“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues., 26th Jan. 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.00. Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook. Happy Listening! (S.R.)
On tonight’s Show: Lots of wonderful songs and music including Jim Lyons, Frank Chacksfield’s “Beyond the Sea”(1953), Stan Freberg’s “St. George and the Dragonet!”, Breeda Tarrant’s “Mulroy Bay” …. and many, many more.
We explore the importance of the word “Up” in the English Language.
At 10.00pm we listen to the superb music of Con Houlihan and his daughter Caitlín remembering the anniversary of Scotland’s Robbie Burns who was born on 25th Jan. 1759.
We listen to a splendid recording from 1976 of Mícheál Ó Ceallacháin providing a singing workshop for Primary Teachers where we hear his excellent Irish instructions.
And we including our usual musings and chat about the attached images.