Eily’s Report – 21st March

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to my weekly Report.

It was indeed an action packed weekend starting with St. Patrick’s Day on Friday, Six Nations Championship on Saturday and Mothers Day on Sunday coupled with the wonderful Parade in Carriganima in honour of our Patron Saint. The bad weather forecast on the previous days left the organisers on tender hooks in many places, but the Luck of the Irish was on us and there wasn’t an umbrella in sight as our parade made it’s way through the town. It was indeed a multiracial event, with a variety of nationalities taking part. There was a large representation of Ukrainian people of many ages, they stood before the reviewing stand, sang a song of their own country and despite the language barrier expressed their gratitude in the best way they could  as they passed along. Many other nationalities also took part. There was a very good attendance and as always the food outlets, bars and other services did a lively trade. Our Pipe Band played us into the church for 11.30 Mass. The lovely Choir sang very appropriate hymns, the priest blessed the shamrock, Band member Michael McCarthy read the lesson beautifully as Gaeilge and as a finale, their rousing recital of Highland Cathedral filled our huge church with music. On my way down the church I met an elderly lady who came to live in Millstreet in her retirement, she was overawed by it all as everybody was and said to me “haven’t we everything here, oh, the lovely uplifting band”. Needless to say I smiled in agreement. Following the Mass the band  had to beat a hasty retreat to play in Killarney before making it home for our own parade at five. Yes we are blessed.

Every care was taken for  safety during the parade. Barriers were erected by the Gardai along the route and their members held a friendly presence throughout. Our team of volunteers were there to take down all the bunting and decorations and return the scene to its former tidy appearance.  We can only give them all a sincere thumbs up on a good job well done and say many thanks to all who  helped in any way, including those who took part.

Then on Saturday afternoon there wasn’t a soul on the streets as rugby fans hugged the telly for the finals of the Six Nations and the Grand Slam. Their dedication was rewarded with Ireland winning all the way through. Best of all was that they won on their own home turf and the players were able to bring their children and their wives on to the pitch to celebrate with them, precious moments that they will never forget.  Further to that the U20’s success on Sunday was almost too much to expect. Coupled with Mother’s Day there was an abundance of celebrating to do, uplifting stuff that was never more wanting.  Food outlets at all levels were booked out well in advance of Mother’s Day. For me it clashed with the wonderful Parade in Carriganima which by all accounts was a classic as always.

Friday, March 24 is Daffodil Day, please support it well.

Our Holy Tubrid Well will feature large next Sunday when the Johnnie Hickey Memorial Vintage Car Club will make it one of their stops.  They are inviting all and sundry to come and join them. Proceeds of their venture will go to the upkeep of this historical Holy Place. They sign in at the Bridge Bar in Millstreet at 10.30 for a 12noon start, with our wonderful pipe Band playing them off. A show not to be missed and we wish them fair weather.

Now as we ascend from cloud nine and reality will kick in, we must realise that the Holy Season of Lent isn’t over yet and we must go back to the promises that we made on Ash Wednesday. But we haven’t far to go, Easter Sunday is very close, April 9th and when it comes we can go back to our favourite things again and be glad we made the effort. Please be reminded that we have Mass in our church every day, normally at 10 am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and at 7.30pm on Monday and Friday. This is subject to change if there is a funeral or for some other reason.  In fact there is no Mass today Tuesday, it’s Presentation Day and the children from the Convent School are coming to the church to celebrate the occasion. Adoration will be held as usual.  It’s always wise to check. This week the Friday Mass will be at 10 am and the Stations of the Cross will be said before it, starting at 9.30. Our 10 am  masses are in normal times are, preceded by to Recitation of the Holy Rosary from 9.40 with Mary Dennehy and sometimes organ music by Deirdre.  These services can be got online.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday from 10.30 am to 7.30 pm Legion of Mary meeting at the Parish Centre every Tuesday night at 7.30. Confessions every Saturday from 12.30 to 1.

Diocese of Kerry Lenten on-line Talk ,entitled ‘Who is my Neighbour’, tonight at 8, at www.dioceseofkerry.ie

The clocks go forward next Saturday night, heralding in Summer Time evenings will be brighter  to fill us with hope for the year ahead.

There is a notice on our Mass leaflet this week to say that the Annual Litter Spring Clean-Up will be held on Next Saturday March 25th. (Weather permitting). Meet at Super Valu at 10 am. pickers, gloves etc. provided.  Please be there in big numbers as many hands make light work.

It’s that time again when children will be receiving new sacraments.  Special Mass and Confirmation ceremony will be held in Dromagh church on the forenoon of Thursday April 20th and in the afternoon of the same day the children of Millstreet Convent and Boys National schools will be confirmed in Millstreet without Mass. Two days later April 22nd the children in  Derrinagree will receive their First Holy Communion.

First Holy Communions in Millstreet will be on May 13th.

Fr. Paddy has a full range of all religious items for these very important occasions, booklets, medals and Statues at very affordable rates and greeting cards that say it all for you at just one Euro.   If the ‘OPEN’ sign is on his door, then he’s there. Give him a call.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 18,22,26,29 ,and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Cullen GAA. The seller was Lehane and he got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Helen Murphy. c/o Pat. €20 each to Denis Cronin. Drishane Rd. Celia Roche, c/o Capabu, Bina Burke, c/o Capabu. Connie O’Riordan c/o Colemans. Jerome McCarthy, c/o Coleman’s. Michael Tarrant, c/o Ita. Anne Marie and Rian, Clara, Patricia Guerin, c/o Denny Cronin. Next Draw March 26th Jackpot €7.000.

45Drive at the Canon O’Donovan Centre every Tuesday night, in Cullen on Wednesday night and Ballydaly on Sunday night. All with an 8.30 start.

The rain is falling outside my window and the little birds are picking at the peanuts, while others who can’t feed that way are anxiously looking up for what the others let fall. None of them seem to mind the rain, while the lordly crow holds himself upright in his effort to throw off the drops before they reach his skin. Must feel something like us getting a drop of cold rain down the back of your neck. Perish the thought. The wild life is revving up at the moment. I can easily spot some mallards passing over down by the river in pairs, also the almost static heron looks busier than usual. Last week when my lawn was cut the crows came and gathered up any dry matter that was left by the lawnmower. Great things to see and I saw them busy working on their nests high up on tall trees in a local rookery at the weekend. Nature at it’s best.

Agus sinn abfuil a cairde Slán is Beannacht Dé libh go léir.



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