On Sat. 29th Feb. 2020 the Officers of St John’s GAA Club and their families braved the elements in the newly refurbished Children’s Playground to
present a whopping €1,600 contribution to members of Millstreet Town Park Committee. Total proceeds were the result of a Table Quiz in the Bush Bar on 29 December and the inaugural St John’s Cup 7 a side Soccer Tournament on 27 January. 

Millstreet Town Park wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all organising members from St John’s GAA Club, their families and supporters for this fantastic series of fun filled fundraisers. Thank you to the Community Council for providing the AstroTurf pitch free of charge for the day of the Soccer Tournament and to the local businesses who provided spot prizes for these events. A special thank you to Connie Hickey of the Bush Bar for sponsoring medals, winning plaques and after event food for all particpants at both events. Thank you to each and every Sráider who participated in any way. Whether you paid for a quiz table, sponsored a soccer team or purchased raffle tickets, every Euro counted, thank you.

Finally, many thanks to Seán Radley for yet again giving up his time and providing the pictorial collage for this presentation.

We thank Geraldine on behalf of Millstreet Town Park Committee for this comprehensive report and we apologise re our delay in uploading the feature together with the attached images. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)