Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde, and welcome to my report.
A million congratulations to our brilliant Scór Sinsir team on winning the County Final which was held in Ovens. Team members were, Jerry Doody, John Tarrant, Con and Mary Meade.
Congrats also to the wonderful Cullen Ballad Group on winning the Munster Final. And we wish them every success at the All-Ireland final which will be held at Castlebar on February 16th.
Yoga in Cullen tonight (Tuesday)at 7.30.
And still with Cullen, their Weigh In continues every Monday night. Last night in spite of flu and weather, 52 weighed in and 102 pounds were lost since last week. Jiving every Monday night after the weighing is done by Dr Casey.
Still not too late for new members to join.
Community Council Meeting tonight (Tuesday) at the Wallis Arms Hotel, starting at 8.30. All members please attend.
Our Vintage Club held a very successful fundraiser at the Wallis Arms Hotel on Sunday. It was very well supported, with members coming from afar to contribute. The proceeds will go to the Cork Simon Community.
The AGM of our popular Men’s Shed was held at their premises, Macroom Road last night. They are open every Tuesday night from 8pm. Contact Bertie Buckley for details 0876793841.
And still with the Men’s Shed, they want to know if any people out there would be interested in starting an indoor Bowling Club. Bowling Clubs are very popular in other places. Please contact the Men’s Shed ,Bertie, or the Active Retired Group if interested.
The AGM of our Juvenile Club will be held at GAA Hall this Friday, January 25th, starting 8. And all are welcome.
The AGM of the Town Park will be held the same night, January 25th, at the Canon O’Donovan Centre, starting at 8.
45Drive at the Canon O’Donovan Centre evert Tuesday night at 8.30. New members welcome.
If you want to take part in the national Operation Transformation, then come along to our Town Park every Thursday evening at 7,The lights will be full on and the walking will begin. All Welcome.
And you can walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, if you’d like to join a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from August 21st to 29th 2019. It will include a boat trip on the Sea of Galilee, plus visits to Nazareth, Canaan, and Jerusalem. With Fr. Christy FitzGerald.
Full details from MAP Travel 018783111, or Jim 0214885371. Limited places.
Eucharistc Adoration resumes this week after the Christmas break. Weather permitting. In Millstreet on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10.30am. Drop in for an hour or a few minutes. Or drop your request into the box which is provided on the table at the end of the Church.
Here are the results of this week’s lotto draw which was held at McCarthys Bar on Sunday night.
Numbers drawn were14,26,28,31, and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Michelle Cronin, Millstreet, The seller was the Bush Bar and they got €E50 sellers prize, €50 went o Davy Tarrant, €20 each to Eileen Cotter, Old Coach Rd, Kyle and Susan O’Riordan, Cullen. Neil Murphy, Millstreet, Pat Dinneen, Keale, Pamela Barrett, Drishane Rd. Kathleen O’Leary, Drishane Rd, Margaret, Rohan, Lackabawn, Eugene O Callaghan. Drishane View. Jackpot for next week €11.800 the draw at the Clara Inn on Sunday night.
It’s that time of year again when the ever popular Marian Players will stage their annual Panto in Rathmore. This time they are staging “Rapunzel, and are open from Friday January 25th to February 3rd, To book your tickets ring 085 1351810.
Tune in every Tuesday night, on line to Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11, for the best of entertainment . Always different Always great, provided by Sean Radley. You can ring him at 086 8250074, during the show ,and if he’s not too busy, he will say hello.
Our St. Vincent’s de Paul Group want to thank all those who supported their recent church gate collections in Millstreet, Ballydaly and Cullen which amounted to €6,609.78.
Looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel for those who like to go for a pint, A very good non-alcoholic beer has come on stream (Pardon the pun), and is proving very popular, I’m told.
I hope it will pave the way for those who like to meet up for the all important chat, or the weary worker who likes to wet the whistle at the end of the day.
The Centenary Celebrations for the foundation of our State which were held in every corner of the land on Monday, gave us many reasons to be proud of the land that we all love so well. (see the children of our Presentation Convent School, on the Web, singing a lovely rebel song) The addresses given by President Higgens and all those who spoke after him at the Mansion House ,filled us with pride and hope and determination to continue with the great work that was started a mere 100 years ago. But most of all, with gratitude for our people who persevered in the face of death and suffering to give us a free country to enjoy.
Every person, especially the young should use every means at their disposal to familiarise themselves with the story of how Ireland won its independence against one of the most powerful Empires in the World. We are a very young state, imagine still having people with us, who have direct family links with the rising. God be praised.
Please take care of those around you in this harsh weather.
Agus sinn a bhfuil a chairde, slán is beannacht Dé libh go léir
Thank you Eily for keeping us up to date weekly with your wonderful news item. Happy New Year to you and yours even though one month is nearly over, time flies when you are having fun or is it as you get older Eily but you are an inspiration to us all. Have a wonderful life and long may you keep us informed.