Retirement of Cullen Native from An Garda Siochana

When the midnight bell struck in Midleton  on 22.2.22 it marked the retirement of a very popular member of the Force = Garda Margaret (Mags) O’ Connell.  A native of Cullen, Co. Cork, Margaret joined the Garda Siochana over 35 years ago.  She served initially in Limerick City before allocation to Midleton Station in the early 1990s.  After the retirement of former JLO – the late Garda John F. O’ Riordan, Garda Management selected  a young Garda O’ Connell for the post.  Over the last 24 years she gave professional service to the youth in East Cork. Yesterday, Retired Detective Garda Sergeant Joan Wilson from her home in Portugal sent this tribute to her friend & former colleague:

“Mags stayed constant in her role as JLO and was a pillar of Midleton station always on hand if help or advice was needed. She served with the U.N. in Mozambique, South East Africa. Of her personal qualities I can only say that she has a heart of pure gold, evidenced by her many years of quiet voluntary work for the more vulnerable people of the community and her dedication to family and friends. Ní bheidh a leithead ann arís”.

Sent on behalf of Tim Bowe secretary of Cork City Branch of Retired Garda Members Association

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