Lest We Forget (4)




Monday, 7th July, 1919.
Discharged without trial: Mr. Patrick O’Brien, one of the three brothers arrested on suspicion in connection with the Silvermines shooting, was released after being 18 months in custody.
Raids:- Extensive house-to-house searches were made over large areas to the North and West of Newmarket, Co. Cork, by fully equipped British military and police.  The raiders were accompanied by military wagons, armoured cars, and Red Cross cars, filled with armed soldiers.  Two old disused shot-guns – the sole result of the raid – were found and commandeered.
Proclaimed. The annual Tipperary Feis (Gaelic League Festival) to be held in Thurles on Sunday last, was proclaimed by the British authorities on Friday.  Large forces of military and police, with full war equipment, were drafted into the town on Sunday.  The promoters decided not to hold the Feis, although such a course resulted in heavy financial loss to them.

Tuesday, 8th July, 1919.
Austin Geraghty and Peter J. Loghlon, Doolin District, Co. Clare, were arrested by British military and police in connection with the shooting of two R.I.C men near Kilfenora, Co. Clare. Michael Byrne, Camlough; Patrick Osborne, Gib Street, Belfast; Owen MacCroosh, Eshavany, and Patrick McShane, Cross, were arrested in connection with an alleged assault on two R.I.C. men at Camlough, Co. Armagh on Sunday last.  They were brought before a Special Court at Camlough Barracks and remanded to Forkhill Petty Sessions on the 12th August. John Mahon, Gurteen, Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford, was arrested for failing to pay a fine imposed on him for collecting funds for Dail Eireann without a Permit from the British authorities.  He has been “wanted” for some time on this charge. Robert Hegarty, 3 Kimmage Road, Dublin, was arrested on a charge of illegal drilling, and remanded  in custody until Friday next.
Proclamation:- Sinn Fein, Sinn Fein Clubs, Cumann na mBan, the Irish Volunteers, and the Gaelic League in the County Tipperary were “prohibited and suppressed” by Proclamation published to-day.  Two Proclamations were issued by the British Authorities, the first to cover the suppression  in the North Riding area of Co. Tipperary, the second to cover the suppression of the South Riding area. An Aeridheacht announced for Castlepollard on Sunday last was proclaimed and large forces of British  military and police were drafted into town to enforce the proclamation.  Military guards were placed on all the approaches to the town.  A meeting was held at the Market Square and was addressed by Mrs. Sheehy-Skeffington.
Armed Assault:- A District Inspector with a force of fully armed police came on the scene and ordered the dispersion of the meeting. On being asked for his authority the D.I. ordered a baton charge.  Several people were injured in the charge, and the crowd retaliated with stones.  The D.I. then ordered  the police to fire, and for a time matters looked very  serious.  For some reason the police failed to obey the order, and after a time the people dispersed quietly in spite of the great provocation. After the arrest of John Mahon at Newtownbarry (vide above) a crowd numbering about 300, collected and boohed and hissed the police.  Four or five police rushed out of the barracks and attacked the crowd with batons.  A small number of the crowd were dispersed, but the large majority  held their ground, with the result that a regular melee ensued.  In the meantime a military wagon of British soldiers arrived on the scene.  They fixed bayonets and charged the crowd, with the result that a large number of people were wounded. 

Wednesday, July 9th, 1919.
Armed Assault:- While standing at the corner of the village street in Athea singing the “Soldiers’ Song” and “Wrap the Green Flag round me”, a group of boys were attacked by two R.I.C. men.  The police gave no warning of their attack.  One boy was badly wounded under the right eye, and his face bruised and battered.  Several other boys received nasty wounds.  The two who received the most severe injuries did not belong to the group of vocalists.

Courtmartials:- Patrick O’Halloran, Scalahan, Tipperary, was tried by courtmartial at Cork for possession of “a seditious  document”.  The document in question was a copy of the official organ of the Irish Volunteers.  The decision of  the court was not published. James, Barry, Gevagh, Co. Cork, was arrested, tried by courtmartial and sentenced to seven days imprisonment for possessing a shot gun.  The accused admitted possession  but said he thought he could have a gun for use on his farm.  The sentence was remitted and the accused released.

Raids. The house of Mr. John Noonan, Creamery Manager, Freemount, was searched by British military and police. Nothing incriminating was found. The house of Mr. Patrick Murphy, Freemount, was also searched, with a similar result. Mr. Daniel Mooney’s house at Avoca was searched by soldiers and police, who failed to discover anything.
Arrests:- John O’Connor, Farmer, Barnlough, was charged at   Bansha Petty Sessions, with having a quantity of explosives in his possession without a permit from the “authorities”. O’Connor stated he had got the explosives (about a pound weight of blasting powder) for blasting timber about four years ago, and had forgotten it was there.  Defendant was let off with a fine of 10/- and costs, but was warned that in future the penalty would be heavier.

Thursday, 10th July, 1919.

Suppression. The following letter from Mr. John O’Sheehan, Dublin, to the Editor, Irish Independent , was suppressed by British Censor in Ireland.
Your account of the Castlepollard Aeridheacht is not quite correct.  The police charged and batoned the crowd on Saturday night without any preliminary warning.
The police fired several shots, fortunately without injuring anyone, although several people in the crowd stated they heard the D.I. order the R.I.C. to “shoot to kill”.

I do not know the D.I., but a very excited individual, in civilian clothes, came up to the car on which the ladies and I were seated, and told us “to get to hell out of that”. And on my enquiring who he was and what was his authority he shouted, “find out, I’ll soon show you.” 

The full programme was carried out on Sunday.  It took over three hours and was attended by over 1,000 people.  It was quaint  to stand in the crowd on top of the hill and watch motor lorries of soldiers and police and armed detachments of police cyclists, looking for us in the roadway below.
(Signed)      JOHN O’SHEEHAN.
 Police made a search early last Monday morning of Beech Lawn Rathgar, the residence of Mr. John McLoughlin. They stated that a stranger was staying there, but on searching could find no trace of him. The residence of Mr. Furley, Upper Rathmines Road, was raided yesterday by a force of detectives.

Sentences. At a Crimes Court in Galway 7 men were ordered to be imprisoned until the rising of the Court, and ordered to find bail on a charge of unlawful assembly, and for groaning a man whose cattle were recently driven.

Following the Proclamation of County Tipperary, there were scenes of great military and police activity in all  parts of the County.  Press reports of these activities were censored by the British ‘authorities”.  In Thurles military engineers were engaged in putting up means of communicate with centres in the County, such as Fethard and Templemore. Big establishments of armed men exist in all these centres. The streets are patrolled night and day by armed police from Belfast, 50 of whom have arrived there.

Friday, 11th July, 1919.


James O’Keeffe, Caretaker of Avondale House, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, tried by  courtmartial at Ship Street Barracks, was sentenced to one year and nine months imprisonment with hard labour, for being in possession of a shotgun, ammunition, and some blasting powder, without the necessary permit from the British “authorities”.  The articles mentioned were found during the police raid on Avondale House.


British Military and police raided the houses of the late Mr. James Ennis (uncle of Mr. F. Lawless, M.P.) Messrs. James Rooney, Chris. Nulty, and Michael Roche, all in the village of Naul, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.  Nothing incriminating was found.


 Saturday, 12th July, 1919.

During the attacks by police on the people of Castlepollard , Westmeath, last Sunday, a constable saw John Sweeney, 15 years of age, pick up something from the  ground.  The boy was arrested and in his pocket was found a military cartridge.  At the subsequent trial the father stated that the boy had been given the cartridge by one of his brothers, all of whom were serving in the army.  Sweeney  was allowed out on bail.

Mr.   James O’Dogherty, 38 Connaught St. Dublin, tried by courtmartial at Ship Street Barracks, on July 1st, on a charge of possessing firearms and ammunition was found guilty and sentenced to two years hard labour. One year was remitted by G.O.C.


The house of Mr. M. Dennehy, Rathmore, Co. Kerry, was raided by British Military and police.  An exhaustive but fruitless search was made. The house of Mr. C. P. Fitzpatrick, Ballinagh, Co. Cavan, was searched by police, who took away with them a copy of “The Soldiers’ Song”.
Armed   Assault.               

Mr. J. J. Brady, Gaigue Cross, Longford, when returning from Longford in his motor, was stopped by police at Drumlish. After being ordered out of his car, he was searched,  but with no result.


Monday, 14th July, 1919.


Charles Donnelly, Rathmines, Dublin, was arrested on Saturday by members of the R.I.C., and D.M.P., and brought to the local Police Station.  The charge  against him has not been disclosed.

Michael Maunsell, Martin Griffin, John Farrell, Tom Crean, Denis Sugrue and Michael Griffin, all of the Camp District, Tralee, Co. Kerry, were arrested on Friday last  in connection with the shooting at Sergeant Oates and
Constable Connell on the 24th June, and with Michael Spillane, John Butler and Michael Flynn, already in custody,
were brought before a special court at Tralee R.I.C. Barracks on a charge of attempted murder.  Spillane, Flynn, Maunsell and Griffin were identified by the two R.I.C. men  and remanded in custody.  The others were released.

A Proclamation, issued by the British Military,  was posted in Derry last Friday night prohibiting a hurling tournament ,  arranged by Nationalists, to be held on Saturday, 12th July.   The “authorities” arranged to afford protection to an Orange Demonstration in the same vicinity, but the Proclamation suppressing the Tournament stated “grave disorders are likely to follow the holding of the  Tournament”.   The military who were confined to Barracks were held in readiness to suppress the gathering if necessary.
                         Tuesday, 15th July,   ’19.

Mr. Hugh Kennedy, Mountain View, Bansha, Co. Tipperary, was arrested and removed to Cork jail on a charge of having  firearms in his possession.

A motor cycle owned by Mr. T. Kelleher, Main Street, Youghal, Co. Cork, was seized by a force of police in a Garage in Devonshire Square.

The Misses M. E. Harris, The Mall; M. Owens, do; Norah Fitzgibbon, North Main St; Annie Donald, Do; Johanna O’Brien, Church St; and Eileen Coleman, Cork Hill, Youghal, Co. Cork, all members of the Youghal Cumann na mBan, were summoned to the Petty Sessions on a charge of making a collection without Permit from the British “authorities”.

A Lecture to be delivered in the Mansion House, Dublin,  and last night by Mr. Arthur Griffith, member of the Irish Parliament for East Cavan, and N.W. Tyrone replying to Sir Edward Carson’s speech at Belfast,  was proclaimed by the “authorities”.  The Lord Mayor and Mr. Griffith were served with notices, signed by the   Chief Commissioner of Police, prohibiting the Lecture which notices were ignored by both, the Lord Mayor stating that “he would never be a party to closing the Mansion House to the citizens”.  The meeting was announced for 8.15 p.m., but long before that hour large forces of fully-armed police had taken possession of the neighbourhood of the Mansion House.

Armed  Assault:-                . 

As Mr. Griffith approached the Mansion House he was held up by three armed policemen, and the police superintendent informed him that he could not proceed.  Mr. Griffith then asked the Superintendent if the authority under which he acted against the will of the Lord Mayor was not the batons and revolvers of the policemen.  He received no reply.  The Lecture was held elsewhere.
Wednesday, 16th July, 1919

Mr. Paul Galligan, member of the Irish Parliament for West Cavan, was arrested at Cavan and conveyed to
Belfast on Tuesday.  The charge against him has not transpired.

Mr. James O’Meara, Connaught Street, Dublin, was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment, with hard labour, and one month in default of bail, at a Crimes Court in Athlone, on a charge of unlawful assembly and drilling  at a reception of the Irish American Delegates.  Accused refused to recognise the Court’s jurisdiction. Mrs. Mary McElroy, 5 Tyrconnell Terrace, Inchicore, Dublin, was tried on a charge of possessing a 5-chambered revolver, and 33 ball-cartridges, without a Permit. A fine of £5 was imposed, and an order to find bail in £10, in default of which one month’s imprisonment.
Thursday,  17th. July,  1919.
Armed  Assault:-                          

In proclaimed Co. Tipperary, armed police patrol the streets of the town, and British military, with full war equipment, scour the country in military motor wagons. A number of boys playing cards by the roadside in Thurles vicinity were dispersed by armed police.  Those anxious for games of any sort find it difficult to elude the vigilance of the forces. On Sunday evening some parties who were attending a hurling match at Delvin, Co. Westmeath, were met and scattered by the police with batons.

An Aeridheacht announced for Drumcree, Delvin, Co.  Westmeath, on Sunday, was proclaimed on Friday.  The
ground on which the Aeridheacht was to have been held,  and all the roads in the vicinity, were occupied by armed police and military.  The Aeridheacht was held in a field a short distance away, and proved a great success.

The instruments of the Killallon Fife and Drum Band were seized by British military and taken away in a motor lorry.

Patrick O’Halloran, Scalahean, Co. Tipperary, was  tried by courtmartial at Cork on July 8th, and sentenced to 6 months’ imprisonment with hard labour.  He was charged with having in his possession a copy of the official organ
of the Irish Volunteers.


Saturday,  19th July,  1919.

James Cullen, Ballynanny, Mayobridge, Newry, was arrested yesterday.  The charge against him has not transpired.

Michael O’Connell, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, tried by courtmartial at Cork, on June 30th, was sentenced to 9 months’ imprisonment on a charge of being in posses ion of a revolver and ammunition without a permit.

On Tuesday last, 16 R.I.C. men and 13 British Military raided the houses of Mr. John Cawley and Mr. J. P. Flood, Granard, Co. Longford.  Thorough searches were made in both houses.  In Mr. Cawley’s they found various numbers of “Nationality”.  “The Irishman” and other Irish-Ireland papers, which they tied together with the intention of taking away.  Apparently they changed their minds, as they eventually left without taking them.  In Mr. Flood’s house they found and commandeered two bundles of Election literature; two private letters from an absent member of the family, various other letters personal and otherwise, information re Co-operative Societies, Sinn Fein Cumann, &c., and a copy of the Mansion House protest against the treatment of the prisoners in Belfast Jail. The residence of Mr. H. Cecil Watson of Islington, Terenure Road, Dublin, was raided by police officers, but nothing was found.

Irish Bulletin

A full reprint of newspaper of Dáil Éireann giving war reports.

Published so far:
Volume 1, 12th July 1919 to 1st May 1920. 514pp.
Volume 2, 3rd May 1920 to 31st August 1920. 540pp.
Volume 3, 1st September 1920 to 1st January 1921. 695pp

36, £30 paperback, per volume

(55, £45 hardback)

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