In March 2019 Daniel and Majella O’Donnell visited the very welcoming home of Eily Buckley. In March 2021 (Sat. 6th) it was this beautiful rare bird that paid a visit to Eily’s Garden! Clearly seeking Select Accommodation! Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.) Update: Lots of suggestions coming in – including one from Caroline Lehane who suggests that the bird could well be a Peregrine Falcon….Another suggestion received – a Sparrow Hawk.
Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? Maybe a hawk of some sort??
This is a sparrowhawk by the length of its tail and the brown feathering on its throat….they are not uncommon in Ireland as for peregrine falcons you will not see them in back yards and they are very rare in Ireland. F Duggan