“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues., 16th Nov. 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.30 (Irish Time). Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook. Happy Listening! (S.R.) We chat about a variety of topics and we listen to the very best songs and music and share some entertaining quotes! We remember our Faithful Departed. We listen to the wonderful voices of Frank Sinatra, Doris Day …. and there’s more…much more and we chat about the images below accessed from our Museum Pictorial Archive featuring our very special Guest whose Interview we feature at 10pm (Part 2 of 2) – Rosemary (Rosie) Chiaverini. Rosie has met some of the most famous Hollywood Stars including Elvis, Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, Alan Alda to mention but some and has been Secretary to Glen Campbell for some seven years! It’s a most interesting interview with such a wonderful Lady. We thank Michael Thornton for introducing us to this amazing American Visitor.
At 9.40 we share the wonderful story of the famous Wedding Dress which appears in this year’s “Holly Bough” newspaper. It’s great being acquainted with the superb Couple who feature in the very interesting article….Keara and Vincent Cronin of Bishopstown, Cork. Tap on the images below to enlarge. (S.R.)