“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues., 2nd March 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.00. Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook. Happy Listening! (S.R.)
On tonight’s Show: Lots of wonderful songs and music including Jim Lyons singing “Brosna Town”, Shandrum Céilí Band’s 2015 All-Ireland performance of “The Killavil Set”, The Clare Céilí Band, some Classical Magic, Breeda Tarrant’s “Friendship” …. and many, many more.
And we shall be repeating our very popular recording of Michael Healy Rae – an All Ireland Traditional Whistler – superbly whistling “Fáinne Geal an Lae”. And also on tonight’s Show we share Entertaining Musings galore!
At 10pm we broadcast the premiere of “Lovely Millstreet Town” sung by Tim Gleeson and which was the winning song of Millstreet’s 1980’s “Fáilte Festival Song Competition” composed by Jeremiah Lucey of Bounard, Gneeveguilla. Jeremiah’s daughters Noreen and Julia M. very kindly presented a very beautiful framed feature outlining the origins of the superb song. This is on permanent display in Millstreet Museum. We illustrate this wonderful story below through a series of images. Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)

Gormbhealach na Dubhabhann? Surely: Bealach Gorm na hAbhann Móire or Cois Móire…
How very true….Your translation of the sign is perfect.