Today is Voting Day in Ireland with Millstreet Participating at Scoil Mhuire B.N.S.


Voting Day 2019 in Millstreet on Fri. 24th May. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Today, we are being asked to vote on three separate things:

  1. Local Council Elections (Macroom / Millstreet)
  2. European Elections (MEP for Ireland South)
  3. Divorce Referendum (fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland)

Further details are below: 

The three voting sheets for 2019. A lot of faces, but who to choose?


Candidates for the Local Council Election:


European Elections (MEP for Ireland South) list of candidates:

Divorce Referendum:
What are we voting on? There are two amendments being proposed in this referendum, one is with regards to the length of time people have lived apart before they are granted a divorce and the second proposal is to remove the section of the constitution that does not recognise divorces registered outside the country. [full details]

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