Recent Tractor Run for CART organised by Millstreet Vintage Club will be held at the Pub in Carriganima on Saturday December 15th at 9pm Refreshments will be served,Everybody Welcome.
Millstreet Vintage Club Annual AGM will take place on Thursday 10th January 2019 in the Millstreet Parish Centre at 8.00pm sharp. All Club Members please Attend and anyone out there interested in Vintage/Classic Cars/Bikes and Tractors are more than welcome to come along to the Meeting and join our Club.
Some Pictures below from a Great Weekend in West Cork and images of the upcoming Events/Meetings the Club are hosting.