“Memories of Millstreet” 1993 Video Now on YouTube

Produced and Directed by the Fitzgerald Family in 1993 in advance of the Eurovision Song Contest at Millstreet’s Green Glens Arena on 15th May 1993 the wonderfully interesting and colourful Video “Memories of Millstreet” may now be viewed above or on YouTube.   Just Google “Memories of Millstreet” to access.   It will evoke lots of special memories for many.  (S.R.) [fb1] [fb2]

Linda Martin plants a special tree at The Square in 1993 seen with Noel C. Duggan and Brendan O’Keeffe as well as a wonderful gathering of local people.

One of the many happy memories of the 1993 Eurovision in Millstreet – Jonathan O’Connor appearing on the live transmission on 15th May 1993.   (S.R.)
Here we recall Eurovision Week in May 1993.



We have added these stills from the video

2.00 Sean Radley outside Green Glens introduces the Millstreet Memories
03.14 Neil Healy Noel C.Duggan and Pat Kelly




Duarigle Bridge

Kilmeedy Castle


West End, The Church and the Convent

Ballydaly Church

Guerin’s of BallydalyMurphy Houses in Ballydaly

After Mass on Sunday in Ballydaly

The Square, Millstreet

The Presentation Convent and Presentation National SchoolUpgrading works at Millstreet Railway Station



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