Duhallow Heritage Society
Presents a Talk by Gerry White
on The Life and Death of Terence MacSwiney
Lord Mayor of Cork City whose death on hunger strike in 1920 focused the eyes of the world on the struggle for independence then taking place in Ireland
8pm sharp, on Thursday 10th October 2019,
Coláiste Treasa, Kanturk, Eircode: P51 A521
Admission €5
Refreshments served.
Enquires to 087-9335404/087 9438360
My name is Theresa Bridget Fistori Doherty. My mother’s name was Bridget Coffey Fistori and her mother’s name (my grandmother) was Mary Murphy Coffey from Cork City, Ireland. I have been told that I am related to Terence MacSwiney and am interested in learning about this relationship. I have been told that my grandmother was related to Muriel Murphy MacSwiney, Terence MacSwiney’s mother. Could you give me any information about this? Thank you.
Terry Doherty
Hi Terry,
Muriel Murphy was Terence McSwiney’s WIFE … Mary Wilkinson was his mother, so any connection would be through marriage.
Does the below sound about right:
Mary Kate Murphy 1888–1945, married Denis Coffey in Cork in 1914
I don’t have a connection, but would need to know we’re looking in the right place.
More on Muriel Murphy: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/107500561/muriel-frances-macswiney
Came across your site today.Do you know the identity of the lone piper at his funeral?
I’m told it was Sean O’Lionan(John Leonard) originally from Ballyhooly who was working
in the London G.P.O at that time.He was my grandmother’s brother.
Would appreciate any information.
Thank you.
Do you know is Terrence Mc Sweeneys IRA uniform to be viewed and where is it kept. Word of mouth in my own family was that a relative of mine Katie Birmingham carried Terrences uniform across Cork City. Are there any records of this available to see do you know?
Kind Regards
Sheila Gibson
Try military museum in U.C.C.?
Hi Shelia,
I would suggest emailing Cork City Museum in Fitzgerald’s Park, curator Dan Breen and enquire. I know that they have some archives from MacSwiney such as personal notebooks relating to formation of Irish Volunteers in Cork County.
Best wishes in our research
Noreen Meaney