Our latest Millstreet Pictorial Updates places focus on the beauty of Autumn locally and internationally. We include a feature from today’s “Sunday Business Post” which makes a very important reference to Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet BNS. And we hope that someone might be able to share information about the late Mr. John J. Campion about whom Bill Browne has written in this week’s “Corkman” indicating that John was born in Millstreet. And we recall yesterday’s Beatification of the young Carlo Acutis in Assisi, Italy yesterday (Sat. 10/10/2020) who died at the age of 15 in 2006. Tap on the images to enlarge. Finally, a reminder that C103’s “Round the Fireside” on Monday, 12th Oct. 10.00 to 11.00 pm will focus on Millstreet when Presenter supreme, Jimmy Reidy will broadcast one of his many past programmes from his extensive Audio Archives. (S.R.)