On a very regular basis Bernard Crowley, PRO Supreme of Millstreet Vintage Club, uploads on the Millstreet Website many excellent promotions and outcomes of various highly praiseworthy fundraising events organised by Millstreet Vintage Club with splendid pictorial illustrations by Danny Lane. Motivated by a suggestion by Luke Hurley it was decided that under the coordination of Dan O’Riordan and his wonderfully dedicated MVC Team that the Tractor Run on Sunday, 8th May 2022 would be held in aid of Millstreet Museum and Millstreet Community Website. We are hugely grateful for the recent presentation of such a magnificent Cheque resulting from the splendidly successful Tractor Run. This will greatly assist us to defray our substantial costs relating to the Museum and the Website. Here we share images from the Cheque Presentation at Millstreet’s Carnegie Hall on Monday, 18th Sept. 2022. We also recall the very memorable Tractor Run on 8th May when we were blessed with superb weather, such a joyful and inspirational spirit and a truly happy atmosphere. We express our sincere thanks to Millstreet Vintage Club and the very many people who so generously contributed including a most magnificent contribution from Patrick W. O’Leary from Louisville, Kentucky, USA who very happily attended the Cheque Presentation. Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (Seán Radley, Curator, Millstreet Museum on behalf also of Hannelie O’Connor and Michael Cashman of Millstreet Community Website and also on behalf of the many other Website Contributors).