“Radio Treasures” Visits Carriganima and Fr. James Shares Wonderful Reflection

Our 10pm feature tonight recalls the 2019 Parade for St. Patrick in Carriganima where we interview Fr. Anthony, Seán, Eily, Aindrias, Gobnait and Shane… and we’re delighted to feature second broadcast of Fr. James McSweeney’s Reflections on “Radio Treasures” – on Cork Music Station   Also in tonight’s “Radio Treasures”(9:30 -11:00) we include musings, music and songs galore.  And we chat about the many items illustrated below.   Click on the images to enlarge. Feel most welcome to make contact by logging into our “Seán Radley” Facebook chat page or by texting.  One may also email us on millstreetmuseum @eircom.net – Happy Listening! Click on the images to enlarge.   The following are brief captions to our selection of pictures below…More complete features to follow later: (S.R.)

  1.  Official Opening of “Capabu” at The Square on Thurs. 4th April 2019 (more complete feature later) CAtherine PAtrick BUicke – hence the name!
  2. Carriganima St. Patrick’s Parade 2019.
  3. Chef Supreme Kevin at the Wallis Arms Hotel.
  4. Rehearsing for Sunday’s Choral Concert in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.
  5. Cobh on Tuesday morning (9th April 2019) viewing the arrival of just one of the 101 Liners visiting during this year.  This is the “Magellan”.
  6. The Millstreet Lottery Committee and Coworkers at the 25th AGM in the Wallis Arms Hotel on Sat. 6th April.
  7. The superbly successful Annual Coffee Day in aid of Marymount Hospice held on Wednesday, 3rd April at Millstreet Garda Station.
  8. Two images recalling last Saturday’s Tour of the most impressive Rescue Helicopter Centre in Rathcoole when Millstreet Vintage Club was invited.
  9. Three images where our focus is on the official launch of Sculptor Supreme, Denis O’Connor’s (with hat) magnificent Exhibition at Siamsa Tíre, Tralee on Saturday, 6th April entitled “Along the Western Shore” which continues until 3rd May.   Denis is son of the late Tess and Con O’Connor of Main Street, Millstreet.

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