The death has occurred on Monday, January 24, 2011 of Hannie MURPHY of Cockhill, Millstreet, Co Cork. Reposing at Tarrant’s Funeral Home. Removal this Tuesday evening at 7.30pm to St Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Requiem Mass tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11am. Funeral afterwards to Drishane Cemetery, Millstreet.
Any chance of a little more detail on the reposed. It would help us who have been gone for some time to identify the person and family members.
Thanks and keep up good work,
John Murphy
This Micheal Murphy from Cheltenham England is your father Danny Murphy from Cock Hill Mill street, Your father rang me Monday night and I cant ring him back on the phone number I got please get him to ring me Thuirsday 27th at 7pm or for him to leave a phone number on answer machine, If this is wrong person ignore message.
I’m not that John Murphy above, but I think you are talking about my father. I don’t know if you have been in contact since he called and if he didn’t ring back here is my e-mail: <email>
I can give you his number when contacted.
I have been out of the country for a while so a little out of the loop.
John M
@John Murphy: i try to put up all the information that is at hand, if i have more i would. barring that i can’t do much more, except maybe to harang the undertaker.