While many people may feel that once the very impressive Astro Turf was put in place a few short years ago it would not need much maintenance. But when recently speaking with Mary Collins of Millstreet Community Council (MCC) with special responsibility for the operation of the Astro Turf she indicated that nothing is maintenance-free and Mary shared the following important points: 1. The Pitch has to be decompacted on a regular basis with some 8 tons of rubber recently spead to refresh the spring on the Pitch which over time can become flat and could lose its very significant spring. 2. It has to be brushed twice a year to maintain the springy feel of the Pitch.
Following the easing of C0VID-19 Restrictions the newly refreshed Astro Turf Pitch will reopen this coming Monday evening, 13th July 2020. Presently, it’s Monday to Friday only. Below we share images of the very recent renewal work in progress with the Pitch now looking superb. Sincere thanks to Mary Collins for sharing such vital information and special thanks also to Margaret Bourke of MCC for alerting me to the work in progress which we recorded as illustrated below. (S.R.)