With lots of national media present, Enda Kenny, Fine Gael Leader, delivered a rousing speech in front of the Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet where a large group of supporters warmly applauded his inspiring words. Enda shook hands with many people adding lots of witty and wise comments. Joanne O’Riordan asked a number of very impressive questions to which Enda comprehensively replied. As you will note from our digitial images Enda was delighted to stand for photographs with lots of enthusiastic followers. With his entourage, he then proceeded to Macroom and thereafter to Cork City. LTV2 will have coverage of today’s event on Prog. 180 beginning tonight (17th Feb. 2011) at 10.00 pm and repeated on Sunday at 8.00 pm. This week’s programme is edited by Seán Murphy.
Was there a free can of lilt for everyone in the audience? No wonder Batt O’Keeffe is reportedly warning of the danger of a military coup.
well it was Ned (not Batt) O’Keeffe that made those comments, as for our military … better associated with a chicken coop than a military coup
Many thanks for the correction, Michael.
Hi, With regards to LTV2, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to tune in a television so that I can pick up LTV2 when it is on? I know there was something in the Nov/Dec edition of Clara News on how to do it but that was inadvertently put in the recycling bin! Thanks
Claire – LTV2 Millstreet is available on UHF Channel 50 or 48. Also available on Channel 12 VHF. To discover the frequency it has to be found manually and then saved. If you are in an area where the transmission is good the various broadcasts should be quite clear. When LTV1 or LTV2 are not being broadcast it is usually EWTN which may be viewed on that frequency as this is the channel which Dan Joe Kelleher transmits on the local frequency. Hope these few guidelines may have helped. Finally, highlights of some of our Programmes feature on a regular basis on http://www.millstreet.ie.
Thanks very much for that information Sean, I shall try that this evening. It’s great that the programmes are also available to view on You Tube. Many congratulations on all your accolades at the weekend – thoroughly deserved!
Many thanks, Claire.
Seán’s choice of shirt appears to have been appropriate.