The Clonbanin Ambush Centenary
Commemoration Committee
wishes to make the following announcement: On Saturday 9th October
2021, our Centenary Commemorations / Celebration will take place in
Derrinagree Church Carpark. This commemoration is to honour the men
and women that participated in the War of Independence and the fight for freedom. To celebrate the Freedom and Self-
Governance, that we all take for granted today. Let us not forget the supreme sacrifices, the extreme hardships, the human
endurances that those brave men of the Volunteers, and the women of
Cumann na mBan went through for that fight for our freedom. Even to
the extent of some of them of sacrificing their life for the cause.
Now is the opportunity, for us, and all of you, with any drop of Irish
blood running through your veins, to say thank you to those
Heroes. To come together for a few hours, to bond together
like true Irish men and women, to pray for, and commemorate those
heroic deeds. The Committee can only try to make it happen…it’s up to
you to make it happen. This is where the True Republican will stand out,
from the Republican that will say everything and do nothing. On behalf of
our Chairman and Committee members who have put so much time and effort into organizing this commemoration. I want to make this-
heartfelt appeal to every man woman and child, to please, please come out and pay your respects to our dead Heroes, because remember they
have all gone to their Eternal Rest, and hopefully will be watching down
on us, from their Heavenly resting place. Also, I would appeal to every
house in the Parish, in Duhallow, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary and
any other County that had Volunteers taking part in the Clonbanin
Ambush, to proudly fly our National Flag, the Tri Colour with the dignity
and respect it so richly deserve on the days leading up to and for a few
days after our commemoration. Let us turn our countryside into a
sea of Green, White and Orange. If we could do it in 1990
for the Irish team, surely, we can do it for our Men and Women of the
War of Independence.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions only 160 people will be allowed in the Church in Derrinagree, but it will be relayed to the carpark by amplification so as everyone can participate. Also, we will be restricted
to the number we can accommodate in Dromtariffe Parish Hall
afterwards for refreshments and an evening of entertainment. So, it will
be on a first-come, first-served basis, for the first 200/250 people max,
plus a few special guests. This will have to be strictly adhered to, and will have to strictly supervised and enforced. Please let us make it a day
to remember as there is only one Centenary.