“Radio Treasures” Tonight Features 1980 Audio Archive Celebration in Dromtariffe Hall

An Invitation to tune into our weekly “Radio Treasures” on Cork Music Station at 9.30 until 11pm this Tuesday (26th May 2020).   Happy Listening!  (S.R.) 

  1.  Music and Songs aplenty including new releases.
  2.  Call outs to our Loyal Listeners worldwide.
  3. Our 10pm Interview takes us back to 1980 when a hugely impressive celebratory occasion was marked at Dromtariffe Hall to mark the 1980 appointment of Tom Meaney as Minister of State in the Fianna Fáil Government.   We hear Tom’s uplifting speech and we join the enormous gathering on the night where Tony Barrett and his Band performed.   Listen out for a very enthusiastic talented Drummer!   And we are also joined in a recent recording of Fr. James McSweeney sharing a most inspiring Thought for Reflection where the symbols of keys and a tunnel feature.  Our 1980 edited recording is from Millstreet Museum Audio Recordings.  
  4.  Time to smile!
  5.  Time to reflect – Wise Quotes.
  6.  Remembering our Faithful Departed.
  7. Carriganima Book just published…We share how Irish words are so much part of our English language in this area.
  8. Musings and Chatting about the attached images relating to Tom Meaney’s superb involvement in community activities over the years.  We also view a 2010 image of Fr. James at his Book Launch in Ballincollig.  (Tap on the pictures to enlarge):

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