Millstreet Community Council Ltd would like to thank most sincerely everyone who generously donated to their recent Church Gate Collection. This money is vital to help us continue to contribute to local activities such as school projects, events and maintenance of our premises.
A special word of thanks to Sergeant Paul Lynch & the Gardai, the businesses, organisations, groups and individuals who made all the events this year possible which included the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Party in the Park, the parade for the European Mounted Games Championships & Culture Night. Thanks, is also due to the businesses & outlets who are facilitating us with the distribution of the Text Alert Forms & the Calendars for 2020. We would also like to thank the local community for continuing to support the use of the Astro Turf Pitch, the Gym & the Creche. The key to the success of our events & facilities is down to Eily Buckley, John Tarrant, Seán Radley & the team, and Sharon Lane for their advertising. Finally, thanks to Billy Sheehan of the Wallis Arms Hotel for accommodating us for our meetings throughout the year.
The Community Council Ltd Committee would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous 2020!