Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde, and welcome to my report.
We have come through some of the most varied and powerful weather in recent times. And even though we didn’t suffer any major damage around here it did give everything and every one had a sense of uncertainty. Planned events having to be cancelled or going ahead and being badly attended. And our March Fair was no different on Sunday. Nobody fixes it but it’s a traditional thing that it goes ahead on the Sunday nearest to the first of the month and this year it struck it head on. The weather was exceptionally bad for the last few days of February which cast a doubt over the annual Fair. Every other year the vendors would come into town the previous evening and mark their territory by putting the iron frames for their tents lying by the curb and guard them jealously till time to get everything ship shape and open for business next morning. None of that happened this year.
Horses are not allowed on the streets of the town anymore. They are confined to what used to be our Fair Field, but now a modern car park. So our Garda did what they always do on March Fair Day. They put up lots of traffic signs and barricades, letting all and sundry know where to go and where not to go. Anyway the first day of March dawned and with it came bright sunshine and blue skies, heavenly calm, which continued all day long. There were only a few horses, few standings and very few people on the finest March Day Fair that we had seen for years. Oh dear.
International Women’s Day is on our doorstep. The experts say that women hold up half of the sky and I suppose having said that we’ll have to say that the men hold up the other half. That’s a nice rounded statement. Very fair and very balanced. Half for them and half for us. I just wonder when did it happen? At what stage did women begin to take another look at themselves and say “I’m better than this”. God knows that and many others like me, have seen some mega changes in our time. Some you forget, others stand out. But the one that sticks with me is that women were always seen as the underdog and not just grown women. Girls of the family had to polish their brothers boots, iron their shirts, etc. Saturday night would find them doing these menial tasks while the lads played ball or some other boyhood games. There was a definite line between men’s work and women’s work. A man wouldn’t be seen hanging out the washing, cooking ,baking, making the beds, brushing the floor. Even in name she was Mrs Paddy Smith, not Mrs Mary Smith. A man was free to treat his wife in any way he liked, he was The Boss and there was no law in the land nor the Church to protect her. Women rarely,very rarely had their names included in any property and if her husband happened to die, she could be put out in the road along her children. In the early part of the Century, women couldn’t vote, they had no say in the running of church or state. This paints a very sad and morbid picture of the life of women back then. The truth of the matter is that they were very happy and content and they shared their lives and difficulties with the other women around them. But that in itself was not a good thing. Thinking as they did like their mothers before them and coping with the same old problems, being prepared to go that same old road again stopped them from taking another look at themselves and asking, ‘Is there another way’? And as soon as they became aware of their own strengths and dreams and self worth, there was no stopping them. They came out of the shadows, built themselves up and proved to the World that they had the power. In the early days of the 1900’s they made history by forming one of the first Women’s wartime bodies which they called Cumann na mBan and helped the men to gain freedom for our country. They did it for us all and that’s why we can hold up Half of the Sky Today.
To celebrate International Women’s Day in Millstreet, the Transition Year students of the Community School along with our Active Retired Club are holding a Coffee Morning at the Parish Centre tomorrow Wednesday, Morning after ten o’clock Mass. Please support it well.
There is a Healing Weekend with Marie Vadia at Rochestown Park Hotel on March 7/8. Mass and confessions on both days. For Details contact Tom 0876468658.
Here are the results of this weeks Lotto draw which was held at McCarthy’s Bar on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 2.23,26,30 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Bernie Cahill, c/o Cahill’s, the seller was Tommy Tucker and he got €50 sellers Prize, €50 went to Anthony Kelleher, Moulnahorna, €20 to G & D. c/o McCarthy’s Bar. John McAulliffe, Annagloor, Connie Healy, Woodland Drive. Margaret Smith, Murphy’s Tce, Jeremiah O Donaghue, Clyda Rovers, Pat Lane, Old Coach Drive, SpringBox Denny, Mary Daly, Claracleagh. Jackpot for next week €8,200, the draw at the Clara Inn on Sunday night.
An important meeting of the Community Council will be held at the Wallis Arms Hotel tonight to continue with plans for our St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Starts at 8.30. Please support it well.
The Glen Theatre Presents the Banteer Drama Group on Thursday, Saturday, Sunday March 5th and 7th and Sunday 8th this week. In, ‘ The Maiden Aunt’ a hilarious comedy by Jimmy Keary. For details ring 02956239.
Our Vintage Club are celebrating their tenth anniversary with a grand tour on this Sunday March 8th. It will be in honour of their founder Johnnie Hickey. Starting out from the Wallis Arms Hotel at noon on Sunday to the strains of our ever popular pipe band, of which Johnnie was a founder member. Taking in many sights and reaching Griffins Garden Centre for Coffee, then on to Grenagh for Dinner and home. A great day is assured. Details from Ber 0877924406, or William 0872229874.
The organisers of the Irish Heart Foundation church Gate collection would like to thank all those who supported . It raised €800. For this worthy cause.
The Aubane social Club are celebrating 45 highly successful years,with a social event at the Old Triangle ,on March 13.
The New Children’s Playground project showed community spirit at its best when every business in the catchment area donated generously, and our children are already enjoying the benefits. Now Our Community School needs to refurbish the Computer room and are asking for similar response. Look up our website and see how you can help.
The people of Carriganima are about to laud one of their own late greats, A tAthar Peadar OLaoire. They have a full program of events already planned for the weekend of March 20/21/22.Look up the details on our website.
Many congratulations to Ann Linehan (O’Leary) on the launch of her Children’s Book, entitled Sam & Sue. The first of many by all accounts.
The first week of Lent is nearly over. And special prayers and talks are ongoing in many places to keep us in mind of the Holy Season that Lent is. Our Eucharistic Adoration continues in Millstreet every Tuesday and Wednesday and in Ballydaly on Saturdays from 10.30 – 12.30.
Our Bowls Club is open every Tuesday 6.30 to 7.30 pm and Wednesday mornings from 10.30. to 12.30. Men and women welcome at the Wallis Arms. There are hopes to open an outdoor pitch in the Town Park in the future. Please support them well.
The Active Retired Club have an endless list of things to do and places to go every week. Swimming, art, dinging, knitting, coffee morning, walking, cards ,the list goes on. They meet for coffee every Thursday morning at the Wallis Arms at 11 and its a great place to meet a new friend or get full info on all the things they have to offer. Please do not feel that you are alone.
Twenty five people attended the Weigh In in Cullen last night and 34pounds weight lost. Only two nights left.
Agus sinn a bhfuil a chairde, slán is beannacht Dé libh go léir.