Nova Kakhovka in Ukraine, was taken by the Russians on the first day of the invasion. For the first couple of months Professor Igor Serdyuka still did his job as the director of a 500 student school. But in early June the Russian occupiers told him to start teaching the Russian curriculum. When he refused, they threw him in jail. He escaped the war with his wife Tatyana, and they have found refuge in Millstreet, but he still organises teaching the students online.
Sky News visited Millstreet recently and interviewed the couple, which can be watched on
A dedicated man maintaining contact with his students in the most difficult circumstances imaginable . So easy for a life to be unexpectedly turned upside down. Hopefully the dictator in Moscow will be routed soon and these brave people can go back to their homes.
I’m proud of such people, they are as brave as soldiers.
And I want to say THANKS A MILLION to Ireland and especially to people of Millstreet. You are always friendly and kind and helpful, all Ukrainians are grateful for all you do for us