“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues., 23rd March 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.00 (Irish Time)…And in the USA due to Daylight Saving Time – Eastern Time Zone – we begin in the USA at 5.30pm now that there is only 4 hour difference until end of March. Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Our main feature tonight at 10pm is truly historic in that we celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Cullen Pipe Band. We listen to the magnificent music of the renowned Band and we chat with Coordinator Supreme – Con Houlihan who has devoted such amazing talent, time, energy and nspiring dedication to Cullen Pipe Band over many decades. Tonight we broadcast the second of three Interviews with Con…See picture below of Cullen Pipe Band in 1956 (kindly shared by Con Houlihan). While this is our main focus tonight we shall also include some regular features and call outs. Happy listening ! (S.R.) Here we share a selection of images from Millstreet Museum Pictorial Archives as well as some current pictures.