First Sunday of Lent – 10th March, 2019
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.
Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
RECENT DEATHS: Vivienne Murphy, Tanyard Wood; Phyliss Robinson (nee Conway), Millstreet & London.
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. James & Nellie Corcoran, Dooneen
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Michael & Theresa Herlihy, Cahirbarnagh
Cullen 10.15 a.m. Members of Cullen Pipe Band
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Mary Jo & Billy Murphy, Coole
ANNIVERSARIES: Fr. Donal O’Hare, Cloghoulamore; Seamus McCarthy, Carrigacooleen; Chris Kiely, Liscahane; Dan O’Mahony, Murphy’s Terrace; Denis, Theresa & Betsy Manley, The Square; Joe Garvey, Killarney Road; Kathy Twohig, Aunagloor; John O’Sullivan, Coolinarne; Kate Murphy, Flintfield; Maureen O’Keeffe, Ahane; Denis Vaughan, Newmarket; Frank Keane, Knocknagree; John & Margaret Moylan, Sally’s Cross.
Mass Intentions for next week:
Saturday 16th March:
Millstreet 6.30 p.m. Niall Kelleher, Station Road
Sunday 17th March – St. Patrick’s Day:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Mary Moynihan, Rathduane
Cullen 10.15a.m. George & Kathleen Forde, Lislehane & Willie Joe & Danny Forde, Mologhroe
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. The present & past members of
Millstreet Pipe Band.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday & Wednesday from 10.30a.m. to 10.30p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Millstreet. Requests for Prayer & Special Intentions – A box & slips of papers for these intentions can be found at the back of the Church. Each Tuesday & Wednesday the box will be placed on the altar for Mass and then placed in the Adoration Chapel so that people attending can pray for them
Rotas for Next Weekend 16th/17th March
6.30 p.m.
Eimear Buckley
Group B
11.30 a.m.
Pipe Band Member
9.00 a.m.
Eileen Guerin
Group E
10.15 a.m.
Noreen Meade
Group F
Millstreet Church: Mass times this week, unless there is a funeral.
Mass on Monday for Kathleen Kelleher, Lackabawn & Nora Rae, Shanakiel at 7.30p.m.
Mass on Tuesday for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.
Mass on Wednesday (Private Intention) at 10.00a.m.
Mass on Thursday for Madge Kelleher, Aubane at 10.00a.m.
Friday: Stations of the Cross at 7.00p.m. followed by Mass for Sheila Barry, Murphy’s Terrace at 7.30p.m.
CONFESSIONS: Every Saturday in Millstreet Church 12.30p.m.-1.00p.m.
CULLEN CHURCH: Collector for next weekend (17th): Jerry O’Sullivan
Mass on next Thursday at 7.30p.m. for Timothy, Hannah & Timmy O’Connor, Lisnaboy.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION every Thursday in Cullen Church from 10.00a.m. to 7.00p.m. All are welcome. Requests for Prayer & Special Intentions – A box & slips of papers for these intentions can be found at the back of the Church. The box will be then placed on the Adoration Chapel so that people attending can pray for them.
BALLYDALY CHURCH: Mass for Denis O’Brien, Ballydaly (recently deceased) on Friday night at 8.00p.m.
LEGION OF MARY: Meeting on Tuesday night in The Sacristy at 8.00p.m.
DIOCESAN COLLECTION next weekend (16th/17th) for Emigrant Services
MILLSTREET ALTAR SOCIETY for 17th & 24th March: Group D
Community Notices
MILLSTREET GRAMOPHONE CIRCLE will meet on next Friday 15th March in Canon O’Donovan Centre at 8.15p.m. This month’s guest presenter is Margaret Moynihan, Killarney Road. All welcome.
MILLSTREET ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE: Sunday 17th March at 5.00p.m.
AUBANE COMMUNITY CENTRE: Fitness/exercise classes with fitness instructor Tomas will commence on Thursday 14th March 8.00 & 9.00p.m.
AUBANE SOCIAL CLUB Afternoon Tea dance on this Sunday between 3.00 & 5.30p.m. at Aubane Community Centre.
CULLEN & DISTRICT SPECIAL NEEDS: Annual sponsored weigh in final night on this Monday night. Presentation of cheques & prizes. Please return sponsorship cards on or before 11th.
CULLEN PIPE BAND will hold its annual fundraising Cake Sale in the band hall after 10.15a.m. this Sunday 10th March.
CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG CATHOLIC ADULTS (aged 18-40) titled “Be not afraid”, Mary Woman of Courage, will take place on 30th March in Dominican Retreat Centre, Cork. Contact Fergal (087) 7914975 or Susan (087) 2414635